Cheats & Guides
Dark Cloud Cheats For PlayStation 2
Infinite Grass Cakes (PAL-only)
(This allows you to get them a chapter earlier than the previous glitch.) When loading the game, make the language be French (Francais). Go to Queens and to Basker's check-in. Enter and exit the storage area, then go to a store in Queens. Go to row 7 of your items, then press Left until you're in slot five of row four of the shop's inventory. Press Right+X and you'll obtain a Grass Cake. Repeat from the beginning as desired to get as many Grass Cakes as you need.
Contributed by: Anonymous
Infinite Witch Parfaits (PAL-only)
For this, change the language to German (Deutsch). Go to Muska Racka and go to Enga's check-in counter. Enter and close the storage menu, then go to Brooke's store. Go to row 12 of your item inventory, then go to slot five, row four of Brooke's inventory. Press Right+X and you'll obtain a Witch Parfait. Repeat from the start as desired to obtain infinite amounts of Witch Parfaits.
Contributed by: Anonymous
Obtain Flapping Dusters (Non-Japanese Versions)
This glitch is for non-Japanese versions of the game, as all versions beyond Japan do not have the Flapping Duster properly programmed. This glitch is the only way to obtain the Duster and thus reach backfloors in the Dark Heaven Castle's dungeon.
We first must delete your item menu. Empty your items inventory as much as possible, storing items if needed. Go to Rudy's store in Queen, to the bottom row of the attachments, and then use the Right+X trick on the fifth slot of the fourth row of the shop's menu. This should get you a glitchy item menu. Place it back in the shop, then bring your cursor to the far left side of the screen, where it cannot go further. Then press Up, use R1/L1 to go to the weapons menu, and press Up twice more. Return to the store's menu, put the cursor on "CHECK", and press Left to make the shop visible again. Grab an Ice Block and to the first invisible slot on your menu. Press Right three times and then X. Your inventory will now be blanked out. Drop the glitch attachment in the shop and leave the shop. Next, we need a glitchy Heaven's Cloud sword. Go to the Hag's house in Norune and enter and exit her check-in. Visit the Gaffer's and visit the Gaffer's store. Cycle to your (deleted) item menu and the cursor will glitch. Now press Right until the first instance seen of a "Heaven's Cloud". Grab it and place it in your weapons inventory. Remove both attachments from it (one might be invisible!). With these done, return to Gaffer's shop and cycle to your weapons inventory. Use the Broken Dagger glitch to get items using row 7 and row 9 of your weapons inventory, while the cursor is hovering over the final slot of row 5 of Gaffer's inventory. Place each in your attachments inventory. Go to your glitchy Heaven's Cloud and put both attachments on it, then go to your items menu. Go to your weapons menu and press Up to reveal one invisible row; cycle through the glitched menu until your cursor is hovering over the bottom-right corner of the "Active Item" menu. Press X to drop it there, filling your Active Items with Broken Dagger attachments. Go back to the shop and to your weapons. Go to row 8 and use the Right+X trick again on slot 20 of Gaffer's inventory to get a glitchy invisible item. Place it in slot 1 of your attachments menu. Cycle through the menus to make Gaffer's shop one invisible (press Up when in it) and then go to your attachments menu and press Up twice. Place your cursor where the fourth column of items in the shop would normally be and hold Down for 20 seconds, then cycle rightward through the items until you find the Flapping Duster. Grab it and put it in your items menu. Then trash the random glitchy items you got earlier, namely the Active Items (as the game will crash if you don't remove them now).Contributed by: Anonymous
Avoid penalty rings
Sometimes you may pass by rings that give you disadvantages such as reduced fund or low max WHP...
to avoid the risk of such rings switch to your default weapon (the 1st weapon that the character have) this will always give you "stamina" statusContributed by: memorizes
Avoiding decrease Abs in Limited zones
To avoid decreasing your weapon's Abs in limited zones that do such, is to kill the enemy then before the enemy vanishes, switch to any other ally. Note: This is only good for limited zones. When doing this on a normal zone, none of the allies will receive the Abs from killing the enemy.
Contributed by: brch3
Infinite Gourds (PAL-only)
When loading the game, make the language be English. Open the Georama menu and enter and exit the Save screen. Then go to the Gaffer's Shop and go to row 15 of your items. Go left so that the cursor hovers over slot five of row four of Gaffer's inventory, then press Right+X. And you have a Gourd! Repeat as wanted (from the start) to get as many as you desire!
Contributed by: Anonymous
Heal status problems without status items.
If you are poisoned, cursed, or gooed, you can use a Stamina Drink to get rid of it. The problem will remain until the Stamina wears off. When the Stamina sign dissappears, it will take the status condition with it. You can also use status causing items like a Gooey Peach or Poisoned Apple to replace a status problem you have a healing item for.
Contributed by: Pyrithe
Keep Lamb's Sword in Wolf Mode
When the Lamb's Sword gets low on Whp, it goes into Wolf Mode, which increases all of it's stats, even if they're maxed. As soon as you go into the menu and repair it, it goes back to normal. But to keep it in Wolf Mode, put an auto repair powder in your item slots, then let the sword break. You'll now have a full Whp on the Wolf Mode, but if you go into the weapon menu, it will change back.
Contributed by: Pyrithe
Broken Dagger Attachment Glitch
To initiate the best possible execution of the glitch, you need to start early on in the game. During the initial building of Norune Village, make sure that Pike is placed into Paige's House prior to completing Old Gaffer's Buggy, so as to obtain the better selection of items at the shop. Upon doing this, next you need to go to Old Gaffer's Buggy and shop. Hover the cursor over the Ice attachment and simultaneously press the X button and Right on the D-Pad. It may take a few tries, but you'll be holding a Broken Dagger in the Attachments menu (or, occasionally, something else). This Broken Dagger can usually be used as an attachment on weapons to mess with stats. Most of its known varieties will max the weapon's stats when an odd number is placed on the weapon, as well as adding several abilities, although they are merely temporal. Regardless, you'll obtain a weapon that will Build Up after the next upgrade. Another use is placing many of them on a weapon and selling this weapon to the Old Gaffer (it only works there). Generally, you can obtain obscenely high amounts of Gilda back from this. Please note, however, that the glitch is best done using the above method and offers the highest known rate of success. Using it in alternate situations can cause you to receive beta/glitch items and maybe also cause game freezes. Done properly, however, you'll be guaranteed easy battles and easy Gilda!
Contributed by: Anonymous
Unbreakable Weapons
For this glitch, assure every character has two weapons. Their default must be on the first inventory slot, except for Goro's, whose must be on the second. No one should be wielding their default weapon. Load your game file and immediately enter the menu via Triangle. Go to the Old Gaffer's and place the cursor on row 8 of your inventory. Press Left, then press Right+X at the same time (executing the Broken Dagger glitch as noted previously).
This will put you in a glitchy menu. Press L1 and then X to drop your invisible held item. Press Left 5 times, Up once, and Right 13 times. From here, press Down exactly 152 times and press X; then press Down 17 more times and press X. Then press Right 3 times, Down 18 times, and press X. Then press Right 3 times and Down 15 times, then press X. Then press Down 17 times and press X. Press Down 17 more times and press X. From there, exit the store via Circle. This changes your equipped, non-default weapons to glitchy weapons with variable stats, though that is not important. However, none of your weapons will ever break now.Contributed by: Anonymous
Infinite Grass Cakes
To begin, enter the Check-In menu at Enga's House in Muska Racka, and then leave. Go to Brooke's House and then go to row 13 of your item menu. Go left into the shop menu's last slot in the fourth row, and then use Right+X until you get something. This will give you a Grass Cake. Drop it in the shop, and you'll be told it is too important, and you'll get it for free. (Dropping it in your menu directly forces the payment of 1,000 Gilda.) Thus, you can boost Goro's Defense infinitely! To get an additional Grass Cake, you must restart the process by going to Enga's and then to Brooke's in a back-and-forth manner.
Contributed by: Anonymous
Extremely High Defense
For this, get a weapon with two attachment slots. Open and close the menu and visit Odd Gaffer's. Use the Broken Dagger glitch mentioend previously to get Broken Daggers from rows 7 and 9 of his shop. Put the row 7 attachment in the first slot of the weapon and the row 9 in the other. Re-enter the shop and do the glitch on row 5 to grab an invisible item. Scroll from the attachments menu to the left side of the screen, then press Up. Return to the attachment menu, press Up one time, revealing a clear row. Bring the regular menu back and grab the sword with the Broken Daggers on it. Place it on the first slot of the clear row, press Right three times, and then X. You should have earned some 28,000 Gilda, given yourself some random items (most you can trash), and thrown every character's defenses to well over 1,000. (Be sure to remove all of your Broken Daggers from the Active Items menu or the game will crash when you enter a dungeon!)
Contributed by: Anonymous
Make Dungeons Have 108 Floors
Note that this will not affect the Gallery of Time or the Demon Shaft.
Load your game. Open the menu with Triangle, close it, and go to a store. Put your cursor on row 9 of your item inventory, press Left, then press Right+X (as if using the Broken Dagger glitch). Place the Broken Dagger on your first attachment slot. Go to the bottom row of your attachment menu, press Left, and then Right+X again to get a glitchy menu. Press L1, Up, Right, and X. Then grab the Broken Dagger and place it in the first slot of the no-background row, and leave the store via Circle. Open and the close the menu, then go to the shop again. Grab the invisible menu item as before, then press L1 and X to get the Broken Dagger. Press Left 5 times, Up 1 time, Right 10 times, Down 149 times, and press X. Use Circle to leave the store. If done right, your characters (except Osmond) will have "near-death" status, but full HP. (This returns to normal later.) You can now enter a dungeon as noted earlier. It will now have 108 floors, though the menu is glitchy is beyond floor 100. (The rows and floor numbers are blank, but they're there.) You can go beyond Floor 108 by completing it as high as 128 before the game crashes. In these glitched dungeons, a variety of enemies from other dungeons will also appear. These floors will have no Atla.Contributed by: Anonymous
Make the Demon Shaft Have 108 Floors
As established in the previous glitch, you can extend dungeons to 108-128 floors, but the Demon Shaft crashes with them. To fix this, visit another dungeon and visit a regular floor on it (example: B1 in the Divine Beast Cave). Just arriving in there is enough; leave thereafter. Go to the Demon Shaft and you can now access the extra floors after doing the previous glitch. The maps loaded have the aesthetics of that dungeon you visited. You, however, are stuck behind a wall at the start; by running into the corners, you can run through a wall and through the map, in turn falling on top of the map. You can walk on top of a roof feature, like a stalactite, to return to the map proper and play the floor as normal, though Back Floors will still crash the game and you cannot go the next floor or use locked doors in some layouts.
Contributed by: Anonymous
Skip to the Credits Before the First Boss
Before beginning, you must have...
- A Dagger +3, with full ABS and default attributes
- Any other weapon for Toan in his third slot, his Dagger in his first
- Restore Gaffer's Buggy and Hag's House
- One Wind Attachment in top-left corner of attachments menu
- POne ower-Up Powder Load your file. Go to the Hag's House and give her your Power-Up Powder, then leave. Open and close the menu, then go to the Gaffer's store. Assure that fifth slot in the fourth row of his inventory is blank, and be sure the menu is fully scrolled up after. Put your cursor on row 8 of the item menu, then press Left and Right+X. Press L1 and X to drop the glitch item once gotten. Press L1, Right 3 times, and X. Leave the store and return to the Hag's place. Put the Power-Up Powder in the first slot of your item inventory. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up 1 time, Right 10 times, and Left 2 times. Press Down for a while and you'll see a Steel Slingshot in the descriptor in the bottom-right. Once found, press Down once and Triangle twice. Exit and re-enter the check-in menu. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up once, and Right 10 times again. Now, scroll down until finding an Atlamillia Sword, then press Down 4 times and press X. Press Left, then X and Circle. Press Triangle twice to leave, then re-enter. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up 1 time, Right 10 times, and scroll down for about 7-8 seconds until seeing a Foundation item. Press Down 5 more times, press X, then press Left and hold Down until reaching the bottom of the check-in menu. Hover it over the bottom-right slot and press X, Circle, and Triangle twice. Leave the Check-In menu and enter the items menu. Put your Power-Up Power in the 5th negative item slot (the invisible slot above the top-left slot). Save the game and reset and reload your file. Place a Broken Dagger and Wind Attachment on your Dagger, then upgrade it via your ABS. Then place the other Broken Daggers on it and upgrade it via Power-Up Powder in the Item Menu's Active Items. Then return to the Weapons Menu and do a Status Break on it. Put the Synth Sphere on the first slot of your attachments menu and go to the Hag's. Press Left 5 times, Up, Right 10 times, and Left once when you enter the Check-In menu. Scroll down for 5 seconds until you find the Synth Sphere in that menu (watch the description). Once found, press Right 9 times and Triangle twice. Leave the Check-In Counter and go to Gaffer's. Press L1, then grab the Synth Sphere. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up, Right 10 times, and L1. Then Right once and Down 157 times. Press X to drop the Sphere. Put Toan's 3rd weapon into the 5th negative weapon slot (open the "negative" menu in the items menu first) and then enter the Check-In menu at Hag's. Press R1, then X. Press Left 5 times, Up once, Right 10 times, and Left twice. Scroll down for 10 seconds until you see a Foundation. Press Down 77 times beyond there and then X. Leave the counter, save, reset, and reload. Once the game is loaded, if everything was done correctly, the credits will immediately roll. (However, you cannot actually get to the Demon Shaft this way as the file saved will just reload the credits every time played.)Contributed by: Anonymous
Infinite Pockets
Begin by pressing Select and Triangle in the field in order. Go to the Manuals, Georama, and then "Walking in a georama". Once the tutorial opens, close it and go to any store. Go to row 11 of your weapon inventory, then go to store's screen. Press Right, X, and R1 all at the same time. (The game can freeze, so save before attempting.) You'll be in your item inventory with a glitchy invisible Steel Hammer. Press X, R1, Right three times, and X. You'll now have no items and no possible slots, thus allowing the glitch menu to appear..
Go now to a check-in counter somewhere. Once there, press R1 to enter your weapon menu, put your cursor on the fourth column, and go down until you see an "Ointment Leaf" in the bottom-right. Then press Down four more times. Press X to grab a Chronicle Sword attachment. Then hold Down to cycle to the bottom of the check-in counter menu after about 20-30 seconds and store that attachment away. Exit and re-enter the counter and cycle to your weapons. Hover the cursor over the sword and press Triangle for the quick pick-up option. Now, exit and re-enter the counter and press Up when you re-enter. Then cycle the cursor to the right side of the check-in counter window and hold Down for about 6 seconds, until you see a "Witch Parfait", then continue holding it until your cursor is in line with the top row of the windows' items, but half off-screen. Then press Right 14 times and you will find a "Pocket". Press X to grab it, then hold Down until you return to your storage. You can then store the item and use it later. Save and reset after and you can repeat this process (from the start) infinitely until you get all the Pockets you want. Once done, from the check-in counter, drag the Pockets into your inventory. You can then enter the Items menu and drag the Pockets from the invisible slot above the "Item" message box onto Toan to cause expand his inventory. (It will take several Pockets to make you have non-zero inventory space, after which the Pockets can be applied normally.)Contributed by: Anonymous
Rebattle King's Curse or Fight It Early
Begin by going to Norune Village and entering and exiting the Hag's check-in menu. Then go to the Gaffer's Buggy. There, go to the seventh row of your Item menu and then hover the course over the fifth slot in the fourth row of Gaffer's shop. Press Right+X simultaneously and you should get a Moon Signet. Go to the bottom of the Sun & Moon Temple and approach the pillar on the right side where the Moon Signet goes, if it's not there already. Press Square and you can insert the duplicated Signet and force the boss to occur again! This will let you complete the duel that follows the boss again for an attempt at the Turquoise jewel.
Contributed by: Anonymous
Get Chronicle 2 Sword Early (US only)
Open and close the menu in the game, then go to the Gaffer's store. Put the cursor on row 7 of your items, then hover the cursor over the fifth slot in the fourth row of Gaffer's menu. Press Right+X and you'll get a Broken Dagger. Place it in the attachments menu. Put your cursor now on the bottom left of your attachments menu, press Left, then Right+X again. You should get an invisible item that glitches the menu. Press L1, X, L1, Right three times, X, Left eight times, Up, Right twelve times, and then hold Down for about 13 seconds. Keep an eye in the bottom-right for a "Buster Sword +2945" (hold Down for about 12 seconds and then press it slowly for a few more). Press X to grab it and place it in Toan's weapons. Go to the menu and customize it.
Take the slingshot attachment and put it in the first slot of row 7 of your attachments. Take the Secret Armlet that looks like a Sax and put it in the last slot of row 6. Then go to the Hag's check-in menu. Press R1, Left 5 times, then you'll see a "Chronicle 2+3355". Drag it into your weapons inventory. It will only have 1 WHP, so be sure to use a Repair Powder on it at some point, but, otherwise, you now have the strongest weapon in the game, and better than the one obtained legitimately! (To return your ability to use items, use the later-described trick to get infinite Pockets.)Contributed by: Anonymous
Early Chronicle 2 Sword (PAL-only)
Open and close the menu in the game, remove and replace Gaffer's Shop and Hag's House in the Norune Georama, then enter and exit the Divine Beast Cave. Put the cursor on row 7 of your items, then hover the cursor over the fifth slot in the fourth row of Gaffer's menu. Press Right+X and you should get an invisible item that glitches the menu. Place it in the last slot of row five of Gaffer's inventory, press R1 to go to your weapons, then press Up. Cycle left until your cursor is hoving just to the right of Gaffer's second row of items. Then press L1, Right twice, Left five times, Up, Right twelve times, R1, and you'll want to hold Down for about 14-15 seconds. Keep an eye in the bottom-right for "Buster Sword +2935". Place it in Toan's inventory. Go to the menu and customize it.
Take the slingshot attachment and put it in the first slot of row 7 of your attachments. Take the Secret Armlet that looks like a Sax and put it in the last slot of row 6. Then go to the Hag's check-in menu. Press R1, Left 5 times, then you'll see a "Chronicle 2+3345". Drag it into your weapons inventory. It will only have 1 WHP, so be sure to use a Repair Powder on it at some point, but, otherwise, you now have the strongest weapon in the game, and better than the one obtained legitimately! (To return your ability to use items, use the later-described trick to get infinite Pockets.)Contributed by: Anonymous
Infinite Fluffy Doughnuts (PAL-only)
When loading the game, make the language be Spanish (Espanol). Open the Georama, then go to the first menu option and cycle to the Georama for the Dark Heaven Castle. Close the menu and go to Gaffer's. Then go to the Gaffer's Shop and go to row 17 of your items. Go left so that the cursor hovers over slot five of row four of Gaffer's inventory, then press Right+X. You'll obtain a Fluffy Doughnut; repeat from the beginning to get as many as desired.
Contributed by: Anonymous
Georama Rewards
Meet every character's request in an area and you'll get that particular rating to 100%, which in turn gets you these rewards. If unnamed (Yellow Drops, Dark Heaven Castle), completion of those Georamas is required for progress in the game.
Unlockable Unlockable Get 100% in Matataki Village Battle Ax Get 100% in Queens Macho Sword Get 100% in Muska Lacka Mirage & Diamond Get 100% in Norune Village Windmill Slash (new charge attack for Toan) Contributed by: Anonymous
Unlock Demon Shaft (US Releases)
The Demon Shaft is an extra dungeon, only found on US releases of this game - this is compensation as a result of the Dark Heaven Castle not having accessible back-floors: the Japanese version lacks the Demon Shaft. You can find the Demon Shaft after you beat the game, view the ending, and save it: the option will now be in the middle of the world map when you reload that saved game. The Demon Shaft is a long, 100-floor dungeon that has an extremely difficult boss battle at the end; after beating this boss, you will be given access to Toan's Chronicle 2 weapon, his ultimate weapon.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game Unlock Demon Shaft Contributed by: FFrulez
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Dark Cloud Cheats For PlayStation 4
Infinite Grass Cakes (PAL-only)
(This allows you to get them a chapter earlier than the previous glitch.) When loading the game, make the language be French (Francais). Go to Queens and to Basker's check-in. Enter and exit the storage area, then go to a store in Queens. Go to row 7 of your items, then press Left until you're in slot five of row four of the shop's inventory. Press Right+X and you'll obtain a Grass Cake. Repeat from the beginning as desired to get as many Grass Cakes as you need.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Obtain Flapping Dusters (Non-Japanese Versions)
This glitch is for non-Japanese versions of the game, as all versions beyond Japan do not have the Flapping Duster properly programmed. This glitch is the only way to obtain the Duster and thus reach backfloors in the Dark Heaven Castle's dungeon.
We first must delete your item menu. Empty your items inventory as much as possible, storing items if needed. Go to Rudy's store in Queen, to the bottom row of the attachments, and then use the Right+X trick on the fifth slot of the fourth row of the shop's menu. This should get you a glitchy item menu. Place it back in the shop, then bring your cursor to the far left side of the screen, where it cannot go further. Then press Up, use R1/L1 to go to the weapons menu, and press Up twice more. Return to the store's menu, put the cursor on "CHECK", and press Left to make the shop visible again. Grab an Ice Block and to the first invisible slot on your menu. Press Right three times and then X. Your inventory will now be blanked out. Drop the glitch attachment in the shop and leave the shop. Next, we need a glitchy Heaven's Cloud sword. Go to the Hag's house in Norune and enter and exit her check-in. Visit the Gaffer's and visit the Gaffer's store. Cycle to your (deleted) item menu and the cursor will glitch. Now press Right until the first instance seen of a "Heaven's Cloud". Grab it and place it in your weapons inventory. Remove both attachments from it (one might be invisible!). With these done, return to Gaffer's shop and cycle to your weapons inventory. Use the Broken Dagger glitch to get items using row 7 and row 9 of your weapons inventory, while the cursor is hovering over the final slot of row 5 of Gaffer's inventory. Place each in your attachments inventory. Go to your glitchy Heaven's Cloud and put both attachments on it, then go to your items menu. Go to your weapons menu and press Up to reveal one invisible row; cycle through the glitched menu until your cursor is hovering over the bottom-right corner of the "Active Item" menu. Press X to drop it there, filling your Active Items with Broken Dagger attachments. Go back to the shop and to your weapons. Go to row 8 and use the Right+X trick again on slot 20 of Gaffer's inventory to get a glitchy invisible item. Place it in slot 1 of your attachments menu. Cycle through the menus to make Gaffer's shop one invisible (press Up when in it) and then go to your attachments menu and press Up twice. Place your cursor where the fourth column of items in the shop would normally be and hold Down for 20 seconds, then cycle rightward through the items until you find the Flapping Duster. Grab it and put it in your items menu. Then trash the random glitchy items you got earlier, namely the Active Items (as the game will crash if you don't remove them now).Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Make the Demon Shaft Have 108 Floors
As established in the previous glitch, you can extend dungeons to 108-128 floors, but the Demon Shaft crashes with them. To fix this, visit another dungeon and visit a regular floor on it (example: B1 in the Divine Beast Cave). Just arriving in there is enough; leave thereafter. Go to the Demon Shaft and you can now access the extra floors after doing the previous glitch. The maps loaded have the aesthetics of that dungeon you visited. You, however, are stuck behind a wall at the start; by running into the corners, you can run through a wall and through the map, in turn falling on top of the map. You can walk on top of a roof feature, like a stalactite, to return to the map proper and play the floor as normal, though Back Floors will still crash the game and you cannot go the next floor or use locked doors in some layouts.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Make Dungeons Have 108 Floors
Note that this will not affect the Gallery of Time or the Demon Shaft.
Load your game. Open the menu with Triangle, close it, and go to a store. Put your cursor on row 9 of your item inventory, press Left, then press Right+X (as if using the Broken Dagger glitch). Place the Broken Dagger on your first attachment slot. Go to the bottom row of your attachment menu, press Left, and then Right+X again to get a glitchy menu. Press L1, Up, Right, and X. Then grab the Broken Dagger and place it in the first slot of the no-background row, and leave the store via Circle. Open and the close the menu, then go to the shop again. Grab the invisible menu item as before, then press L1 and X to get the Broken Dagger. Press Left 5 times, Up 1 time, Right 10 times, Down 149 times, and press X. Use Circle to leave the store. If done right, your characters (except Osmond) will have "near-death" status, but full HP. (This returns to normal later.) You can now enter a dungeon as noted earlier. It will now have 108 floors, though the menu is glitchy is beyond floor 100. (The rows and floor numbers are blank, but they're there.) You can go beyond Floor 108 by completing it as high as 128 before the game crashes. In these glitched dungeons, a variety of enemies from other dungeons will also appear. These floors will have no Atla.Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Keep Lamb's Sword in Wolf Mode
When the Lamb's Sword gets low on Whp, it goes into Wolf Mode, which increases all of it's stats, even if they're maxed. As soon as you go into the menu and repair it, it goes back to normal. But to keep it in Wolf Mode, put an auto repair powder in your item slots, then let the sword break. You'll now have a full Whp on the Wolf Mode, but if you go into the weapon menu, it will change back.
Contributed by: Pyrithe
Infinite Witch Parfaits (PAL-only)
For this, change the language to German (Deutsch). Go to Muska Racka and go to Enga's check-in counter. Enter and close the storage menu, then go to Brooke's store. Go to row 12 of your item inventory, then go to slot five, row four of Brooke's inventory. Press Right+X and you'll obtain a Witch Parfait. Repeat from the start as desired to obtain infinite amounts of Witch Parfaits.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Infinite Pockets
Begin by pressing Select and Triangle in the field in order. Go to the Manuals, Georama, and then "Walking in a georama". Once the tutorial opens, close it and go to any store. Go to row 11 of your weapon inventory, then go to store's screen. Press Right, X, and R1 all at the same time. (The game can freeze, so save before attempting.) You'll be in your item inventory with a glitchy invisible Steel Hammer. Press X, R1, Right three times, and X. You'll now have no items and no possible slots, thus allowing the glitch menu to appear..
Go now to a check-in counter somewhere. Once there, press R1 to enter your weapon menu, put your cursor on the fourth column, and go down until you see an "Ointment Leaf" in the bottom-right. Then press Down four more times. Press X to grab a Chronicle Sword attachment. Then hold Down to cycle to the bottom of the check-in counter menu after about 20-30 seconds and store that attachment away. Exit and re-enter the counter and cycle to your weapons. Hover the cursor over the sword and press Triangle for the quick pick-up option. Now, exit and re-enter the counter and press Up when you re-enter. Then cycle the cursor to the right side of the check-in counter window and hold Down for about 6 seconds, until you see a "Witch Parfait", then continue holding it until your cursor is in line with the top row of the windows' items, but half off-screen. Then press Right 14 times and you will find a "Pocket". Press X to grab it, then hold Down until you return to your storage. You can then store the item and use it later. Save and reset after and you can repeat this process (from the start) infinitely until you get all the Pockets you want. Once done, from the check-in counter, drag the Pockets into your inventory. You can then enter the Items menu and drag the Pockets from the invisible slot above the "Item" message box onto Toan to cause expand his inventory. (It will take several Pockets to make you have non-zero inventory space, after which the Pockets can be applied normally.)Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Infinite Grass Cakes
To begin, enter the Check-In menu at Enga's House in Muska Racka, and then leave. Go to Brooke's House and then go to row 13 of your item menu. Go left into the shop menu's last slot in the fourth row, and then use Right+X until you get something. This will give you a Grass Cake. Drop it in the shop, and you'll be told it is too important, and you'll get it for free. (Dropping it in your menu directly forces the payment of 1,000 Gilda.) Thus, you can boost Goro's Defense infinitely! To get an additional Grass Cake, you must restart the process by going to Enga's and then to Brooke's in a back-and-forth manner.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Infinite Gourds (PAL-only)
When loading the game, make the language be English. Open the Georama menu and enter and exit the Save screen. Then go to the Gaffer's Shop and go to row 15 of your items. Go left so that the cursor hovers over slot five of row four of Gaffer's inventory, then press Right+X. And you have a Gourd! Repeat as wanted (from the start) to get as many as you desire!
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Infinite Fluffy Doughnuts (PAL-only)
When loading the game, make the language be Spanish (Espanol). Open the Georama, then go to the first menu option and cycle to the Georama for the Dark Heaven Castle. Close the menu and go to Gaffer's. Then go to the Gaffer's Shop and go to row 17 of your items. Go left so that the cursor hovers over slot five of row four of Gaffer's inventory, then press Right+X. You'll obtain a Fluffy Doughnut; repeat from the beginning to get as many as desired.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Heal status problems without status items.
If you are poisoned, cursed, or gooed, you can use a Stamina Drink to get rid of it. The problem will remain until the Stamina wears off. When the Stamina sign dissappears, it will take the status condition with it. You can also use status causing items like a Gooey Peach or Poisoned Apple to replace a status problem you have a healing item for.
Contributed by: Pyrithe
Get Chronicle 2 Sword Early (US only)
Open and close the menu in the game, then go to the Gaffer's store. Put the cursor on row 7 of your items, then hover the cursor over the fifth slot in the fourth row of Gaffer's menu. Press Right+X and you'll get a Broken Dagger. Place it in the attachments menu. Put your cursor now on the bottom left of your attachments menu, press Left, then Right+X again. You should get an invisible item that glitches the menu. Press L1, X, L1, Right three times, X, Left eight times, Up, Right twelve times, and then hold Down for about 13 seconds. Keep an eye in the bottom-right for a "Buster Sword +2945" (hold Down for about 12 seconds and then press it slowly for a few more). Press X to grab it and place it in Toan's weapons. Go to the menu and customize it.
Take the slingshot attachment and put it in the first slot of row 7 of your attachments. Take the Secret Armlet that looks like a Sax and put it in the last slot of row 6. Then go to the Hag's check-in menu. Press R1, Left 5 times, then you'll see a "Chronicle 2+3355". Drag it into your weapons inventory. It will only have 1 WHP, so be sure to use a Repair Powder on it at some point, but, otherwise, you now have the strongest weapon in the game, and better than the one obtained legitimately! (To return your ability to use items, use the later-described trick to get infinite Pockets.)Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Extremely High Defense
For this, get a weapon with two attachment slots. Open and close the menu and visit Odd Gaffer's. Use the Broken Dagger glitch mentioend previously to get Broken Daggers from rows 7 and 9 of his shop. Put the row 7 attachment in the first slot of the weapon and the row 9 in the other. Re-enter the shop and do the glitch on row 5 to grab an invisible item. Scroll from the attachments menu to the left side of the screen, then press Up. Return to the attachment menu, press Up one time, revealing a clear row. Bring the regular menu back and grab the sword with the Broken Daggers on it. Place it on the first slot of the clear row, press Right three times, and then X. You should have earned some 28,000 Gilda, given yourself some random items (most you can trash), and thrown every character's defenses to well over 1,000. (Be sure to remove all of your Broken Daggers from the Active Items menu or the game will crash when you enter a dungeon!)
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Broken Dagger Attachment Glitch
To initiate the best possible execution of the glitch, you need to start early on in the game. During the initial building of Norune Village, make sure that Pike is placed into Paige's House prior to completing Old Gaffer's Buggy, so as to obtain the better selection of items at the shop. Upon doing this, next you need to go to Old Gaffer's Buggy and shop. Hover the cursor over the Ice attachment and simultaneously press the X button and Right on the D-Pad. It may take a few tries, but you'll be holding a Broken Dagger in the Attachments menu (or, occasionally, something else). This Broken Dagger can usually be used as an attachment on weapons to mess with stats. Most of its known varieties will max the weapon's stats when an odd number is placed on the weapon, as well as adding several abilities, although they are merely temporal. Regardless, you'll obtain a weapon that will Build Up after the next upgrade. Another use is placing many of them on a weapon and selling this weapon to the Old Gaffer (it only works there). Generally, you can obtain obscenely high amounts of Gilda back from this. Please note, however, that the glitch is best done using the above method and offers the highest known rate of success. Using it in alternate situations can cause you to receive beta/glitch items and maybe also cause game freezes. Done properly, however, you'll be guaranteed easy battles and easy Gilda!
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Avoiding decrease Abs in Limited zones
To avoid decreasing your weapon's Abs in limited zones that do such, is to kill the enemy then before the enemy vanishes, switch to any other ally. Note: This is only good for limited zones. When doing this on a normal zone, none of the allies will receive the Abs from killing the enemy.
Contributed by: brch3
Early Chronicle 2 Sword (PAL-only)
Open and close the menu in the game, remove and replace Gaffer's Shop and Hag's House in the Norune Georama, then enter and exit the Divine Beast Cave. Put the cursor on row 7 of your items, then hover the cursor over the fifth slot in the fourth row of Gaffer's menu. Press Right+X and you should get an invisible item that glitches the menu. Place it in the last slot of row five of Gaffer's inventory, press R1 to go to your weapons, then press Up. Cycle left until your cursor is hoving just to the right of Gaffer's second row of items. Then press L1, Right twice, Left five times, Up, Right twelve times, R1, and you'll want to hold Down for about 14-15 seconds. Keep an eye in the bottom-right for "Buster Sword +2935". Place it in Toan's inventory. Go to the menu and customize it.
Take the slingshot attachment and put it in the first slot of row 7 of your attachments. Take the Secret Armlet that looks like a Sax and put it in the last slot of row 6. Then go to the Hag's check-in menu. Press R1, Left 5 times, then you'll see a "Chronicle 2+3345". Drag it into your weapons inventory. It will only have 1 WHP, so be sure to use a Repair Powder on it at some point, but, otherwise, you now have the strongest weapon in the game, and better than the one obtained legitimately! (To return your ability to use items, use the later-described trick to get infinite Pockets.)Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Unbreakable Weapons
For this glitch, assure every character has two weapons. Their default must be on the first inventory slot, except for Goro's, whose must be on the second. No one should be wielding their default weapon. Load your game file and immediately enter the menu via Triangle. Go to the Old Gaffer's and place the cursor on row 8 of your inventory. Press Left, then press Right+X at the same time (executing the Broken Dagger glitch as noted previously).
This will put you in a glitchy menu. Press L1 and then X to drop your invisible held item. Press Left 5 times, Up once, and Right 13 times. From here, press Down exactly 152 times and press X; then press Down 17 more times and press X. Then press Right 3 times, Down 18 times, and press X. Then press Right 3 times and Down 15 times, then press X. Then press Down 17 times and press X. Press Down 17 more times and press X. From there, exit the store via Circle. This changes your equipped, non-default weapons to glitchy weapons with variable stats, though that is not important. However, none of your weapons will ever break now.Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Skip to the Credits Before the First Boss
Before beginning, you must have...
- A Dagger +3, with full ABS and default attributes
- Any other weapon for Toan in his third slot, his Dagger in his first
- Restore Gaffer's Buggy and Hag's House
- One Wind Attachment in top-left corner of attachments menu
- POne ower-Up Powder Load your file. Go to the Hag's House and give her your Power-Up Powder, then leave. Open and close the menu, then go to the Gaffer's store. Assure that fifth slot in the fourth row of his inventory is blank, and be sure the menu is fully scrolled up after. Put your cursor on row 8 of the item menu, then press Left and Right+X. Press L1 and X to drop the glitch item once gotten. Press L1, Right 3 times, and X. Leave the store and return to the Hag's place. Put the Power-Up Powder in the first slot of your item inventory. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up 1 time, Right 10 times, and Left 2 times. Press Down for a while and you'll see a Steel Slingshot in the descriptor in the bottom-right. Once found, press Down once and Triangle twice. Exit and re-enter the check-in menu. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up once, and Right 10 times again. Now, scroll down until finding an Atlamillia Sword, then press Down 4 times and press X. Press Left, then X and Circle. Press Triangle twice to leave, then re-enter. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up 1 time, Right 10 times, and scroll down for about 7-8 seconds until seeing a Foundation item. Press Down 5 more times, press X, then press Left and hold Down until reaching the bottom of the check-in menu. Hover it over the bottom-right slot and press X, Circle, and Triangle twice. Leave the Check-In menu and enter the items menu. Put your Power-Up Power in the 5th negative item slot (the invisible slot above the top-left slot). Save the game and reset and reload your file. Place a Broken Dagger and Wind Attachment on your Dagger, then upgrade it via your ABS. Then place the other Broken Daggers on it and upgrade it via Power-Up Powder in the Item Menu's Active Items. Then return to the Weapons Menu and do a Status Break on it. Put the Synth Sphere on the first slot of your attachments menu and go to the Hag's. Press Left 5 times, Up, Right 10 times, and Left once when you enter the Check-In menu. Scroll down for 5 seconds until you find the Synth Sphere in that menu (watch the description). Once found, press Right 9 times and Triangle twice. Leave the Check-In Counter and go to Gaffer's. Press L1, then grab the Synth Sphere. Press R1, Left 5 times, Up, Right 10 times, and L1. Then Right once and Down 157 times. Press X to drop the Sphere. Put Toan's 3rd weapon into the 5th negative weapon slot (open the "negative" menu in the items menu first) and then enter the Check-In menu at Hag's. Press R1, then X. Press Left 5 times, Up once, Right 10 times, and Left twice. Scroll down for 10 seconds until you see a Foundation. Press Down 77 times beyond there and then X. Leave the counter, save, reset, and reload. Once the game is loaded, if everything was done correctly, the credits will immediately roll. (However, you cannot actually get to the Demon Shaft this way as the file saved will just reload the credits every time played.)Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Rebattle King's Curse or Fight It Early
Begin by going to Norune Village and entering and exiting the Hag's check-in menu. Then go to the Gaffer's Buggy. There, go to the seventh row of your Item menu and then hover the course over the fifth slot in the fourth row of Gaffer's shop. Press Right+X simultaneously and you should get a Moon Signet. Go to the bottom of the Sun & Moon Temple and approach the pillar on the right side where the Moon Signet goes, if it's not there already. Press Square and you can insert the duplicated Signet and force the boss to occur again! This will let you complete the duel that follows the boss again for an attempt at the Turquoise jewel.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
There are 28 Trophies - 1 Platinum, 5 Gold, 14 Silver, 8 Bronze.
Trophy Trophy Defeat Minotaur Joe. A New Champion Catch a Baron Garayan fish. A Rare Catch Defeat the King's Curse. Break the Curse View a town’s Georama Analysis after completing one of its residents’ requests. Calculating Kindness Use Stand-in Powder to change to an ally when current character is exhausted. Call for Backup Successfully force open a treasure chest by guessing its trap. Call it a hunch Boost a character's defense by eating their favorite food. Comfort Food Collect all of the other trophies. Dungeon Master Build up a weapon into a new weapon. Even Stronger Arrange 10 trees in Norune Village. For the birds Defeat Master Utan. Forest Keeper Kill an enemy with a thrown item. Heads up Check an item in at a Check-in Counter. Hoarder Completely assemble Renee & Toan's house. Home Sweet Home Learn Windmill Slash from Dran. Hometown Hero Defeat La Saia. Ice Queen Defeat the Dark Genie. Let's go home Attach the Sun to a weapon. Solar Power Max any attribute for a weapon without an attachment. Specialized Weapon Status Break a weapon to create a SynthSphere. Status Breaker Steal an enemy's item using a weapon equipped with the Steal ability. Sticky Fingers Acquire all six allies. Strength in Numbers Acquire a Fishing Rod. Teach a man to fish... Catch a fish that's over 100 cm in length. The Big One Defeat Dran. The God of Beasts Accumulate 65,535G. Tycoon Upgrade a weapon 10 times. Weapon Collector Use the Changing Potion to turn the stray cat into Xiao. What's this?! Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Georama Rewards
Meet every character's request in an area and you'll get that particular rating to 100%, which in turn gets you these rewards. If unnamed (Yellow Drops, Dark Heaven Castle), completion of those Georamas is required for progress in the game.
Unlockable Unlockable Get 100% in Matataki Village Battle Ax Get 100% in Queens Macho Sword Get 100% in Muska Lacka Mirage & Diamond Get 100% in Norune Village Windmill Slash (new charge attack for Toan) Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Unlock Demon Shaft (US Releases)
The Demon Shaft is an extra dungeon, only found on US releases of this game - this is compensation as a result of the Dark Heaven Castle not having accessible back-floors: the Japanese version lacks the Demon Shaft. You can find the Demon Shaft after you beat the game, view the ending, and save it: the option will now be in the middle of the world map when you reload that saved game. The Demon Shaft is a long, 100-floor dungeon that has an extremely difficult boss battle at the end; after beating this boss, you will be given access to Toan's Chronicle 2 weapon, his ultimate weapon.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game Unlock Demon Shaft Contributed by: FFrulez
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