Cheats & Guides

Daytona USA Cheats For Saturn

  1. Sega Soundtracks

    To hear a sound from Segas past,enter one of these as a record time



    Contributed by: SonicStar337 

  2. Race on reverse tracks

    Select the Saturn mode. Then highlight any track, hold Start and press C button simultaneously on the track selection screen. A mirror image of the track will be available for racing.

    Contributed by: Desert eagle 

  3. No computer controlled opponents

    In Saturn mode, choose a track, but hold start while choosing a car in lap/time mode. After finishing the race, press R to see it from a helicopter's view.

    Contributed by: Captain_Doormat 

  4. Unlock Horse 2

    After activating Horse (by code or by beating the game, doesn't really matter). Go to Options and set Laps to Endurance. Enter Saturn Mode, Choose Horse(either manual or automatic), Then choose Beginner track. Place 1st and you should be able to play as Horse 2 in Saturn Mode.

    Contributed by: xchoirxboyx 

  5. See the credits

    After finishing a race, while you see you car being controlled by the computer (with the words Congratulations on top), you can press Start to enable the credits.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  6. You Just Lost Your Sponsors!

    Go to Dinosaur Canyon. take the first left from the starting position, and take the road backwards. The road bends to the right and leads to a dead end. You'll find a banner on the wall which says, "CONGRATULATIONS You Just Lost Your Sponsors!"

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  7. CD OST

    If you put the game disc in a CD player, you can listen to the soundtrack starting with Track 2.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  8. High Score Sega Music

    Whenever you get to enter your record on the high score list, you can listen to one of dozens of different music tracks from various Sega games. This is done by entering specific initials, many of which are of various Sega staff or game titles.

    A.B After Burner (After Burner)
    KAG After Burner (Maximum Power)
    KOU Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Title)
    SAO Alien Storm (Break Out)
    JIM Alien Syndrome (Title)
    ANI Altered Beast (Rise From Your Grave)
    YAM Bloxeed (Choice)
    YOJ Bonanza Bros. (BGM A)
    BNB Bonanza Bros. (摩天楼のテーマ)
    YAN Columns (Filthy)
    IGA Columns (Select)
    LGA Daytona USA (Let's Go Away)
    P.P Daytona USA (Pounding Pavement)
    SKH Daytona USA (Sky High)
    KOS Daytona USA (The King of Speed)
    DST Dunk Shot (Beat Away)
    KAO Dunk Shot (Toast!)
    H.S Dynamite Dux (A. HI. RU)
    MAS Enduro Racer (BGM2)
    E.R Enduro Racer (Main Theme)
    EXN F1 Exhaust Note (BGM A)
    YUI Flash Point (Good! Let's Go!)
    GLC G-LOC: Air Battle (Air Battle)
    NAG G-LOC: Air Battle (Opening)
    NAK G-LOC: Air Battle (Opening)
    G.F Galaxy Force (Beyond The Galaxy)
    HSB Galaxy Force (Defeat)
    GDA Golden Axe (Wilderness)
    GPR GP Rider (Time Attack)
    K.T Hang-On (Adv)
    H.O Hang-On (Main Theme)
    KEN Line of Fire (Title Demo)
    UME Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (MJ-Dance)
    O.R OutRun (Magical Sound Shower)
    ORS OutRunners (Adventure)
    P.D Power Drift (Like The Wind)
    ISO Power Drift (Poker Face)
    QTT Quartet (BGM 1)
    MIT R360 (Earth Frame G)
    TRS R360 (Earth Frame G)
    R.M Rad Mobile (Soup Up)
    OKA Rent A Hero (戦え! レンタヒーロー)
    KAZ Scramble Spirits (BGM1)
    MMM SDI (Blue Moon)
    SDI SDI (System Down)
    S.H Space Harrier (Main Theme)
    S.C Stadium Cross (Game Start)
    ASA Strike Fighter (Fanky Bomb)
    S.F Strike Fighter (Opening)
    M.M Super Hang-On (Outride A Crisis)
    SHO Super Hang-On (Sprinter)
    SMG Super Monaco GP (Advertise BGM)
    AO. Super Monaco GP (Name Entry
    TAK Super Thunder Blade (Type 3)
    VMO Sword of Vermillion (Swords Of Vermillion)
    TET Tetris (Tetremix)
    .KK Theme of Kouchi
    T.B Thunder Blade (Burning Point)
    TOR Turbo OutRun (Rush A Difficulty)
    OSI Turbo OutRun (Vivacious)
    AKI Virtua Cop (Advertise)
    A.Y Virtua Fighter (Akira Stage)
    V.F Virtua Fighter (Akira Stage)
    J.B Virtua Fighter (Jacky Stage)
    J.M Virtua Fighter (Jeffry Stage)
    K.M Virtua Fighter (Kage Stage)
    LAU Virtua Fighter (Lau Stage)
    PAI Virtua Fighter (Pai Stage)
    S.B Virtua Fighter (Sarah Stage)
    W.H Virtua Fighter (Wolf Stage)
    VFT Virtua Fighter 2 (Lion Stage)
    DEK Virtua Racing (Fanky Bomb)
    V.R Virtua Racing (Polygonic Continent)

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  9. No tires in demo

    Begin a game and enter a pitstop. Before the new tires go on and while the old tires are off press A + B + C + Start to reset the game. Now pay close attention to the demo run for an unusual sight.

    Effect Effect
    No tires in demo Begin a game and enter a pitstop. Before the new tires go on and while the old tires are off press A + B + C + Start to reset the game. Now pay close attention to the demo run for an unusual sight. <BR>

    Contributed by: SonicStar337 

  10. Unlockable Cars

    Unlockable Unlockable
    place 1st at dinosaur canyon at normal difficulty with any car Black car (315kmh, acelleration B, grip B) and orange car (325kmh, acelleration B, grip B)
    place 1st at 777 speedway at normal difficulty with any car Green car (325 kmh, acelleration A, grip D) and pink car (329kmh, acelleration A, grip D)

    Contributed by: resetti 

  11. Additional Cars

    Hold the d-pad diagonal down+right and press L+R+C+Y at title screen.then press start

    Effect Effect
    Additional Cars Hold the d-pad diagonal down+right and press L+R+C+Y at title screen.then press start

    Contributed by: SonicStar337 

  12. MPH to KPH

    Effect Effect
    At the title screen, hold X+Y+Z on controller 2, then press start on controller 1. Japanese/PAL versions will change the Kilometers to Miles, whereas the US version will change Miles to Kilometers.

    Contributed by: Truck_1_0_1_ 

  13. Maniac Mode

    Are the computer drones to easy for you? During the Sega/AM2 logo sequence, enter this code to increase the difficulty to a ridiculous level. You should hear a chime that confirms that it worked, and a small 'M' will appear in the top-left corner of the screen during your race

    Effect Effect
    Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, C Maniac Mode

    Contributed by: Sixfortyfive 

  14. Jeffry Dance

    On the Expert course, as you approach the Jeffry statue, Press the X button rapiddly so he turns, and stands on his head.

    Effect Effect
    Jeffry Dance On the Expert course, as you approach the Jeffry statue, Press the X button rapiddly so he turns, and stands on his head. <BR> <BR>

    Contributed by: NiGHTS 

  15. Clean Pause

    Pause the game, then press Z Y and X altogether.

    Effect Effect
    Clean Pause Pause the game, then press Z Y and X altogether.

    Contributed by: Captain_Doormat 

  16. Time Trial

    Effect Effect
    Hold start while selecting your car. Time Trial Mode

    Contributed by: Truck_1_0_1_ 

  17. Karaoke Mode

    To see music lyrics, select ARCADE MODE, then put laps to ''Normal'' and hold Up while selecting a track with button C.

    Effect Effect
    Karaoke Mode To see music lyrics, select ARCADE MODE, then put laps to ''Normal'' and hold Up while selecting a track with button C.

    Contributed by: SonicStar337 

  18. Unlock the Horse(s), the Easy Way.

    Effect Effect
    At the title and white screens, hold up and left on the d-pad (diagonally), and then hold A, B, X, Z, and press start. Unlock the Brown (Automatic) and Grey (Manual) horses.

    Contributed by: Truck_1_0_1_ 

  19. Unlock the horse.

    Win all races with every difficulty option set at normal difficulty.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Win all races with every difficulty option set at normal difficulty. Unlock the horse.

    Contributed by: JPeeples 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by MKim 71K
General FAQs FAQ by EMoon 57K
General FAQs Mini-FAQ by MKim 60K
In-Depth FAQs Powersliding Guide by Ke6dRt 6K
In-Depth FAQs Track Guide by Ke6dRt 14K

Daytona USA Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Turbo start

    When the race begins keep the revs in the yellow zone (highest point) then as the countodown says ''2'' press brake, then when ''1'' turns to ''go'' let go of the brake and hold down accelerate and you should boost forward.

    Contributed by: IanW 

  2. Unlock net-battle car

    Accumulate 100 hours of game time to unlock it

    Contributed by: IanW 

  3. Unlock Pywackett Barchetta

    In order to unlock this car you must simply finish three seven speedway in any position in single race mode with all 4 original cars.(Hornet, Grasshopper, Lightning, Falcon)

    Contributed by: Gamejunky2001 

  4. Unlock Red Cat

    To unlock the Red Cat car, simply win one race online.

    Contributed by: Gamejunky2001 

  5. Pywackett Barcheta Super

    Select the Pywackett Barcheta and go to a simple track like 3-7 Speedway or Circuit Pixie. Reduce the number of laps to two. When the race start turn around and complete the race in reverse.

    Contributed by: _Takenover83 

  6. Unicorn

    Come in first place in points on the final championship stage(King of Daytona)

    Contributed by: _Takenover83 

  7. Rule of the 9th

    Set 1st place records in single player mode on each track and on each variation. Make sure the laps are on fixiation.

    Contributed by: _Takenover83 

  8. Mirrored Tracks

    At the selection screen, hold start while choosing a circuit.

    Contributed by: Captain_Doormat 

  9. Race at sunset

    Choose any race with any options. At the ''Start Your Engines'' screen, hold down both the gas and brake until the screen fades out. The race will take place at sunset. You're rewarded with some really cool cloud effects.

    Contributed by: Ke6dRt 

  10. Clean Pause

    Pause the game, then hold X + Y. This clears the text from the screen.

    Pause the game, hold X + Y Clean Pause; text is removed from pause screen.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Taro 39K
In-Depth FAQs Powersliding Guide by Ke6dRt 6K
In-Depth FAQs Track Guide by Ke6dRt 14K

Daytona USA Cheats For PC

  1. All Cars

    You need a Sidewinder Gamepad, this is entered at mainmenu

    Effect Effect
    Up and Left at same time, A, B, X, Z All cars unlocked

    Contributed by: Robbie Kennedy 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by MKim 71K
General FAQs FAQ by EMoon 57K
General FAQs Mini-FAQ by MKim 60K
In-Depth FAQs Powersliding Guide by Ke6dRt 6K
In-Depth FAQs Track Guide by Ke6dRt 14K

Daytona USA Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Time bonus on Beginner Track

    Just before the last bend of the beginner track hangs a slot machine. When driving near it, press the start button three times to stop each reel in turn. If you score ''777'', you will gain 7 extra seconds of time! If you score 3 ''BAR''s, you will gain 5 extra seconds of time! This can only be done once during a race. On a multiplayer race, you can all try it!

    Contributed by: Fatal Zapper 

  2. Hidden Music

    If you play well enough to make the high score table. You can enter special initials at the Name Entry Screen to hear music of some of SEGA's classic games. Please enter the following initials:

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Enter "A.B." Music from After Burner.
    Enter "E.R." Music from Enduro Racer.
    Enter "EXN." Music from F1 Exhaust Note.
    Enter "F.Z." Music from Fantasy Zone.
    Enter "GLC." Music from G-Loc: Air Battle.
    Enter "G.F." Music from Galaxy Force.
    Enter "GPR." Music from GP Rider.
    Enter ''H.O.'' Music from Hang-On.
    Enter "O.R." Music from OutRun.
    Enter "ORS." Music from OutRunners.
    Enter "P.D." Music from Power Drift.
    Enter "QTT." Music from Quartet.
    Enter "R.M." Music from Rad Mobile.
    Enter "SDI." Music from SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative.
    Enter "S.H." Music from Space Harrier.
    Enter "S.C." Music from Stadium Cross.
    Enter "S.F." Music from Strike Fighter.
    Enter "SHO." Music from Super Hang-On.
    Enter "SMG." Music from Super Monaco GP.
    Enter "VMO." Music from Sword of Vermillion.
    Enter "T.B." Music from Thunder Blade.
    Enter "TOR." Music from Turbo OutRun.
    Enter "V.F." Music from Virtua Fighter.
    Enter ''V.R.'' Music from Virtua Racing.

    Contributed by: jh51681, Fatal Zapper 

  3. Extra Features

    Please do the following:

    Effect Effect
    During game play, hold start and press view buttons 2,3 and 4 together. Secret View
    At the select transmission screen, hold START and choose your transmission by stepping on the accelerator. Time Attack mode

    Contributed by: Captain Doormat 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by MKim 71K
General FAQs FAQ by EMoon 57K
General FAQs Mini-FAQ by MKim 60K
In-Depth FAQs Powersliding Guide by Ke6dRt 6K
In-Depth FAQs Track Guide by Ke6dRt 14K