Cheats & Guides
Dead or Alive 2 Cheats For Dreamcast
Girl Art
Place DoA2 into any computer CD Drive, access the disc and look for a folder called : ''Bonus''. There are several shots of the DoA girls in bikini's.
Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre
Taunt Opponent (alternate)
Press Down, Down, R to do an alternate taunt. Not all characters have this taunt (Kasumi, for instance, doesn't have it), but some like Hayabusa and Ein do.
Contributed by: Saturn Urameshi
Rewind Your Replay
After you defeat you opponent, quickly press and hold A+Y. Then press X during the replay to rewind it.
Contributed by: BongoGoku
Stop victory pose camera.
Press the ''R'' trigger when your character is in a victory pose and the camera won't move unless you use the ''change view of the victory pose'' code mentioned above.
Contributed by: krankorx
View Hidden Cut-Scene
Play as Ayane in Story Mode. When you get to the battle with Kasumi you must KO her on the Ice Pit, and she must be about 10 feet away from you. If done correctly, the fireball cut-scene from the Intro Movie should play.
Contributed by: PIW
Unlock Hidden Costumes (Japanese Version)
Beat Story Mode using any character to unlock the next costume, continues don't matter. In Easy Mode, you can only unlock C3, while in Normal Mode you can unlock all costumes.
Contributed by: damien
Get the arcade intro without a hacked VMU
First make sure your age is set above 20. Then get a high score in Survival mode (does not have to be first place). When you have to enter your name put in ''REALDEMO''. Now you have the real intro to the game.
Contributed by: TripleRaid
Change View of Victory Pose
As your character does its victory pose, hold X and move the Pad or Analog Stick to rotate the view. Press the B button to zoom in.
Contributed by: ATadeo
Full Screen Pause
During the game, press START to pause. Press the R-Trigger button to get a clean game screen without the text.
Contributed by: ATadeo
3D Character Select
Turn off ''Quick Selector'' in Vs Mode Options
Contributed by: PIW
Uncut Demo
On the mode select screen, choose Option. On the Option screen, choose Game Settings and go to Others. Now change your Age to any number higher than 21. Now go back to the mode select screen and pick Survival Mode. Play through this mode until you get onto the top ten ranking list and put your name in as REALDEMO. Now go back to the title screen and wait until the demo starts. You will now see the uncut demo with more scenes.
Contributed by: XPLICIT187
Taunt Opponent
While fighting press Left, Right, Left, R button to taunt.
Contributed by: alex cross
Extra characters (Limited Edition)
Once you unlock these characters, they become avaliable in all the gameplay modes except Story.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Story mode with every character Bayman Accumulate 6 hours of gameplay and he'll be avaliable Tengu Contributed by: Saturn Urameshi
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Dead or Alive 2 Cheats For Arcade Games
Rewind Your Replay
After you win against your opponent, quickly press and hold Kick+Free before the replay starts. When the replay starts, press Punch to start the rewind.
Contributed by: BongoGoku
Extra Costumes for Kasumi and Ayame
Please do the following:
Effect Effect Before entering you high score initials, push and hold Punch+Kick. Next, insert your coins and start a game. You'll now notice that Kasumi and Ayame have a new costume option. Contributed by: BongoGoku
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Dead or Alive 2 Cheats For PlayStation 2
Uncut Demo
Go to the Option menu, Game setting, then Others. Adjust your age to 21 years old or higher, then play Survival mode until your scores are high enough to be in the ranking. Enter REALDEMO as your name and return to the title screen and wait for the uncut demo.
Contributed by: CJ800
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 200 stars in Survival Mode. All Character's Costumes Complete Story Mode 5 times with Ayane OR once without continuing. Ayane Costume 4 Earn 1.5 million points on survival mode or play as Ayane in Survial mode over 25 times. Ayane Costume 5 Complete over 50 stages on Survival mode OR play survival mode over 50 Times playing as Ayane. Ayane Costume 6 Complete the time attack in under 4:15 or play as Ayane over 200 times. Ayane Costume 7 Get the Tiara Item in survival Modeor play as Ayane over 200 times. Ayane Costume 8 Complete story mode 5 times OR complete story mode once without continuing. Bass Costume 4 Get the Championship belt in survival mode or play as Bass over 50 times Bass Costume 5 Complete Story Mode with each of the default characters or complete Story Mode 30 times using any combination of charcaters. Bayman Complete Team Mode with 5 characters to unlock the CG Gallery. CG Gallery Complete Story Mode once with the character. Costume 3 for all characters Finish the game with every Character in Very Hard Mode.You can then view the Deluxe Version of the Credits. It contains new music,website banners and every DOA development team. Deluxe Credits Win team mode with five characters Expanded Credits Collect 10 Stars in Survival Mode or play as any combination of characters 200 times. Tengu Press start to pause the game, then press triangle + X Unlock extra options Contributed by: Jonny Dangerous, Ryan Gillam, Dazz Hardy, STEVEW, gamefan1221
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