US console sales charts: July 2-8
Soccer games run all over Mario, Brain Age; price drops on propel older handheld titles into the top 10.
Soccer games run all over Mario, Brain Age; price drops on propel older handheld titles into the top 10.
Konami's macabre PSP game combines first- and third-person elements; stars the Grim Reaper's spawn as he sends enemies to meet their maker.
We check out a near-finished version of Backbone Entertainment's humorous action game for the PSP.
We get hands-on with the E3 demo version of Backbone's upcoming PSP action game.
[UPDATE] Touting their new status as North America's largest indie shop, two game devs merge. We speak with the team.
Konami and Backbone's quirky PSP platformer is on hand at GDC--we bring you an updated look.
Konami shows off Backbone Entertainment's undead action game for the PSP.
PSP title gets life from Konami; scythe-slasher makes its debut this spring on Sony's upcoming portable.
Duke Nukem Forever contributor to coauthor the comic book that will inform the PSP game.
Backbone Entertainment's Death, Jr. to star in movie and comic books as well as PSP launch title.
We take a brief look at this upcoming PSP launch game at E3 2004.
What does it take to jump aboard the PSP bandwagon? Backbone's senior producer talks about life after Death, Jr.--and shows some exclusive art as well.
SCEA exec sheds light on how Sony intends to build on its power base of hardware supremacy.
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