Cheats & Guides

Devil's Crush Cheats For Genesis

  1. Start in the Final Level

    Enter the following code at the Password screen....


    Then when you play the game you should be in the final level

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt 

  2. Select Balls

    Enter the options menu (the hidden options on the Japanese version), change the Music Test to 15 and Sound Test to 00. Then highlight Tilt Mode, press and hold A + B + C, then press Down, then Left. You should now see a new Ball option to choose between 3 and 6 balls.

    Contributed by: oblivion from aoc 

  3. Start ball at top screen

    Immediatley after you release the ball hold up the right flipper. The ball will automatically go up to the top screen.

    This also works for Devils Crash (MD)

    Contributed by: Mattressinsptr 

  4. Start game as normally, but with 7 balls

    To start playing the game normally but with 7 balls instead of the usual amount of 2, enter the rather obvious password ''DEVILCRASH'', the original japanese name of the game.

    Contributed by: H Hog 

  5. Start with 13 Million Points + 99 Balls

    Enter the following code at the Password screen....


    Then when you play the game you should have 13,000,000 points and 99 balls

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt 

  6. 999,999,900 points and lets you see the end of the game

    In the Passwords screen enter THECRUSHL and then you'll receive 999,999,900 points, and you will also be able to see the end of the game.

    Contributed by: Dogg 

  7. Music Select

    Enter the following code at the Password screen....


    Fill in the ? with a number 0 - 4 to select track

    Then when you play the game that song will always be the BGM

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt 

  8. 594,000,000 points and 27 balls

    Enter ONECRUSHME as your password and you'll receive 594,000,000 and 27 balls.

    Contributed by: Dogg 

  9. Passwords

    Enter at password screen.

    Effect Effect
    0000000000 0 points, 0 balls
    DIBW3NVJK5 0 points, 98 balls
    TIMETRIAL0 0 points, 99 balls
    TIMETRIAL1 0 points, 99 balls, no music
    PLAZMALINE 1000000 points, 3 balls
    98AM3G1EBF 11250000 points, 98 balls
    TECHNOSOFT 2000000 points, 10 balls
    (blank)(blank)SANDAA(blank)(blank) 333333300 points, 33 balls
    TF2HZTF3EM 464900 points, 10 balls
    0956335555 555500 points, 33 balls
    TBEKVKTEM6 644095900 points, 15 balls
    16BIT68000 68000 points, 16 balls
    LUCKYLUCKY 77700 points, 7 balls
    LIBYFWJID3 999999900 points, 0 balls
    ALCLAE8ECK 999999900 points, 21 balls
    LNENAXUELL 999999900 points, 98 balls
    BGMOFFMODE No music

    Contributed by: Blueberry Buttface, ironyisntdead 

  10. Hidden Options Menu

    Entering A+B+C+Start at the same time at any point in between the Sega Logo and the Title Screen will open a secret options menu that allows you to reconfigure the control configuration, choose between two ball speeds, and to access a sound test for sound FX and the remarkable BGMs.

    Effect Effect
    A+B+C+Start Hidden Options

    Contributed by: CreatureSH_II 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Bonus Stage Guide by metalgearsonic 16K

Devil's Crush Cheats For TurboGrafx-16

  1. Get The Passwords

    To get your current password, pause the game, press Select to go into the score screen and then press Button 1.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. constructed Passwords

    Effect Effect
    ZWLAKBFHDN 0 balls, 999,999,900 points (Launch the ball and once you hit something, the game will end)
    AAAAAAAAIB 127 balls, 0 points
    THEDEVILSI 145,403,600 points and 70 balls
    ACCELERATE 47 balls, 135,683,400 points
    ONECRUSHME 594,974,700 points and 27 balls
    EFGHIJKLMB 924,217,700 points and 73 balls
    AAAAAAAEGD 99 balls, 0 points
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB A 'two player' game with unlimited balls for player 1, and player 2 never gets to play
    FFFFFFFEEE Beat the game- Launch the ball and once you hit something, the game will end
    THECRUSHEL Beat the game- Launch the ball and once you hit something, the game will end
    DAVIDWHITE Beat the game- Launch the ball and once you hit something, the game will end
    AAAAAAAANG Have infinite balls in a 1 player game and 0 score
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANO Have infinite balls in a 2 player game and 0 score
    APPPPPPAAD Infinite balls, -100 points (scoreboard will appear corrupted initially)
    NAXATSOFTI Infinite balls, 206,633,300 points
    RABBITLIKE infinite balls, 331,918,500 points
    AAAAAAHAAA Infinite balls, 734,003,200 points
    SECRETPILL infinite balls, 735,583,000 points
    DEVILSATAN Infinite balls, 955,719,100 points
    NAXATAAAAA See the ending
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABCE Two Player mode - gives player 1 unlimited balls and player 2 32 balls
    PPPPPPPPPA Unlimited balls

    Contributed by: WLivi, SubSane, Slateman, electric_jimi, Xeon 

  3. Passwords

    Enter at the password menu

    Effect Effect
    CKDEIPDBFM 25 balls and a score of 300,138,400
    OJFJGDEJPD 34 balls and a score of 404,330,300
    PNBIJOKJNF 38 balls and a score of 533,501,000
    CGIAGPECGK 42 balls and a score of 610,523,600
    OEHALCBGPF 45 balls and a score of 710,529,000
    OLGGGEAPOF 52 balls and a score of 804,379,700
    CBEOBLJGHA 62 balls and a score of 900,057,102
    PFFMGHGOLK 65 balls and a score of 999,927,400
    NLJBCFHGPO 65 balls and a score of 999,999,000
    KGCMMCMLBN 65 balls and a score of 999,999,600
    OMGANLOIJA 67 balls and a score of 976,769,800

    Contributed by: Arguro 

  4. Cheat Codes

    Effect Effect
    Press Run, Select during game play to display the high score screen, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, I. Sound Test

    Contributed by: Mr_T_Virus, Xeon 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Slateman 13K
In-Depth Guides FAQ by Crush_d 41K