Cheats & Guides

Digimon Rumble Arena Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Alternate Digimon Tamer

    To have your digimon tamer in a different outfit, hold L1+L2+R1+R2 while selecting your digimon.

    Note: Works only with Agumon,Gabumon,Patamon,Wormmon, and Gatomon

    Contributed by: HybridHedgehog 

  2. Select Same Character (English)

    To let both players select the same character hold ''Select'' while choosing your character.

    Contributed by: HybridHedgehog 

  3. Use Same character (JP)

    Beat a game at least 1 time and when choose character in 2 players mode. Press Select to use same character.

    Contributed by: ooh44 

  4. Bonus Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the game with Impmon Beezlemon
    Complete the game the game once with anyone without losing anything BlackWarGreymon
    Beat 1-player mode as Guilmon Gallantmon
    Complete the game with Veemon and Wormmon Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
    Beat 1-player mode as Veemon Imperieldramon
    Complete the game with Guilmon, Renamon and Terriermon Impmon
    Beat 1-player mode as Gatomon Magnadramon
    Beat 1-player mode as Terriermon Megagargomon
    Beat 1-player mode as Gabumon MetalGarurumon
    Complete the game with Agumon and Gabumon Omnimon
    Complete the game once with anyone Reapermon
    Beat 1-player mode as Renamon Sakuyamon
    Beat 1-player mode as Patamon Seraphimon
    Beat 1-player mode as Wormon Stingmon
    Beat 1-player mode as Agumon Wargreymon

    Contributed by: _BossMaster, Platinum_Veemon 

  5. Some Passwords (US/EU)

    Effect Effect
    KIMJOY Gallentmon
    LINMON ImperailDramon
    ROYBOY ImperailDramon Palidin Mode
    MINNYN MegaGargomon
    SERIUS Omnimon
    KENSAN Sakuyamon
    QRIOUS WarGreymon

    Contributed by: ben615 

  6. Codes for the Japanese version.

    In case you didn't realise, the English passcodes doesn't work for the Japanese version of DRA. The codes serve as the same purpose as the North American version, to unlock characters.

    Effect Effect
    DEGLUK Gallentmon
    NOWROM Imperialdramon Fighter Mode
    EVOMEN Imperialdramon Paladine Mode
    EERRIT MegaGargomon
    NAGOMI Omnimon
    SKYAKA Sakuyamon
    ZFTLNM WarGreymon

    Contributed by: Hiong Poh 

  7. Tamer's Another Outfit

    To let the Tamers wear different outfit, press this code in the Digimon Selection Screen.
    This only works on Agumon, Gabumon, Wormmon, Patamon, and Gatomon.

    Effect Effect
    Different Outfit Hold R1 button and then select a Digimon

    Contributed by: gamermstr 

  8. Extra Stages/Modes

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Defeat Reapermon in 1P Mode Reapermon's Arena in 2P/Vs. Computer battles

    Contributed by: HalfMillennium 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Gatomon Guide by Tidus172 7K
Character Guides Renamon Guide by CNash 14K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by Skoban 59K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by The_S 42K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by jygting 38K
In-Depth Guides Combo Guide by Captain_K 7K