Cheats & Guides
Disgaea 6 Complete Cheats For PlayStation 4
Generic Classes and Monsters
Unlockable Complete “On the Hunt” Quest = Have a Rank 1 Clergy AND a Rank 1 Warrior Archer Complete “Worthy of Guarding” Quest = Have a Rank 2 Martial Artist AND a Rank 2 Warrior Armor Knight Complete “Treasure & Dragons” Quest = Give a Emblem item (Quest unlocked in Episode 9) Dragon Complete “Evil Eye Elite” Quest = Give a Legendary rarity Glasses item (Quest unlocked in Episode 8) Evil Eye Complete “Picking a Partner” Quest = Have a Rank 1 Clergy AND a Rank 1 Warrior Gunner Complete “Promised Spear” Quest = Give a Legendary rarity Spear (Quest unlocked in Act 2 Episode 1) Horseman Complete “Magical Warrior” Quest = Have a Rank 2 Warrior AND a Rank 2 Witch Magic Knight Complete “Robot Army” Quest = Have a Rank 2 Gunner AND a Rank 2 Armor Knight Mecha Girl Complete “Ninja Nite” Quest = Have a Rank 1 Thief AND a Rank 2 Martial Artist Ninja Complete “Pincer Shells United” Quest = Give a item Premium Crab Brains (Quest unlocked in Episode 10) Pincer Shell Complete “Psychic Squadron” Quest = Have a Rank 2 Clergy AND a Rank 2 Witch Psychic Complete “Loyal Blade” Quest = Have a Rank 1 Archer AND a Rank 2 Warrior Samurai Complete “Living Conditions” Quest = Give a Rare Consumable (Quest unlocked in Episode 6) Sea Angel Complete “Seductive Demon” Quest = Give a Emblem item (Quest unlocked in Episode 7) Succubus Complete “Steeling to Steal” Quest = Create a Martial Artist Thief Complete “Hungry, Hungry Zombie” Quest = Give a Charred Newt (Quest unlocked in Episode 4) Undead Complete “No Normal Bug!” Quest = Defeat 5 Archers (Quest unlocked in Episode 5) Winged Warrior Contributed by: WeirdwaIker
Unlockable Stage
Unlockable In the postlude, after you have unlocked Laharl, Etna and Flonne, a bill would appear names “Challenge the Carnage Dimension!”. It needs 250,000 Mana Land of carnage Contributed by: WeirdwaIker
Raising Level Cap
At first, you will only be able to reach level 9,999 but in the postlude, you could pass two different bills to raise your maximum level. You need to pass a bill to unlock stages and then choose an option in ''Unlock Ability'' while Super reincarnate to raise your level cap.
Unlockable Unlock the Land of Carnage Lv Limit Break 1 (9,999,999 lvl) Unlock Rakshasa Lv Limit Break 2 (99,999,999 lvl) Contributed by: WeirdwaIker
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