Cheats & Guides

Disney Epic Mickey Cheats For Wii

  1. Unlocking Walt Disney's Apartment

    In order to unlock the window above the Fire Station leading to Walt Disney's apartment, you must beat The Lonesome Manner and return to Mean Street. Talk to the Gremlin at the Penny arcade and he'll tell you theres another function of the machine, but he needs 30 Power Sparks to work it. Collect whatever remaining power sparks you need and give them to him. He'll tell you something has activated at the fire station. Jump up to the window above the door there, and Gus will ask if you want to enter. Inside are two gold E-Tickets with Oswald on them instead of the Mickey Mouse logo. They are worth 150 Tickets. Note: The Oswald Tickets, unlike the normal E-Tickets around the park, will not reappear.

    Contributed by: paiserkins 

  2. Gilda's Lost Axe quest glitch

    When you first arrive at Mean Street, talk to Gilda (the cow lady in front of the Fire Station) more than once to receive a quest to retrieve her axe, which she lost on Mickeyjunk Mountain. If you recover the axe in the "Slopes" area during your ascent up the mountain, when you reach Oswald's lair, thin out the giant Oswald face in the middle of the floor to reach a hidden room. When you come to the end of the corridor, you'll find some large, unthinnable metal bars, and Gus will offer you the opportunity to use Gilda's axe here to explore this area further; don't do this, and instead return it to Gilda upon returning to OsTown. When you return to Mickeyjunk Mountain later in the game, thin out the Oswald face again and go back to the bars. Gus will still think you have the axe, and you'll be able to use it to pry your way in and explore! You'll now be able to reap the rewards of both the "hero" and "scrapper" outcomes of this quest, while it will be officially recorded in your quest log as having gone the "hero" route.

    Contributed by: JusticeLeaguer8 

  3. Unlock Old Disney Cartoons

    In the game there are 2D Transition Stages that take you from one section of the game to another. In these stages you can look for and collect a film reel, with one hidden in each of these stages. Collecting these gets you some rewards, including two hidden old Disney cartoons, when you speak to the cartoon in front of the Movie Theater in Mean Street. You can watch these cartoons off the Extras Menu on the Main Menu.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Collect 6 Film Reels Mickey Mouse- "The Mad Doctor"
    Collect 14 Film Reels Oswald the Lucky Rabbit- "Oh What a Knight"

    Contributed by: Sombrero_Shadow 

  4. New Game +

    Upon beating the game for the first time, reloading your save file you completed the game on gives you access to New Game + which carries over everything you collected over from the first playthrough and starts you off from the beginning of the game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the Game. New Game +

    Contributed by: Sombrero_Shadow 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by psychogurl 172K
General FAQs Walkthrough by kymtendo 204K
In-Depth FAQs Collectible Guide by thegamemaster8 86K
In-Depth FAQs Junction Point Guide by thegamemaster8 65K
In-Depth FAQs Quest Guide by thegamemaster8 137K

Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Get both a Gremlin and Some Artwork

    At the beginning of the Game, when you get to the Castle Entrance Area of Dark Beauty Castle, you'll find a catapult that when activated gives you two choices:

    1) Save Gremlin Calvin and get a Gold Pin.
    2) Break the object on the pressure plate to launch Gremlin Calvin, but get the "The Trebuchet" Concept Art Page to spawn in front of the catapult.

    Normally, you would have to pick one or the other, but a glitch that has not been patched as of 11/4/24, allows you to grab both. First, save Gremlin Calvin. Once the game finishes Auto-Saving upon getting the Gold Pin, exit back to the Main Menu, then load the same Save File. You'll spawn near the entrance of the area and the Concept Art Page will have spawned in front of the busted catapult.

    Contributed by: thegamemaster8 

  2. Bog Easy Quest Oddities

    In the original Game, upon returning to Bog Easy after defeating the Mad Doctor in Lonesome Manor, different Quests would become available to you depending on whether the Ghosts from the Manor return to the Manor or stayed in Bog Easy. This was determined by whether you fixed or destroyed/ignored the Pipe Organ in Lonesome Manor's Ballroom.

    If the Ghosts remained in Bog Easy, you could not get certain Quests from Bog Easy residents Metairie, Bertrand, or Louis. However, in this game (as of at least 11/10/2024), there's an odd glitch that no longer enforces this a point.

    You can not get Louis' "Restore the Bell" Quest, but you can get Bertrand's "Help Bertrand Open his Store" Quest and Metairie's "Fix the Bridges" Quest.

    However, it should be noted that while you can complete Bertrand's Quest and reopen Bog Easy's Emporium as a result, Metairie's Quest can't be completed even if you meet the criteria for completing it. Metairie will just keep behaving like you haven't completed it yet.

    It should be noted, this Glitch does not occur if the Ghosts have left Bog Easy and you can get these Quests the natural way.

    Contributed by: thegamemaster8 

  3. Cinema Usher Rewards

    Unlike the original Wii version of the Game, there are now 2 Film Reels in each 2-D Projector Stage instead of 1. As a result, there are now 72 Reels to turn in to the Usher at Mean Street's Cinema.

    Keep in mind, that in this Version of the Game, E-Ticket Wallet Upgrades no longer exist, the reward list restarts from the beginning during New Game+ (though things like Pins, Costumes, etc. can only be obtained once per Save File), and you can enter the Cinema to replay 2-D Stages to pick up any Reels you missed.

    The following list shows what rewards you'll get and how many Reels are needed.

    12 Film Reels "Oh, What a Knight" Cartoon in Extras
    64 Film Reels "The Blot" Extra Content Page
    28 Film Reels "The Mad Doctor" Cartoon in Extras
    72 Film Reels +50 Capacity Upgrade for all Sketch Types & "Cartoon Buff" Pin
    60 Film Reels 1,000 E-Tickets
    4 Film Reels 30 E-Tickets
    52 Film Reels Anvil Sketch Capacity Upgrade
    8 Film Reels Bronze Pin
    20 Film Reels Construction Worker Costume
    40 Film Reels Firefighter Costume
    36 Film Reels Gold Pin
    56 Film Reels Health Pip Capacity Upgrade
    16 Film Reels Power Spark
    24 Film Reels Silver Pin
    32 Film Reels TV Sketch Capacity Upgrade
    44 Film Reels Watch Sketch Capacity Upgrade

    Contributed by: thegamemaster8