Cheats & Guides
Dolphin Blue Cheats For Arcade Games
Alternative credits and extra scenes
To get the alternative credits, just beat the game without using a continue. The credits will have different images, and character sprites will parade through the screen. There will also be a post-credit scene hinting of a sequel.
Contributed by: ReyVGM
Unlock the endings
After beating the last boss, you'll get a Rank depending on how many medals you collected during the last stage. The ending will vary depending on the Rank achieved.
Unlockable Seaman Recruit Rank (less than 25 medals) 1) Worst Ending Ordinary Rate - Lieutenant Rank (between 30-400 medals) 2) Regular Ending Lt. Commander - Captain Rank (between 420-590 medals) 3) Best Ending Rear Admiral Rank and above (over 600 medals) 4) Best Ending + Extra Scenes Contributed by: ReyVGM
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