Cheats & Guides
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Cheats For Genesis
Jumping Bean Title Screen
At the Title Screen, press (A), (B), or (C) on controller 1 to make the ''e'', ''a'', and ''n'' in ''Mean'' jump. Press (A), (B), or (C) on controller 2 to make the ''e'', ''a'', and ''n'' in ''Bean'' jump.
Contributed by: NTsui
Easy Mode Passwords
Stage 2: Frankly - RRRH
Stage 3: Humpty - CPCG
Stage 4: Coconuts - RCHY
Stage 5: Davy Sproket - CBBP
Stage 6: Sqweel - CRCP
Stage 7: Dynamight - PYRB
Stage 8: Grounder - YGPH
Stage 9: Spike - YPHB
Stage 10: Sir Fuzzy Logik - RYCH
Stage 11: Dragon Breath - GPBC
Stage 12: Scratch - RHHY
Stage 13: Dr. Robotnik - YHBBContributed by: GeckoGamer
Hard Mode Passwords
2 Frankly RRRH GCYY
3 Humpty CPCG YPCP
4 Coconuts RCHY BGCB
5 Davy Sproket RPGG
6 Sqweel YYCG
7 Dynamight PCBB
8 Grounder CYHY
9 Spike PBBG
10 Sir Fuzzy Logik CGRY
11 Dragon Breath BYYH
12 Scratch GCCB
13 Dr. Robotnik HCPHContributed by: GeckoGamer
Hardest Mode Passwords
Stage 2: Frankly - BBGY
Stage 3: Humpty - GYGC
Stage 4: Coconuts - PPRH
Stage 5: Davy Sproket - GRPB
Stage 6: Sqweel - PCGY
Stage 7: Dynamight - BPGH
Stage 8: Grounder - CPHY
Stage 9: Spike - PGHC
Stage 10: Sir Fuzzy Logik - GBYH
Stage 11: Dragon Breath - GPHR
Stage 12: Scratch - RGHB
Stage 13: Dr. Robotnik - RRCYContributed by: GeckoGamer
Forbid COM From Dropping Beans Quickly
This requires two controllers. While playing in Scenario Mode and in a match, hold LEFT or RIGHT on the controller that is on COM's side. For example, if you're the first player, hold LEFT or RIGHT on second player's controller. If you're the second player, hold LEFT or RIGHT on first player's controller. If done correctly, COM will not drop the beans quickly as long as the button is held. This makes the earlier stages far easier where the default drop speed is much slower.
Contributed by: Guard Master
Scenario Mode Passwords - Normal Difficulty
Enter these passwords after selecting "Continue" to skip ahead to the desired level.
R = Red Bean
Y = Yellow Bean
G = Green Bean
B = Blue Bean
P = Purple Bean
C = Clear (Garbage) Bean
H = Has Bean (the little orange fellow)Effect Effect HRYC Stage 10 - Sir Ffuzzy-Logik CRRB Stage 11 - Dragon Breath GGCY Stage 12 - Scratch PYHC Stage 13 - Dr. Robotnik HCYY Stage 2 - Frankly BCRY Stage 3 - Humpty YBCP Stage 4 - Coconuts HGBY Stage 5 - Davy Sprocket GPPY Stage 6 - Skweel PBGH Stage 7 - Dynamight GHCY Stage 8 - Grounder BPHH Stage 9 - Spike Contributed by: WillyFourEyes
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by QXZ | 24K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Seth0708 | 9K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Raph136 | 20K |
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Cheats For Sega Master System
Sound Test
To reach the sound test menu, enter scenario mode and enter the password Yellow-Bean, Red-Bean, Blue-Bean, Has-Bean.
Contributed by: oblivion from aoc
Puzzle Mode Passwords
Enter these passwords after selecting Continue in Puzzle Mode:
R = Red Bean
Y = Yellow Bean
G = Green Bean
B = Blue Bean
P = Purple Bean
C = Clear (Refugee) Bean
H = Has BeanEffect Effect RGHH Ending Scene CPHR Lesson 1 CHCH Lesson 10 HBRH Lesson 11 PHYG Lesson 12 YPYH Lesson 13 YCCP Lesson 14 RPYB Lesson 15 GRGH Lesson 16 CHYB Lesson 17 YHRB Lesson 18 PRHB Lesson 19 PYHH Lesson 2 RYBP Lesson 20 RBYG Lesson 21 YGRR Lesson 22 RBRY Lesson 23 CGRY Lesson 24 RYHP Lesson 25 BCRY Lesson 26 CBHG Lesson 27 CYYP Lesson 28 BPRH Lesson 29 PPPY Lesson 3 BYPH Lesson 30 GGPB Lesson 4 PGYP Lesson 5 BGRG Lesson 6 BRGP Lesson 7 BGCP Lesson 8 GYPC Lesson 9 Contributed by: Guard Master
Scenario Mode Passwords
Enter these passwords after selecting Continue in Scenario Mode:
R = Red Bean
Y = Yellow Bean
G = Green Bean
B = Blue Bean
P = Purple Bean
C = Clear (Refugee) Bean
H = Has BeanEffect Effect BYRG Round 10 PBCY Round 11 PBRH Round 12 YRGB Round 13 CBRH Round 2 YBPB Round 3 RPCG Round 4 BCCH Round 5 HPCY Round 6 BRCH Round 7 HPYB Round 8 BHYP Round 9 Contributed by: Guard Master
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Seth0708 | 9K |
In-Depth FAQs | Puzzle Mode Guide by Jungon | 40K |
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Cheats For GameGear
Sound Test
Go to Scenario Mode go to continue and put in Yellow Bean, Red Bean, Blue Bean, Has Bean
Contributed by: Hildetorr
Puzzle Mode Passwords
At the Puzzle Mode screen, select continue and use the following key to input the passwords:
R = Red
G = Green
B = Blue
Y = Yellow
P = Purple/Pink
W = White (Refugee Beans)
H = Has BeanEffect Effect WPHR Lesson 1 WHWH Lesson 10 HBRH Lesson 11 PHYG Lesson 12 YPYH Lesson 13 YWWP Lesson 14 RPYB Lesson 15 GRGH Lesson 16 WHYB Lesson 17 YHRB Lesson 18 PRHB Lesson 19 PYHH Lesson 2 RYBP Lesson 20 RBYG Lesson 21 YGRR Lesson 22 RBRY Lesson 23 WGRY Lesson 24 RYHP Lesson 25 BWRY Lesson 26 WBHG Lesson 27 WYYP Lesson 28 BPRH Lesson 29 PPPY Lesson 3 BYPH Lesson 30 GGPB Lesson 4 PGYP Lesson 5 BGRG Lesson 6 BRGP Lesson 7 BGWP Lesson 8 GYPW Lesson 9 RGHH View Credits Contributed by: silverstarr3224
Scenario Mode Passwords - Normal Difficulty
Enter these passwords after selecting "Continue" to skip ahead to the desired level.
R = Red Bean
Y = Yellow Bean
G = Green Bean
B = Blue Bean
P = Purple Bean
C = Clear (Garbage) Bean
H = Has Bean (the little orange fellow)Effect Effect BYRG Stage 10 - Sir Ffuzzy-Logik PBCY Stage 11 - Dragon Breath PBRH Stage 12 - Scratch YRGB Stage 13 - Dr. Robotnik CBRH Stage 2 - Frankly YBPB Stage 3 - Humpty RPCG Stage 4 - Coconuts BCCH Stage 5 - Davy Sprocket HPCY Stage 6 - Skweel BRCH Stage 7 - Dynamight HPYB Stage 8 - Grounder BHYP Stage 9 - Spike Contributed by: WillyFourEyes
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Seth0708 | 9K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by QXZ | 24K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Seth0708 | 9K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Raph136 | 20K |
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