Drakengard 2 Gameplay Movie 5
Take a look at the lengthy intro movie to Drakengard 2.
Take a look at the lengthy intro movie to Drakengard 2.
Take a look at some awesome combos in this movie.
Look out below!
Check out some impressive sword play in this clip.
Don't miss out on this awesome trailer for Drakengard 2.
Check out this amazing intro for Drakengard 2.
Watch our hero take down countless enemies on the ground in this clip.
It's going to take fancy sword work to make your way through this enemy infested hallway.
Take a look at this incredible cut scene from Drakengard 2.
Our hero blasts some enemy dragon in this action packed clip from Drakengard 2.
We try out the import sequel to Square Enix's PlayStation 2 action shooter.
We hacked, slashed, and flew through the first few chapters of a finished version of Drakengard 2.
Ubisoft signs deal with Square Enix to publish dragon-filled RPG in North America and Europe in March 2006.
Market report says Nintendo’s handheld has been selling more than Sony's console for three consecutive months.
Square Enix's medieval-flavored hack-and-slash game is coming to the PS2 this summer.
The PlayStation 2 will see more in dragon-riding action in spring 2005.
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