Cheats & Guides

Dynasty Warriors 8 Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    There are a total of 41 trophies: 1 platinum trophy, 2 gold trophies, 20 silver trophies, and 18 bronze trophies.

    Obtain all of the Camp Symbols. A Collector of Rarities
    Reach the maximum Fame level in Ambition Mode. A Majestic Manuever
    Finish all of the stages within Story Mode and Free Mode with the exception of the tutorial. A Shout of Triumph
    Complete all of the stages in Story Mode. An Intricate Tale
    Obtain all of the animals within the game. Animal Collector
    Win 100 battles with the same officer. Battle-hardened Veteran
    Defeat 3 enemy officers with a Switch Counter in a single battle. Comeback Kid
    Defeat an enemy after juggling them in the air for at least 10 seconds. Death from Above
    Unlock all of the event scenes within the game. Event Collector
    Have a new facility built in Ambition Mode. Facility Construction
    Have a facility expanded in Ambition Mode. Facility Expansion
    Form a bond at the maximum level with another officer. Friends to the End
    Complete the tutorials for all of the kingdoms. Graduation Day
    Build a Tongquetai and welcome the Emperor to your town. Heaven and Earth
    Defeat 3 enemy officers with a Storm Rush in a single battle. In an Instant
    Achieve a 1,000 hit combo. King of the Combos
    View the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Jin story. Legend of Jin
    View the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Shu story. Legend of Shu
    View the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Wei story. Legend of Wei
    View the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Wu story. Legend of Wu
    Finish any stage of the game, except for the tutorial, without taking any damage. Like a Shadow
    Complete all of the stages on the "Chaos" difficulty level. Master of Chaos
    Defeat 1,000 enemies while mounted on a riding-type animal. Mounted Terror
    Unlock all of the movies within the game. Movie Collector
    Defeat 1,000 enemies in a single battle. One Warrior vs. a Thousand
    Upgrade all skills to Level 10 or higher. Revelation
    Defeat 100 enemies with a companion-type animal. The Beastmaster Awakens
    Fight 5 straight battles in Ambition Mode. The Birth of a Leader
    Destroy a total of 1,000 siege weapons. The Destroyer
    Obtain all of the facilities in Ambition Mode. The Height of Prosperity
    Obtain more than 1,000 materials for weapons and facilities in Ambition Mode. The Land of Plenty
    Fight 20 straight battles in Ambition Mode. The Path of Ambition
    Become allies with all of the officers in Ambition Mode. The Tie that Bind Us
    Use a True Rage Attack. True Rage
    Obtain all of the trophies in the game. True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms
    Defeat a total of more than 100,000 enemies. Unstoppable Might
    Complete all of the stages for the Other story. Untold Legends
    Fight 50 straight battles in Ambition Mode. Unwavering Ambition
    Listen to all of the voice lines within the Gallery. Vocal Enthusiast
    Unlock all of the wallpapers within the game. Wallpaper Collector
    Obtain all of the weapons in the game. Weapon Collector

    Contributed by: Rellni944 

  2. Side Stages - Wu

    Some stages are not automatically unlocked by clearing stages, but require you to fulfill certain conditions to unlock them.

    Do not allow enemy officers to breach the defense lines in "Defense of Jiangxia". Assault at Xinye
    Ensure Gan Ning's survival and defeat Shamoke in "Battle of Yiling". Battle of Guangling
    Clear all hypothetical conditions in stages prior to "Battle of Hefei". Battle of Hefei (Hypothetical)
    Defeat Lu Gong before he escapes in "Battle of Xiangyang". Battle of Liang Province
    Defeat Xiahou Dun and Gan Ji before reaching the escape point in "The Little Conqueror in Peril". Defeat Gan Ji

    Contributed by: Rellni944 

  3. Characters - Shu

    Completing Story Mode stages for this kingdom will allow you to unlock characters for play in Free Mode. When a character appears as playable in a Story Mode stage, they will be unlocked in Free Mode after you clear that stage. (Note that you don't actually have to use that character to unlock them.)

    Complete Stage 11X (Hypothetical) - Pacification of Nanzhong Bao Sanniang
    Complete Stage 11X (Hypothetical) - Pacification of Nanzhong Guan Ping
    Complete Stage 9 - Battle of Fan Castle Guan Suo
    Complete Stage 9 - Battle of Fan Castle Guan Xing
    Complete Stage 9 - Battle of Fan Castle Guan Yinping
    Complete Stage 7 - Battle of Chengdu Huang Zhong
    Complete Stage 12 (Historical) - Battle of Jieting or Stage 12 (Hypothetical) - Invasion of Luoyang Jiang Wei
    Complete Stage 11 (Historical) - Battle of Tianshui or Stage 13 (Hypothetical) - Capture of Wei Liu Shan
    Complete Stage 8 - Battle of Mt. Dingjun Ma Chao
    Complete Stage 8 - Battle of Mt. Dingjun Ma Dai
    Complete Stage 7 - Battle of Chengdu Pang Tong
    Complete Stage 7 - Battle of Chengdu Wei Yan
    Complete Stage 11 (Historical) - Battle of Tianshui or Stage 10 (Hypothetical) - Battle of Lukou Xing Cai
    Complete Stage 4 - Battle of Xinye Xu Shu
    Complete Stage 12 (Historical) - Battle of Jieting Yue Ying
    Complete Stage 10 (Historical) - Battle of Yiling or Stage 10 (Hypothetical) - Battle of Lukou Zhang Bao
    Complete Stage 2 - Battle of Hulao Gate. Zhao Yun
    Complete Stage 5 - Battle of Changban Zhuge Liang

    Contributed by: _2650920 

  4. Side Stages - Shu

    Some stages are not automatically unlocked by clearing stages, but require you to fulfill certain conditions to unlock them.

    Rescue Ma Su before he gets trapped in "Battle of Jieting". Battle of Chencang
    Clear all hypothetical conditions prior to "Battle of Fan Castle". Battle of Fan Castle (Hypothetical)
    Do not defeat retreating enemies in "Defense of Xu Province". Disturbance at Guandu
    Defeat Xiahou Mao before Guo Jia appears in "Ambush at Chang'an". Pacification of Nanzhong

    Contributed by: Rellni944 

  5. Side Stages - Wei

    Some stages are not automatically unlocked by clearing stages, but require you to fulfill certain conditions to unlock them.

    Clear all hypothetical conditions in stages prior to "Battle of Chibi". Battle of Chibi (Hypothetical)
    Defeat Tao Qian before he escapes in "Battle of Xu Province". Battle of Puyang
    Do not rescue Cao Ang and Cao Anmin in "Battle of Wan Castle". Battle of Xiapi

    Contributed by: Rellni944 

  6. Side Stages - Jin

    Some stages are not automatically unlocked by clearing stages, but require you to fulfill certain conditions to unlock them.

    Escort all allies to safety in "East Gates Battle". Battle of New Hefei Castle
    Clear all hypothetical conditions in stages prior to "Battle of Xuchang". Battle of Xuchang (Hypothetical)
    Defeat all enemy officers before defeating Liu Shan in "Capture of Chengdu". Defeat the Rebels
    Defeat Cao Xun, Cao Xi, and He Yan before eliminating Cao Shuang in "Coup d'etat". Xiahou Ba's Journey

    Contributed by: Rellni944 

  7. Characters - Wei

    Completing Story Mode stages for this kingdom will allow you to unlock characters for play in Free Mode. When a character appears as playable in a Story Mode stage, they will be unlocked in Free Mode after you clear that stage. (Note that you don't actually have to use that character to unlock them.)

    Complete Stage 11 (Hypothetical) - Campaign for Jianye Cai Wenji
    Complete Stage 7 - Battle of Guandu Cao Pi
    Complete Stage 4 - Battle of Xu Province Cao Ren
    Complete Stage 3 - Battle of Yan Province Dian Wei
    Complete Stage 6X - Battle of Xiapi or Stage 7 - Battle of Guandu Guo Jia
    Complete Stage 6X - Battle of Xiapi or Stage 8 - Battle of Mt. Bailang Jia Xu
    Complete Stage 2 - Battle of Hulao Gate Li Dian
    Complete Stage 13 (Hypothetical) - Pursuit at Nanjun Pang De
    Complete Stage 11 (Historical) - Battle of Tong Gate or Stage 13 (Hypothetical) - Pursuit at Nanjun Wang Yi
    Complete Stage 5 - Imperial Escort Xu Huang
    Complete Stage 4 - Battle of Xu Province Xu Zhu
    Complete Stage 2 - Battle of Hulao Gate Yue Jin
    Complete Stage 9 - Battle of Xinye Zhang He
    Complete Stage 8 - Battle of Mt. Bailang Zhang Liao
    Complete Stage 12 (Hypothetical) - Uprising at Xuchang Zhen Ji

    Contributed by: _2650920 

  8. Characters - Wu

    Completing Story Mode stages for this kingdom will allow you to unlock characters for play in Free Mode. When a character appears as playable in a Story Mode stage, they will be unlocked in Free Mode after you clear that stage. (Note that you don't actually have to use that character to unlock them.)

    Complete Stage 3X - Defeat Gan Ji Da Qiao
    Complete Stage 10X (Historical) - Battle of Guangling Ding Feng
    Complete Stage 7 - Battle of Hefei Gan Ning
    Complete Stage 2 - Conquest of Wujun Huang Gai
    Complete Stage 9 (Historical) - Battle of Fan Castle or Stage 9 (Hypothetical) - Defense of Jiangxia Lian Shi
    Complete Stage 7 - Battle of Hefei Ling Tong
    Complete Stage 5 - Battle of Nanjun Lu Meng
    Complete Stage 4 - Battle of Chibi Lu Su
    Complete Stage 9 (Historical) - Battle of Fan Castle or Stage 9 (Hypothetical) - Defense of Jiangxia Lu Xun
    In Stage 1 - Battle of Xiangyang, defeat Lu Gong before he escapes, and then complete Stage 1X - Battle of Liang Province Sun Jian
    Complete Stage 3X - Defeat Gan Ji Taishi Ci
    Complete Stage 9X (Hypothetical) - Assault at Xinye Xiao Qiao
    Complete Stage 3 - The Little Conquerer in Peril Zhou Tai
    Complete Stage 2 - Conquest of Wujun Zhou Yu

    Contributed by: _2650920 

  9. Characters - Jin (PS3 Version Only)

    Completing Story Mode stages for this kingdom will allow you to unlock characters for play in Free Mode. When a character appears as playable in a Story Mode stage, they will be unlocked in Free Mode after you clear that stage. (Note that you don't actually have to use that character to unlock them.)

    Complete Stage 6 - Battle of Mt. Tielong Deng Ai
    Complete any one of the following: Stage 4X Xiahou Ba's Journey, Stage 5X Battle of New Hefei Castle, Stage 7 Guanqiu Jian and Wen Qin's Rebellion Guo Huai
    Complete Stage 3 - Battle of Mt. Xingshi Jia Chong
    Complete Stage 2 - Battle of Xiangyang Wang Yuanji
    Complete Stage 12 (Historical) - Battle of Jiange or Stage 11 (Hypothetical) - Defend Chengdu Wen Yang
    In Stage 4X - Xiahou Ba's Journey, defeat Jiang Wei before he meets up with Xiahou Ba, and then complete Stage 5 - East Gates Battle Xiahou Ba
    Complete Stage 6 - Battle of Mt. Tielong Zhong Hui
    Complete Stage 5 - East Gates Battle Zhuge Dan

    Contributed by: _2650920 

  10. Characters - Other

    To unlock characters who are not part of any of the four main kingdoms, you must clear stages in the 'Other' Story Mode. The Other Story is a series unrelated stages that can be unlocked and played in any order. To unlock the stages in the Other Story, you must clear certain stages in the stories of the four main kingdoms. Completing a stage in the Other Story will unlock the character that you played as in that stage.

    Complete Wei Stage 2 - Battle of Hulao Gate Diao Chan's Stage
    Complete Shu Stage 2 - Battle of Hulao Gate Dong Zhuo's Stage
    Complete Wei Stage 6X - Battle of Xiapi Lu Bu's Stage
    Complete Jin Stage 9 (Hypothetical) - Capture of Chengdu Meng Huo's Stage
    Complete Shu Stage 3X - Disturbance at Guandu Yuan Shao's Stage
    Complete Shu Stage 1 - Yellow Turban Rebellion Zhang Jiao's Stage
    Complete Shu Stage 11X (Hypothetical) - Pacification of Nanzhong Zhu Rong's Stage
    Complete Wu Stage 11 (Hypothetical) - Assault on Xuchang Zuo Ci's Stage

    Contributed by: _2650920 

  11. Special Animals

    Can only be unlocked in Ambition Mode. To welcome the Emperor, you must have completed construction of the Tongquetai.

    Welcomed Emperor and recruited all allies Golden Panda
    Welcomed Emperor and all Facilities fully upgraded Harrier
    Complete 60 consecutive battles Hex Mark
    Complete 90 consecutive battles Red Hare
    Complete 30 consecutive battles Shadow Runner
    Complete 100 consecutive battles War Elephant

    Contributed by: michaelP4o 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by MasterVG782 182K
General FAQs Walkthrough by jinthesensei 64K
In-Depth FAQs 5-Star Weapon Guide by clementchong 21K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon FAQ by wowitsyugi 281K
In-Depth FAQs Wei Story Guide by KamekDSU 66K

Dynasty Warriors 8 Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Obtained all of the Camp Symbols. A Collector of Rarities
    Reached the maximum Fame level in Ambition Mode. A Majestic Manner
    Finished all of the stages within Story Mode and Free Mode with the exception of the tutorial. A Shout of Triumph
    Completed all of the stages in Story Mode. An Intricate Tale
    Obtained all of the animals within the game. Animal Collector
    Won 100 battles with the same officer. Battle-hardened Veteran
    Defeated 3 enemy officers with a Switch Counter in a single battle. Comeback Kid
    Defeated an enemy after juggling them in the air for at least 10 seconds. Death from Above
    Unlocked all of the event scenes within the game. Event Collector
    Had a new facility built in Ambition Mode. Facility Construction
    Had a facility expanded in Ambition Mode. Facility Expansion
    Formed a bond at the maximum level with another officer. Friends to the End
    Completed the tutorials for all of the kingdoms. Graduation Day
    Built a Tongquetai and welcomed the Emperor to your town. Heaven and Earth
    Defeated 3 enemy officers with a Storm Rush in a single battle. In an Instant
    Achieved a 1,000 hit combo. King of the Combos
    Viewed the ending (Historical and Hypothetical) for the Jin story. Legend of Jin
    Viewed the ending (Historical and Hypothetical) for the Shu story. Legend of Shu
    Viewed the ending (Historical and Hypothetical) for the Wei story. Legend of Wei
    Viewed the ending (Historical and Hypothetical) for the Wu story. Legend of Wu
    Finished any stage of the game, except for the tutorial, without taking any damage. Like a Shadow
    Completed all of the stages on the "Chaos" difficulty level. Master of Chaos
    Defeated 1,000 enemies while mounted on a riding-type animal. Mounted Terror
    Unlocked all of the movies within the game. Movie Collector
    Defeated 1,000 enemies in a single battle. One Warrior vs. a Thousand
    Upgraded all skills to Level 10 or higher. Revelation
    Defeated 100 enemies with a companion-type animal. The Beastmaster Awakens
    Fought 5 straight battles in Ambition Mode. The Birth of a Leader
    Destroyed a total of 1,000 siege weapons. The Destroyer
    Obtained all of the facilities in Ambition Mode. The Height of Prosperity
    Obtained more than 1,000 materials for weapons and facilities in Ambition Mode. The Land of Plenty
    Fought 20 straight battles in Ambition Mode. The Path of Ambition
    Became allies with all of the officers in Ambition Mode. The Ties that Bind Us
    Used a True Rage Attack. True Rage
    Obtained all achievements. True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms
    Defeated a total of more than 100,000 enemies. Unstoppable Might
    Completed all of the stages for the Other story. Untold Legends
    Fought 50 straight battles in Ambition Mode. Unwavering Ambition
    Listened to all of the voice lines within the Gallery. Vocal Enthusiast
    Unlocked all of the wallpapers within the game. Wallpaper Collector
    Obtained all of the weapons in the game. Weapon Collector

    Contributed by: Guard Master, The Retro Goat 

  2. Special Animals

    Can only be unlocked in Ambition Mode. To welcome the Emperor, you must have completed construction of the Tongquetai.

    Welcomed Emperor and recruited all allies Golden Panda
    Welcomed Emperor and all Facilities fully upgraded Harrier
    Complete 60 consecutive battles Hex Mark
    Complete 90 consecutive battles Red Hare
    Complete 30 consecutive battles Shadow Runner
    Complete 100 consecutive battles War Elephant

    Contributed by: michaelP4o 

  3. Guan Yu's 5 star weapon-Godly Dragon

    Defeat Hua Xiong and Lu Bu in under 14 minutes at Battle of Hu Lao Gate-Liu Bei's forces on hard or chaos mode, item appears in the corridors that are on fire.

    Defeat Hua Xiong and Lu Bu in under 14 minutes at Battle of Hu Lao Gate-Liu Bei's forces on hard or chaos mode, item appears in the corridors on fire Guan Yu's 5 star weapon-Godly Dragon

    Contributed by: bluedragon619 

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    There are 28 Bronze Trophies, 12 Silver Trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

    Rank number 1 in Arena Challenge Mode. Arena Master
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Art of War Scroll skill. Art of War Scroll Expert
    Defeat an enemy officer using EX Attacks 1 and 2 in a single battle. Attack Ace
    Do not allow a single unit to be defeated during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Battle Pro
    Rank number 1 in Bridge Melee Challenge Mode. Bridge Melee Master
    Earn a total of 100,000 K.O.s. Carnage
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Crossed Pike skill. Crossed Pike Expert
    Complete all hypotheticals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Crossroads
    Open "Events" in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends events. Event Aficionado
    Complete Ambition Mode with at least 14 minutes left. Expedient Leader
    Raise an officer to the highest leadership level. Famous Commander
    Strengthen a bodyguard for the first time. First Fortification
    Perform a weapon fusion for the first time. First Fusion
    Instruct a bodyguard to use a battle skill for the first time. First Skill
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Flame Bow skill. Flame Bow Expert
    Complete all goals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Goal Getter
    Earn a total of 100,000 gold. Golden Dream
    Earn an evaluation of A in a stage in Free Mode. Highest Rating
    Rank number 1 in Inferno Challenge Mode. Inferno Master
    Complete a stage within 2 minutes on Ultimate difficulty. Lightning Speed
    Rank number 1 in all Challenge Mode courses. Martial Arts Master
    Complete a stage other than the Tutorial without taking damage on Ultimate difficulty. Matchless Warrior
    Defeat 1,000 enemies in a single battle on Ultimate difficulty. Mighty Warrior
    Unlock all Xtreme Legends movies. Movie Maven
    Open "Weapons" in the gallery, after obtaining all secondary special weapons. Musou Collector
    Complete a stage with all five of the new Xtreme Legends characters. New Friends
    Rank number 1 in Rampage Challenge Mode. Rampage Master
    Raise an officer to the highest level. Seasoned Veteran
    Use every type of battle skill. Skill Specialist
    Rank number 1 in Speed Run Challenge Mode. Speed Run Master
    Watch all Xtreme Legends conversation events. Story Buff
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in an area during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Subjugator
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in a battlefield during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Total Subjugation
    Unite all the lands in Ambition Mode. Total Unifier
    Win a campaign in Ambition Mode with a subjugation rate of 100%. Total Victory
    Obtain all of the trophies in the game. True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms
    Earn an evaluation of A in all Xtreme Legends stages. Ultimate Rating
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages on Ultimate difficulty. Ultimate Warrior
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages. Victory Call
    Open "Wallpaper" in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends wallpapers. Wallpaper Compiler
    Watch Lu Bu's story endings (historical and hypothetical). War God
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the War Trident skill. War Trident Expert
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Woven Cloth skill. Woven Cloth Expert
    Earn a subjugation rate of 100% in under two battles in an Ambition Mode campaign. Xtreme Speed

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition Cheats For PlayStation Vita

  1. Trophies

    There are 28 Bronze Trophies, 12 Silver Trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

    Rank number 1 in Arena Challenge Mode. Arena Master
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Art of War Scroll skill. Art of War Scroll Expert
    Defeat an enemy officer using EX Attacks 1 and 2 in a single battle. Attack Ace
    Do not allow a single unit to be defeated during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Battle Pro
    Rank number 1 in Bridge Melee Challenge Mode. Bridge Melee Master
    Earn a total of 100,000 K.O.s. Carnage
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Crossed Pike skill. Crossed Pike Expert
    Complete all hypotheticals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Crossroads
    Open "Events" in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends events. Event Aficionado
    Complete Ambition Mode with at least 14 minutes left. Expedient Leader
    Raise an officer to the highest leadership level. Famous Commander
    Strengthen a bodyguard for the first time. First Fortification
    Perform a weapon fusion for the first time. First Fusion
    Instruct a bodyguard to use a battle skill for the first time. First Skill
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Flame Bow skill. Flame Bow Expert
    Complete all goals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Goal Getter
    Earn a total of 100,000 gold. Golden Dream
    Earn an evaluation of A in a stage in Free Mode. Highest Rating
    Rank number 1 in Inferno Challenge Mode. Inferno Master
    Complete a stage within 2 minutes on Ultimate difficulty. Lightning Speed
    Rank number 1 in all Challenge Mode courses. Martial Arts Master
    Complete a stage other than the Tutorial without taking damage on Ultimate difficulty. Matchless Warrior
    Defeat 1,000 enemies in a single battle on Ultimate difficulty. Mighty Warrior
    Unlock all Xtreme Legends movies. Movie Maven
    Open "Weapons" in the gallery, after obtaining all secondary special weapons. Musou Collector
    Complete a stage with all five of the new Xtreme Legends characters. New Friends
    Rank number 1 in Rampage Challenge Mode. Rampage Master
    Raise an officer to the highest level. Seasoned Veteran
    Use every type of battle skill. Skill Specialist
    Rank number 1 in Speed Run Challenge Mode. Speed Run Master
    Watch all Xtreme Legends conversation events. Story Buff
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in an area during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Subjugator
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in a battlefield during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Total Subjugation
    Unite all the lands in Ambition Mode. Total Unifier
    Win a campaign in Ambition Mode with a subjugation rate of 100%. Total Victory
    Obtain all of the trophies in the game. True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms
    Earn an evaluation of A in all Xtreme Legends stages. Ultimate Rating
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages on Ultimate difficulty. Ultimate Warrior
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages. Victory Call
    Open "Wallpaper" in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends wallpapers. Wallpaper Compiler
    Watch Lu Bu's story endings (historical and hypothetical). War God
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the War Trident skill. War Trident Expert
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Woven Cloth skill. Woven Cloth Expert
    Earn a subjugation rate of 100% in under two battles in an Ambition Mode campaign. Xtreme Speed

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    There are 28 Bronze Trophies, 12 Silver Trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

    Rank number 1 in Arena Challenge Mode. Arena Master
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Art of War Scroll skill. Art of War Scroll Expert
    Defeat an enemy officer using EX Attacks 1 and 2 in a single battle. Attack Ace
    Do not allow a single unit to be defeated during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Battle Pro
    Rank number 1 in Bridge Melee Challenge Mode. Bridge Melee Master
    Earn a total of 100,000 K.O.s. Carnage
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Crossed Pike skill. Crossed Pike Expert
    Complete all hypotheticals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Crossroads
    Open "Events" in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends events. Event Aficionado
    Complete Ambition Mode with at least 14 minutes left. Expedient Leader
    Raise an officer to the highest leadership level. Famous Commander
    Strengthen a bodyguard for the first time. First Fortification
    Perform a weapon fusion for the first time. First Fusion
    Instruct a bodyguard to use a battle skill for the first time. First Skill
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Flame Bow skill. Flame Bow Expert
    Complete all goals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Goal Getter
    Earn a total of 100,000 gold. Golden Dream
    Earn an evaluation of A in a stage in Free Mode. Highest Rating
    Rank number 1 in Inferno Challenge Mode. Inferno Master
    Complete a stage within 2 minutes on Ultimate difficulty. Lightning Speed
    Rank number 1 in all Challenge Mode courses. Martial Arts Master
    Complete a stage other than the Tutorial without taking damage on Ultimate difficulty. Matchless Warrior
    Defeat 1,000 enemies in a single battle on Ultimate difficulty. Mighty Warrior
    Unlock all Xtreme Legends movies. Movie Maven
    Open "Weapons" in the gallery, after obtaining all secondary special weapons. Musou Collector
    Complete a stage with all five of the new Xtreme Legends characters. New Friends
    Rank number 1 in Rampage Challenge Mode. Rampage Master
    Raise an officer to the highest level. Seasoned Veteran
    Use every type of battle skill. Skill Specialist
    Rank number 1 in Speed Run Challenge Mode. Speed Run Master
    Watch all Xtreme Legends conversation events. Story Buff
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in an area during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Subjugator
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in a battlefield during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Total Subjugation
    Unite all the lands in Ambition Mode. Total Unifier
    Win a campaign in Ambition Mode with a subjugation rate of 100%. Total Victory
    Obtain all of the trophies in the game. True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms
    Earn an evaluation of A in all Xtreme Legends stages. Ultimate Rating
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages on Ultimate difficulty. Ultimate Warrior
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages. Victory Call
    Open "Wallpaper" in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends wallpapers. Wallpaper Compiler
    Watch Lu Bu's story endings (historical and hypothetical). War God
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the War Trident skill. War Trident Expert
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Woven Cloth skill. Woven Cloth Expert
    Earn a subjugation rate of 100% in under two battles in an Ambition Mode campaign. Xtreme Speed

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Rank number 1 in Arena Challenge Mode. Arena Master
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Art of War Scroll skill. Art of War Scroll Expert
    Defeat an enemy officer using EX Attacks 1 and 2 in a single battle. Attack Ace
    Do not allow a single unit to be defeated during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Battle Pro
    Rank number 1 in Bridge Melee Challenge Mode. Bridge Melee Master
    Earn a total of 100,000 K.O.s. Carnage
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Crossed Pike skill. Crossed Pike Expert
    Complete all hypotheticals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Crossroads
    Open “Events” in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends events. Event Aficionado
    Complete Ambition Mode with at least 14 minutes left. Expedient Leader
    Raise an officer to the highest leadership level. Famous Commander
    Strengthen a bodyguard for the first time. First Fortification
    Perform a weapon fusion for the first time. First Fusion
    Instruct a bodyguard to use a battle skill for the first time. First Skill
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Flame Bow skill. Flame Bow Expert
    Complete all goals in the Xtreme Legends stages. Goal Getter
    Earn a total of 100,000 gold. Golden Dream
    Earn an evaluation of A in a stage in Free Mode. Highest Rating
    Rank number 1 in Inferno Challenge Mode. Inferno Master
    Complete a stage within 2 minutes on Ultimate difficulty. Lightning Speed
    Rank number 1 in all Challenge Mode courses. Martial Arts Master
    Complete a stage other than the Tutorial without taking damage on Ultimate difficulty. Matchless Warrior
    Defeat 1,000 enemies in a single battle on Ultimate difficulty. Mighty Warrior
    Unlock all Xtreme Legends movies. Movie Maven
    Open “Weapons” in the gallery, after obtaining all secondary special weapons. Musou Collector
    Complete a stage with all five of the new Xtreme Legends characters. New Friends
    Rank number 1 in Rampage Challenge Mode. Rampage Master
    Raise an officer to the highest level. Seasoned Veteran
    Use every type of battle skill. Skill Specialist
    Rank number 1 in Speed Run Challenge Mode. Speed Run Master
    Watch all Xtreme Legends conversation events. Story Buff
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in an area during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Subjugator
    Get a subjugation rate of 100% in a battlefield during a campaign in Ambition Mode. Total Subjugation
    Unite all the lands in Ambition Mode. Total Unifier
    Win a campaign in Ambition Mode with a subjugation rate of 100%. Total Victory
    Unlock all of the achievements in the game. True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms
    Earn an evaluation of A in all Xtreme Legends stages. Ultimate Rating
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages on Ultimate difficulty. Ultimate Warrior
    Complete all Xtreme Legends stages. Victory Call
    Open “Wallpaper” in the gallery after unlocking all Xtreme Legends wallpapers. Wallpaper Compiler
    Watch Lu Bu's story endings (historical and hypothetical). War God
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the War Trident skill. War Trident Expert
    Open the Equip Skills screen after learning the Woven Cloth skill. Woven Cloth Expert
    Earn a subjugation rate of 100% in under two battles in an Ambition Mode campaign. Xtreme Speed

    Contributed by: Tsuruke, Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth Guides Body Guard FAQ by Vesperas 223K
In-Depth Guides Express A Rank Guide by Vesperas 106K

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Unlock DLC costumes

    In order to unlock the DLC costumes, complete any kingdom’s story on either path.

    Contributed by: Trialman