Rad Doll Kung Fu fights for free on PSN
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic received a critical drubbing when it first debuted for $9.99 on the PlayStation Network in April. Happening upon perhaps the best way for ...
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic received a critical drubbing when it first debuted for $9.99 on the PlayStation Network in April. Happening upon perhaps the best way for ...
Publishers of Dynasty Warriors, Pinball Hall of Fame, and Obscure 2 join the ranks of US gaming industry trade group.
Fairy tales, space travel, and fighting robots all hitting store shelves down under this week.
Nintendo racer and Namco-Koei crossover highlight a sparse slate of releases including Cryostasis.
Do enough damage to robots to match the gross domestic product of a medium-sized nation in the latest Dynasty Warriors title.
Publisher's profits up 15 percent for final three months of 2008, but full fiscal-year totals are slipping.
Business combination valued at $207 million sees Dynasty Warriors publisher to take three-quarters ownership stake in new holding company.
Haven for anime fans with latest Gundam, Dragon Ball, and Naruto games playable; Wii represented by new We Ski and Taiko games.
X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, O! We wear our button fingers down to a nub in this sequel to the sci-fi ...
Spurning Square Enix's offer, the Ninja Gaiden-maker is reportedly considering a union with the Dynasty Warriors publisher.
Japanese publisher's mecha/tactical beat-'em-up crossover returns to Xbox 360, PS3, PS2 in 2009.
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