Cheats & Guides

Elven Legend 8: The Wicked Gears Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Build energy dome Airless Survivor
    Craft press-suit Airless-World Explorer
    Lure alien sheeps with pan flute Alien Shepherd
    Finish 5 levels in a row without leaving the game Ardent Fan
    Send astral Griffin to Sonia Astral Messenger
    Begin the game Beginner
    Repair 100 buildings Builder
    Gather 100 gold Capitalist
    Collect all stones Collector1
    Collect all gremlins Collector2
    Collect all gears Collector3
    Talk Gunniver into lifting her curse Curse Breaker
    Gather 500 crystals Deep and Wealthy
    Gather 400 water Enough to Drown
    Create portal back to gremlin world Famous Musician
    Complete all tasks with 3 stars Flawless Result
    Get into mine Go Right Way
    Do nothing for 15 seconds Great Manager
    Finish 25 levels Half-way Done
    Heal wounded Iwak Healer of Iwaks
    Upgrade 150 buildings Improver
    Gather 300 food Incredible Harvest
    Travel to world of gremlins Into Iron Realm
    Defeat huge machine Lord of Lightnings
    Gather 100 philosopher's stones Mysterious Alchemist
    Manage negotiations Negotiator
    Throw fishes back into river Not at All Fisher
    Create machine park Park Manager
    Defeat haunted sawmill Safe Woods
    Gather 200 wood Slash N Hack
    Destroy enemy spy-drone Spies Won't Pass
    Defeat gremlin-driven mechanism Stuffed Pie
    Chase away 25 enemies The One to Fear
    Question gremlin captive Things are Getting Clear
    Eavesdrop gremlins' talk Unseen Ear
    Fix haunted elevator Up and Down
    Complete all tasks Victory!
    Use 50 bonuses Wise Choice

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff