Cheats & Guides
ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 Cheats For PlayStation 2
Cheat Screen Codes
At the cheat screen, enter the following codes:
Effect Effect BALLHEAD Basketball Heads ABILITYBONUS Better Performance EXCELLENT Better Shooting BIGFOOT Big Feet BIGHAND Big Hands DUNKERS Easier Slam Dunks PANCAKE Flat Players BIGHEAD Huge Heads INVISIBLE Invisible Bodies DARKNESS No Overhead Lights NOSPECTATOR Removes all the spectators BEFOREIMAGE Shows an early trace of where the ball will go if it bounces MINIMINI Tiny Players Contributed by: Buckwheatz Revenge, Garibaldi84, Ice Mario
ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 Cheats For Xbox
Enter the following codes at the cheats screen:
Effect Effect BEFOREIMAGE Ball Tails BALLHEAD Basketball heads players ABILITYBONUS Better Performance BIGFOOT Big Feet BIGHAND Big Hands BIGHEAD Big Heads DUNKERS Easy Dunks PANCAKE Flat Mode EXCELLENT Increased shooting percentage INVISIBLE Invisibility NOSPECTATOR No Fans MINIMINI Small Mode Contributed by: Mike Truitt, Desert eagle
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