Cheats & Guides

Evasion Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 47 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Defeat the Widow on Bullet-Hell difficulty Add it to Your Resume
    Complete all Survival Missions Ain't No Bugs On Me
    Complete Southpost Survival Mission All Quiet on the Southern Post
    Use the Warden's Surge Attack 50 Times Bombs Away!
    Clear the Atmosphere Breathe Easy
    Use the Engineer's Surge Attack 50 Times Bug Zapper
    Finish the Campaign Bugproof
    Unlock all the Achievements in the Game Elite Vanguard
    Defeat a Rhino Evil Beetle
    Use your Surge Attack four times when fighting the Widow (Hunt Down the Widow) Feel the Surge
    Play a mission as the Striker First Strike
    Defeat one Dauber Float like a Butterfly
    Destroy the Nematodes Fly in the Ointment
    Shoot down all the names in the Credits Friendly Fire
    Disable the Widow's shields without leaving the proximity spheres (Disable Widow Shield) Full Bars
    Defeat the Widow Get Off My Rock!
    Deflect 10,000 attacks Higinbotham Would be Impressed
    Complete Crater Town Survival Mission I Own This Crater Town
    Use the Surgeon's Surge Attack 50 Times Invasive Procedures
    Deploy your Tether Lash 1,000 times Lash Out
    Use the Striker's Surge Attack 50 Times Locked On
    Restore Communications Loud & Clear
    Defeat a Megatoma Mega Trouble
    Destroy the Megatoma with a Tether Lash (Clear the Air) Megaton Drop
    Set off every explosive plate while completing the mission (Infiltrate Crater Town) Minesweeper
    Destroy 1,000 Prime Units Prime Time
    Secure the Forward Operating Base Push Back
    Fire 10,000 Charge shots Put it on my Charge Card
    Complete Bedrock Survival Mission Putting Bedrock to Bed
    Discharge your blaster 100,000 times Putting the 'Bullet' in Bullet Hell
    Complete any Survival Mission on Bullet-Hell difficulty Reign of the Endomorphs
    Destroy 10,000 Optera Scrap Heap
    Penetrate the Widow’s Defenses Shieldbreaker
    Find Red-6 Space Prospector
    Play a Mission as the Engineer Sparky
    Carry Red-6 to the landing zone without dropping it (Find Red-6) Sticky Fingers
    Defeat a second Dauber Sting like a Bee
    Take out the Main Drilling Rig Stop the Drilling!
    Play a mission as the Surgeon The Doctor is In
    Use your Charge Shot, Tether Lash, and Surge Attack (Investigate Faro Colony) The Whole Arsenal
    Completed the Tutorial Try Not to Die
    Destroy both infected rigs in under two minutes (Disrupt the Optera) Two Minute Drill
    Take 664 steps Two Steps from Hell
    Kill both "Wasps from Hell!!" within 20 seconds of each (Break the Silence) Twofer
    Play a Mission as the Warden Walking Tank
    Discover what happened to Dyson Where in the World is Carl Dyson?
    Destroy the Drilling Rig within three minutes (Rescue the Colonists) Wrecking Crew

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Evasion Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.

    Complete all three Survival Missions Ain't No Bugs On Me
    Complete the Southpost Survival Mode All Quiet on the Southern Post
    Use the Warden's Surge Attack 25 Times Bombs Away!
    Clear the Atmosphere Breathe Easy
    Use the Engineer's Surge Attack 25 Times Bug Zapper
    Finish the Campaign Bugproof
    Acquire all other trophies Elite Vanguard
    Defeat a Rhino Evil Beetle
    Use your Surge Attack four times when fighting the Widow (Hunt Down the Widow) Feel the Surge
    Play a Mission as the Striker First Strike
    Defeat one Dauber Float like a Butterfly
    Destroy the Nematodes Fly in the Ointment
    Shoot down all the names in the Credits Friendly Fire
    Disable the Widow's shields without leaving the proximity spheres (Disable Widow Shield) Full Bars
    Defeat the Widow Get Off My Rock!
    Deflect 10,000 Attacks Higinbotham Would be Impressed
    Complete the Crater Town Survival Mode I Own this Crater Town
    Use the Surgeon's Surge Attack 25 Times Invasive Procedures
    Deploy your Tether Lash 1000 Times Lash Out
    Use the Striker's Surge Attack 25 Times Locked On
    Restore Communications Loud & Clear
    Defeat a Megatoma Mega Trouble
    Destroy the Megatoma with a Tether Lash (Clear the Air) Megaton Drop
    Set off every explosive plate while completing the mission (Infiltrate Crater Town) Minesweeper
    Destroy 1,000 Prime Units Prime Time
    Secure the Forward Operating Base Push Back
    Fire 10,000 Charge Shots Put it on my Charge Card
    Complete the Bedrock Survival Mode Putting Bedrock to Bed
    Discharge your blaster 100,000 times Putting the 'Bullet' in Bullet Hell
    Kill 10,000 Enemies Scrap Heap
    Penetrate the Widow’s Defenses Shieldbreaker
    Find Red-6 Space Prospector
    Play a Mission as the Engineer Sparky
    Carry Red-6 to the landing zone without dropping it (Find Red-6) Sticky Fingers
    Defeat a second Dauber Sting like a Bee
    Take out the Main Drilling Rig Stop the Drilling!
    Play a Mission as the Surgeon The Doctor is In
    Use your Charge Shot, Tether Lash, and Surge Attack (Investigate Faro Colony) The Whole Arsenal
    Completed the Tutorial Try Not to Die
    Destroy both infected rigs in under two minutes (Disrupt the Optera) Two Minute Drill
    Take 664 steps Two Steps from Hell
    Kill both "Wasps from Hell!!" within 20 seconds of each (Break the Silence) Twofer
    Play a Mission as the Warden Walking Tank
    Discover what happened to Dyson Where In The World Is Carl Dyson?
    Destroy the Drilling Rig within three minutes (Rescue the Colonists) Wrecking Crew

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold