Cheats & Guides
Excitebike 64 Cheats For Nintendo 64
Wheelie and spin around before starting a race
Before a race actually begins, you see yourself in a spinning camera mode. While the camera spins around you, you can make a wheelie AND spin around in circles, in one place. First, hold the Z button and pull back on the control stick. While you're in a wheelie, move your bike left and right. While you do this, the camera will stay in place. You can do this for as long as you want, but if you let go of all the buttons, the race will begin and you'll be left behind. So, make sure you spin back in front to begin.
Contributed by: Space Bug
Unlock Secret Game Modes
To Unlock the NES Excitebike game, complete the Tutorial Mode.
To unlock the Soccer Mode, get 1st in the Silver Round of the Novice Season.
To unlock the Hill Climb, get 1st in the Gold Round of the Amature Season.
To unlock the Excite 3-D track, get 1st in the Challenge Round of the Pro Season.Contributed by: MTRodaba2468
Biker Biographies
Complete all of the tests and lessons in the Tutorial mode (under Session) to unlock bios of all of the bikers.
Contributed by: knuckles_sonic8
Shortcut for Construction Yard
Once you reach the split in the road for the Construction Yard level (in the Platinum tracks), turn right. Once you go cross with the other road twice, build your speed up to 50 MPH or so (higher is better). Once you see the beam, aim towards it and drive on the concrete that is currently the shell for the building. Turn left, but don't do it as soon as you land. Once you get close to the wall, turn left. You'll still be driving on the concrete, but you'll see a jump ahead leading you back to the main course. You'll jump a place or two in the pack.
Contributed by: GreenFlag
Cheat Menu
At the main menu, enter the following code to display the Cheat menu:<p />Hold L + C-Right + C-Down + A.
Effect Effect TRICKSTER Activate all tricks PATWELLS Beat This! Mode BLAHBLAH Big Heads INVISRIDER Bikers Invisible SHOWOFF Bonus Stunts IMGOINGNOW Debug mode WHEEEEEEEE Downhill Mode MOWER Invincibility YADAYADA Mirror Mode MIDNIGHT Night Mode ROTCOLS Odd Color Mode UGLYMUGS See the developers PINHEAD Small Heads XLURIDER Transparent Rider Mode Contributed by: Tyrant007, GrimWolf, Retro, slimjim25c, kidgame2001, red_daysleeper, KasketDarkfyre, JOEDONBAKINGFOOL8888, knuckles_sonic8
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by hailjh | 8K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by GreenFlag | 63K |
Maps and Charts | Congo Course Map by slimjim25c | 4K |
Maps and Charts | Gravel Pit Map by slimjim25c | 6K |
Maps and Charts | Mountain Quarry Map by slimjim25c | 4K |
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