Cheats & Guides

EyeToy: Groove Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Master level difficulty

    To unlock as master difficulty, get an A in one of the tracks. You will then have a new difficulty level. It is (as far as I can tell) exactly like hard mode but with less warning when the heads will appear

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Get A rating in hard mode in track Master level

    Contributed by: reddragonflame 

  2. Songs 23-28 (NTSC Version)

    The PAL (European) version has 25 songs total, while the US version has 28.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the first 23 songs on any difficulty. Songs 23-28 (US version only)

    Contributed by: mdude4 

  3. Unlocking tracks 21-25

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete tracks 1-20 all the way through on any mode. Track 21-25

    Contributed by: samisanetgeek 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Song/Video FAQ by Sid 4K