Cheats & Guides

Falcom Classics II Cheats For Saturn

  1. CD Bonuses

    If you look through the CD's files, you'll come across a few surprises. The /BMP folder contains 7 images that you can't get in-game, and /MP3 contains 17 music tracks.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Mark Game as Cleared

    Highlight a game on the game selection screen, then, hold X. The game will be cleared with the shortest possible time.

    Effect Effect
    Mark Game as Cleared Highlight a game on the game selection screen, then, hold X. The game will be cleared with the shortest possible time.

    Contributed by: Justoid27 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by LDuran 50K
In-Depth Guides Ys II Walkthrough by Tarkaan 34K