Cheats & Guides

FIFA 2000: Major League Soccer Cheats For PC

  1. Bonus Teams

    Type in hooligan

    Contributed by: I N F E R N O 

  2. Alien Mode

    Type in dizzy

    Contributed by: I N F E R N O 

  3. Unlimited Money

    Type in momoney

    Contributed by: I N F E R N O 

  4. Lightning Mode

    Type in sizzle

    Contributed by: I N F E R N O 

  5. Glow Mode

    Type in lightsout

    Contributed by: I N F E R N O 

  6. EAC Field

    Type in burnaby

    Contributed by: I N F E R N O 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by DC 109K

FIFA 2000: Major League Soccer Cheats For Game Boy Color

  1. Game Boy Color - Passwords - League - Team USA

    At the Main Menu, select Restore, and enter the desired password. NOTE: In the password system, there are no vowels; A, E, I, O, and U.

    7B96788Z 768ZQ6+8 P8+Z76+8 9Y------ Game 002 1W,0L
    7B9+668Q 7++Y76Z8 N8+Q7+Z8 0C------ Game 003 2W,0
    7B9#46+F 7#ZYP63Z M8ZF7#38 GJ------ Game 004 3W,0L
    7B9Z+6Y8 6Z3X76QY +8287ZQ8 #*------ Game 005 4W,0L
    7B9X*62Z 6XQXP+VY *82ZPXV8 2Z------ Game 006 5W,0L
    7B93#6PQ 63QM7+FY S8PP73F8 *T------ Game 007 6W,0L
    7B909+PF 60QMP+KP R6RD70K8 0*------ Game 008 7W,0L
    7B9QZ+N8 NQQV798N Z6S76P88 23------ Game 009 8W,0L
    7B9NY+NZ NNQVN9+C Y6SYNM+8 R0------ Game 010 9W,0L
    7B9VX#NQ MVQT49ZC C6SPNTZ8 QK------ Game 011 10W,0L
    7B9SWZND 4SQJM93C B6SDMR38 96------ Game 012 11W,0L
    7B9F3XM7 4FP#49QC K6B64DQ8 T3------ Game 013 12W,0L
    7B9C23MY 4CP#M9VC J+BXMBV8 BN------ Game 014 13W,0L

    Contributed by: GameMasterZer0 

  2. Level Passwords

    Level Passwords

    Effect Effect
    SDLSNP Level 2
    DCDWTP Level 3
    SPLGZW Level 4
    DQRFKW Level 5
    PSQQLW Level 6
    NBGJVX Level 7

    Contributed by: inferno 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth Guides Team Ratings FAQ by Skye7707 14K

FIFA 2000: Major League Soccer Cheats For PlayStation

  1. EA Sports Teams

    When selecting your team, choose the ''Rest Of World'' category, then cycle through the teams until you reach the ''E'' section (all teams that begin with E). You should find teams named EA 1, EA 2, EA 3 and EA 4. The players in these teams have been customized by the EA Sports staff.

    Contributed by: garman90 

  2. Special Guest Teams

    When selecting your team, choose Rest Of World, then cycle through the teams until you reach the teams that begin with S. The Special Guest team is the same as the EA Sports Team, but with different names and are perfect in every aspect.

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  3. Various Stuff

    After going to the options menu, select "cheats".

    Effect Effect
    DIZZY Alien Mode
    HOOLIGAN Bonus Teams
    LIGHTSOUT Glow Mode
    SIZZLE Lightning Mode
    MOMONEY Unlitmited Bankroll

    Contributed by: ThereIsNoUserName 

  4. Codes

    Pause the game and enter the following codes for special affects:

    Effect Effect
    X, Circle x 3, Down, Up, Up, Left, R1 Fat players
    Hold R2 and press Square, X, X, X, Up, Circle Invisible walls

    Contributed by: freakunique 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by DC 109K
General FAQs FAQ by AHussain 33K