Cheats & Guides
Final Fantasy Type-0 Cheats For PSP
Darkness of Suzaku - Maximum Gil Exploits
Darkness of Suzaku appear in the second playthrough after Chapter 6 has been cleared. In the Chapter 7, if you absorb any phantoma from defeating any enemies, you will have a small percentage to make him appear. When he appear in the world map, any phantoma you want to absorb will be going to the sky instead. When this happens, ride the Airship and approach him slightly underneath. What you need to do is simply shoots him until the Gil Multiplier and Gil Counter comes, Hold L button to brake, press R and Square rapidly to lock-on (blue circle appear) and shoot him. If your bullet connects, you will see a white circle appear as the impact. At first you won't be getting the Gil Multiplier and Gil Counter, but after you shoots a couple of times (I counted about 70 - 80 lock-on bullets, may need more or less) the Gil Multiplier and Gil Counter will appears. If your Gil counter doesn't appear, land nearby and fly again for the second attempt. Now shoots all the way until you have reached the maximum Gil (99,999,999). The whole process takes about 2 - 7 minutes, depends on how fast you stop at the good spot and how fast you shoot the bullets.
Contributed by: ZeoKnight
In-game Summer Costumes
Summer costumes can be unlocked as early as starting a new game. But before doing so, you must have a saved file of the demo version of the game in the memory stick being used as with the full release of the game. The saved file however must have contain the data for the costumes as were gathered from within the demo. There's a total of 14 costumes overall.
Unlockable Unlockable Play the demo version and unlock the costumes from there. Once unlocked from the demo, make a saved file and load it up on the full game. x14 Summer Costumes Contributed by: dothackjhe
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by GuitaristMatt | 44K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Phillnanas | 441K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Grazypanda | 196K |
Final Fantasy Type-0 Cheats For PlayStation 4
There are 38 Bronze Trophies, 9 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy..
Trophy Trophy Complete Chapter 4 "The Last Queen's Return to Oblivion." A Frantic Flight Defeated 300 enemies. A Full-Scale War Earn the "A Lonely Battle" bonus. A Lonely Battle Earn the "A Select Few" bonus. A Select Few Defeated 100 enemies. A Simple Skirmish Avoided the penalty for failing an SO. Above the Law Obtained all trophies. Agito Achieved Earn the "An Army of One" bonus. An Army of One Defeated an enemy with the explosion from a fuel tank. Collateral Damage Collected 5 Knowing Tags. Collector of Memories Forge a covenant with an Eidolon. Communing with the Gods Complete Chapter 7 "Fate of the Crystal - The Endless Battle." Conclusion to Combat Hatched 5 chocobos at the chocobo ranch. Eggs-citing Development Dodge 500 enemy attacks. Emergency Evasion Complete Chapter 1 "War - Three Hours That Changed the World." Enter Class Zero Complete Chapter 3 "Weapons of Mass Destruction." Expanding the Theater Searched 3 surrendered imperial soldiers. Forced Charity Completed a secret training session. Hard Work's Reward Searched 15 surrendered imperial soldiers. Imperial Investigation Completed an SO. Make Mother Proud Shoot down 50 enemies with the airship. Master Marksman Completed a mission without allowing any casualties. Miraculous Mission Cleared 15 missions. Mission Master Talked with the moogles from all thirteen classes. Moogle Mingler Collected 25 Knowing Tags. Mortal Validation Harvested 100 phantoma. Mystery of Magic Cleared 3 missions. New Recruit Hatched 100 chocobos at the chocobo ranch. One Big Happy Flock Earn an S-Rank on a mission. Perfect Marks Defeated a total of 20 enemies in combat simulation sessions. Practice Makes Perfect Defeated a total of 100 enemies in combat simulation sessions. Practice Pays Off Won an encounter in the overworld. Roaming Terror Captured a chocobo. Rookie Wrangler Harvested 500 phantoma. Secret of Souls Complete Chapter 2 "Raise the Vermilion Banner." Shots Fired Landed Killsight strikes on 20 enemies. Skilled Slayer Took down 100 imperial soldiers. Taming the White Tiger Sat in on one of Moglin's lectures. Teacher's Pet Acquired the airship "Setzer." The Ark of Agito Forge covenants with 6 Eidolons. The Beastmaster Captured 30 chocobos. The Chocobo Whisperer Landed Killsight strikes on 100 enemies. The Executioner Complete Chapter 6 "Terra Mortis - Khalia's Decision." The Forbidden Savior Liberated and visited all cities in the Dominion of Rubrum. The Great Liberator Won 50 encounters in the overworld. The Hunted Becomes the Hunter Took down 20 imperial soldiers. The White Tiger Roars Completed a mission using only Primed cadets. Top Form in the Field Win a 5-battle chain encounter in the overworld. Total Domination Complete Chapter 5 "The First Battle of Judecca." War of the Wyverns Complete Chapter 8 "Verdict: Finis." What Lies Beyond Contributed by: Guard Master
Formal Wear Costumes
You can unlock the Formal Wear costumes by obtaining 30,000 SPP TOTAL, not current, and accept the task from Chival VI in Chapter 7 that will unlock them for everyone at once
Unlockable Unlockable Obtain 30,000 SSP and complete task in Chapter 7 Formal Wear for all characters Contributed by: Ragnawind
Instructor's Uniforms
To unlock these new costumes, you must be at the end of your second playthrough in order to have all story missions available. You'll need to switch to mission mode and clear all story missions (marked with a red Phoenix icon) on Finis difficulty regardless of the rank obtained.
Unlockable Unlockable Clear all story missions on Finis difficulty. Instructor's Uniforms Contributed by: 5orans
L'Cie Mode
In order to unlock l'Cie mode for all characters, you need to clear all missions on Finis difficulty regardless of the rank. (Tutorial Mission, Story Missions, RTS Missions, Expert Trials and the Final Mission).
Unlockable Unlockable Clear all missions including the tutorial and the final chapter on Finis difficulty. L'Cie Mode Contributed by: 5orans
Alternate Summer Costumes
For each of the 14 playable characters of Class 0, there are alternate costumes. Each unlock requires 30 killsight (red reticule on target) kills per character. You can see how many you have in the library entry.
Unlockable Unlockable Get 30 Killsight Kills. Summer Costume Contributed by: FaytSeaxion
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Phillnanas | 441K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Grazypanda | 196K |
In-Depth Guides | Tower of Agito FAQ by Zalera | 22K |
Final Fantasy Type-0 Cheats For Xbox One
Achievement Achievement Complete Chapter 4 "The Last Queen's Return to Oblivion." A Frantic Flight Defeat 300 enemies. A Full-Scale War Earn the "A Lonely Battle" bonus. A Lonely Battle Earn the "A Select Few" bonus. A Select Few Defeat 100 enemies. A Simple Skirmish Avoid the penalty for failing an SO. Above the Law Earn the "An Army of One" bonus. An Army of One Defeat an enemy with the explosion from a fuel tank. Collateral Damage Collect 5 Knowing Tags. Collector of Memories Forge a covenant with an Eidolon. Communing with the Gods Complete Chapter 7 "Fate of the Crystal - The Endless Battle." Conclusion to Combat Hatch 5 chocobos at the chocobo ranch. Eggs-citing Development Dodge 500 enemy attacks. Emergency Evasion Complete Chapter 1 "War - Three Hours That Changed the World." Enter Class Zero Complete Chapter 3 "Weapons of Mass Destruction." Expanding the Theater Search 3 surrendered imperial soldiers. Forced Charity Complete a secret training session. Hard Work's Reward Search 15 surrendered imperial soldiers. Imperial Investigation Complete an SO. Make Mother Proud Shoot down 50 enemies with the airship. Master Marksman Complete a mission without allowing any casualties. Miraculous Mission Clear 15 missions. Mission Master Talk with the moogles from all thirteen classes. Moogle Mingler Collect 25 Knowing Tags. Mortal Validation Harvest 100 phantoma. Mystery of Magic Clear 3 missions. New Recruit Hatch 100 chocobos at the chocobo ranch. One Big Happy Flock Earn an S-Rank on a mission. Perfect Marks Defeat a total of 20 enemies in combat simulation sessions. Practice Makes Perfect Defeat a total of 100 enemies in combat simulation sessions. Practice Pays Off Win an encounter in the overworld. Roaming Terror Capture a chocobo. Rookie Wrangler Harvest 500 phantoma. Secret of Souls Complete Chapter 2 "Raise the Vermilion Banner." Shots Fired Land Killsight strikes on 20 enemies. Skilled Slayer Take down 100 imperial soldiers. Taming the White Tiger Sit in on one of Moglin's lectures. Teacher's Pet Acquire an airship. The Ark of Agito Forge covenants with 6 Eidolons. The Beastmaster Capture 30 chocobos. The Chocobo Whisperer Land Killsight strikes on 100 enemies. The Executioner Complete Chapter 6 "Terra Mortis - Khalia's Decision." The Forbidden Savior Reclaim and visit all cities in the Dominion of Rubrum. The Great Liberator Win 50 encounters in the overworld. The Hunted Becomes the Hunter Take down 20 imperial soldiers. The White Tiger Roars Complete a mission using only Primed cadets. Top Form in the Field Win a 5-battle chain encounter in the overworld. Total Domination Complete Chapter 5 "The First Battle of Judecca." War of the Wyverns Complete Chapter 8 "Verdict: Finis." What Lies Beyond Contributed by: Guard Master
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Phillnanas | 441K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Grazypanda | 196K |
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