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Walkthroughs & FAQs
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Final Fantasy XI Cheats For Xbox 360
Final Fantasy XI Unlockable Achievements
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Unlockable Unlockable Obtained the key item "airship pass" Airship Pass (5 Gamerscore Points) Obtained the key item "airship pass for Kazham" Airship Pass for Kazham (5 Gamerscore Points) Earned the title "Apollyon Ravager." Apollyon Ravager (20 Gamerscore Points) Completed one or more artifact quests Artifact Quests (5 Gamerscore Points) Obtained the key item "Ballista License" Ballista License (5 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Bard job up to its maximum level. Bard Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Complete all the missions available for Bastok Bastokan Rank 10 (30 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Beastmaster job up to its maximum level. Beastmaster Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Complete all Treasures of Aht Urghan Missions Beat Treasures of Aht Urghan Storyline (40 gamerscore points) Level up the Black Mage job up to its maximum level. Black Mage Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Level up the Blue Mage job up to its maximum level. Blue Mage Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Obtained the key item "boarding permit" Boarding Permit (5 Gamerscore Points) Earned the title "Breaker of the Chains." Breaker of the Chains (30 Gamerscore Points) Complete all the missions from the Chains of Promathia expansion pack. Chains of Promathia complete (40 Gamerscore points) Obtained the key item "chocobo license" Chocobo License (5 Gamerscore Points) Obtained a chocobo whistle Chocobo Whistle (5) Earned the title "Cloud Breaker" Cloud Breaker (5 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Corsair job up to its maximum level. Corsair Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Level up the Dark Knight job up to its maximum level. Dark Knight Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Earned the title "Destined Fellow" Destined Fellow (5 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Dragoon job up to its maximum level. Dragoon Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Clear Dynamis-Tavnazia. Dynamis-Tavnazia interloper (30 Gamerscore Points) Clear Dynamis-Xarcabard. Dynamis-Xarcabard interloper (30 Gamerscore Points) Unlocked one or more extra jobs Extra Job (5 Gamerscore Points) Earn a Gold Ballista Cheveron in an official Ballista match, then talk to the bard while it is in your key items. Gold Ballistar (30 Gamer Points) Become a guild member Guild Membership (5 Gamerscore Points) Earned the title "Horizon Breaker" Horizon Breaker (5 Gamerscore Points) Obtained the key item "imperial Army I.D. tag" Imperial Amy I.D. Tag (5 Gamerscore Points) Achieved level 75 as a dancer. Level 75 Dancer (30) Achieved level 75 as a scholar. Level 75 Scholar (30) Obtained the key item "Medal of Altana." Medal of Altana - 30G Level up the Monk job up to its maximum level. Monk Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Level up the Ninja job up to its maximum level. Ninja Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Obtained an official soul reflector. Official Soul Reflector (5) Level up the Paladin job up to its maximum level. Paladin Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Level up the Puppetmaster job up to its maximum level. Puppetmaster Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Obtained the key item "pure white feather" Pure White Feather (5 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Ranger job up to its maximum level. Ranger Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Level up the Red Mage job up to its maximum level. Red Mage Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Complete all the missions from the Rise of the Zilart expansion pack. Rise of the Zilart complete (40 Gamerscore points) Level up the Samurai job up to its maximum level. Samurai Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Complete all the missions available for San d'Oria San d'Orian Rank 10 (30 Gamerscore Points) Earned the title "Sky Breaker" Sky Breaker (5 Gamerscore Points) Earned the title "Star Breaker" Star Breaker (5 Gamerscore Points) Earned the title "Summit Breaker" Summit Breaker (5 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Summoner job up to its maximum level. Summoner Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Unlock the ability to use a support job Support Job (5 Gamerscore Points) Achieved 100 in a synthesis skill or fishing. Synthesis Skill 100 (50 Gamerscore Points) Earn the title "Temenos Liberator". Temenos Liberator (20 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Thief job up to its maximum level. Thief Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Earned the Top Assault / Merc Rank. Top Assault / Merc Rank (40) Obtained a VCS registration card VCS Registration Card (5 Gamerscore Points) Level up the Warrior job up to its maximum level. Warrior Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Level up the White Mage job up to its maximum level. White Mage Lv. 75 (30 Gamerscore points) Complete all the missions available for Windurst Windurstian Rank 10 (30 Gamerscore Points) Completed the Wings of the Goddess missions. Wings of the Goddess Missions - 40G Contributed by: Cloudslayer2007, Eds Xwing, SporkWitch, Typh, Kuebel33, Guard Master, Eternaltriumph, Paulf001, Llamaman2
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Character Guides | Blue Mage FAQ Guide by Typh | 63K |
In-Depth Guides | Beginner's Guide by darkcat1 | 71K |
In-Depth Guides | EXP Camp Locations Guide by Skye7707 | 28K |
In-Depth Guides | Nation Missions Guide by charjer0 | 141K |
In-Depth Guides | Rise of the Zilart Mission Guide by charjer0 | 35K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by dynamyke | 89K |
In-Depth FAQs | Promvyion (Emptiness) FAQ by Wingchild | 22K |
In-Depth Guides | History of Vana'diel by JadeNightshade | 277K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by dynamyke | 89K |
In-Depth FAQs | Promvyion (Emptiness) FAQ by Wingchild | 22K |
In-Depth Guides | History of Vana'diel by JadeNightshade | 277K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
In-Depth FAQs | Mission Walkthrough by Wes Ide | 15K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
In-Depth FAQs | Mission Walkthrough by Wes Ide | 15K |
Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection 2008 Cheats For Xbox 360
Do the following tasks to unlock the following achievements and their alloted gamerscore.
Achievement Achievement Earned the title "Apollyon Ravager." Apollyon Ravager (20) Level up the Bard job up to its maximum level. Bard Lv. 75 (30) Complete all the missions available for Bastok Bastokan Rank 10 (30) Level up the Beastmaster job up to its maximum level. Beastmaster Lv. 75 (30) Complete all Treasures of Aht Urghan Missions Beat Treasures of Aht Urghan Storyline (40) Level up the Black Mage job up to its maximum level. Black Mage Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Blue Mage job up to its maximum level. Blue Mage Lv. 75 (30) Earned the title "Breaker of the Chains." Breaker of the Chains (30) Complete all the missions from the Chains of Promathia expansion pack. Chains of Promathia complete (40) Level up the Corsair job up to its maximum level. Corsair Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Dark Knight job up to its maximum level. Dark Knight Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Dragoon job up to its maximum level. Dragoon Lv. 75 (30) Clear Dynamis-Tavnazia. Dynamis-Tavnazia interloper (30) Clear Dynamis-Xarcabard. Dynamis-Xarcabard interloper (30) Level up the Monk job up to its maximum level. Monk Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Ninja job up to its maximum level. Ninja Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Paladin job up to its maximum level. Paladin Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Puppetmaster job up to its maximum level. Puppetmaster Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Ranger job up to its maximum level. Ranger Lv. 75 (30) Level up the Red Mage job up to its maximum level. Red Mage Lv. 75 (30) Obtained the relic weapon. Relic Weapon (40) Complete all the missions from the Rise of the Zilart expansion pack. Rise of the Zilart complete (40) Level up the Samurai job up to its maximum level. Samurai Lv. 75 (30) Complete all the missions available for San d'Oria San d'Orian Rank 10 (30) Level up the Summoner job up to its maximum level. Summoner Lv. 75 (30) Achieved 100 in a synthesis skill or fishing. Synthesis Skill 100 (50) Earn the title "Temenos Liberator". Temenos Liberator (20) Level up the Thief job up to its maximum level. Thief Lv. 75 (30) Earned the Top Assault / Merc Rank. Top Assault / Merc Rank (40) Level up the Warrior job up to its maximum level. Warrior Lv. 75 (30) Level up the White Mage job up to its maximum level. White Mage Lv. 75 (30) Complete all the missions available for Windurst Windurstian Rank 10 (30) Contributed by: Shadow.
Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection 2010 Cheats For Xbox 360
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore.
Achievement Achievement Completed the Aht Urhgan missions. Aht Urhgan Missions (40) Obtained the key item "airship pass." Airship Pass (5) Obtained the key item "airship pass for Kazham." Airship Pass for Kazham (5) Earned the title "Apollyon Ravager." Apollyon Ravager (20) Completed one or more artifact quests. Artifact Quests (5) Obtained the key item "Ballista License." Ballista License (5) Achieved rank 10 in Bastok. Bastok Rank 10 (30) Obtained the key item "boarding permit." Boarding Permit (5) Earned the title "Breaker of the Chains." Breaker of the Chains (30) Obtained the key item "chocobo license." Chocobo License (5) Obtained a chocobo whistle Chocobo Whistle (5) Earned the title "Cloud Breaker." Cloud Breaker (5) Earned the title "Destined Fellow." Destined Fellow (5) Earned the title "Dynamis-Tavnazia Interloper." Dynamis-Tavnazia Interloper (30) Earned the title "Dynamis-Xarcabard Interloper." Dynamis-Xarcabard Interloper (30) Unlocked one or more extra jobs. Extra Job (5) Earned the title "Gold Ballistar." Gold Ballistar (30) Became a guild member. Guild Membership (5) Earned the title "Horizon Breaker." Horizon Breaker (5) Obtained the key item "Imperial Army I.D. tag." Imperial Army I.D. Tag (5) Achieved level 75 as a bard. Level 75 Bard (30) Achieved level 75 as a beastmaster. Level 75 Beastmaster (30) Achieved level 75 as a black mage. Level 75 Black Mage (30) Achieved level 75 as a blue mage. Level 75 Blue Mage (30) Achieved level 75 as a corsair. Level 75 Corsair (30) Achieved level 75 as a dancer. Level 75 Dancer (30) Achieved level 75 as a dark knight. Level 75 Dark Knight (30) Achieved level 75 as a dragoon. Level 75 Dragoon (30) Achieved level 75 as a monk. Level 75 Monk (30) Achieved level 75 as a ninja. Level 75 Ninja (30) Achieved level 75 as a paladin. Level 75 Paladin (30) Achieved level 75 as a puppetmaster. Level 75 Puppetmaster (30) Achieved level 75 as a ranger. Level 75 Ranger (30) Achieved level 75 as a red mage. Level 75 Red Mage (30) Achieved level 75 as a samurai. Level 75 Samurai (30) Achieved level 75 as a scholar. Level 75 Scholar (30) Achieved level 75 as a summoner. Level 75 Summoner (30) Achieved level 75 as a thief. Level 75 Thief (30) Achieved level 75 as a warrior. Level 75 Warrior (30) Achieved level 75 as a white mage. Level 75 White Mage (30) Obtained the key item "Medal of Altana." Medal of Altana (30) Achieved the highest mercenary rank. Mercenary Rank (40) Obtained an official soul reflector. Official Soul Reflector (5) Completed the past Vana'diel three nation quests. Past Vana'diel Nation Quests (20) Completed the Promathia missions. Promathia Missions (40) Obtained the key item "pure white feather." Pure White Feather (5) Achieved rank 10 in San d'Oria. San d'Oria Rank 10 (30) Earned the title "Sky Breaker." Sky Breaker (5) Earned the title "Star Breaker." Star Breaker (5) Earned the title "Summit Breaker." Summit Breaker (5) Unlocked the support job ability. Support Job (5) Achieved 100 in a synthesis skill or fishing. Synthesis Skill 100 (50) Earned the title "Temenos Liberator." Temenos Liberator (20) Obtained a VCS registration card. VCS Registration Card (5) Achieved rank 10 in Windurst. Windurst Rank 10 (30) Completed the Wings of the Goddess missions. Wings of the Goddess Missions (40) Completed the Zilart missions. Zilart Missions (40) Contributed by: Guard Master
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