Cheats & Guides
Full House Poker Cheats For Xbox 360
DLC: Texas Heat, Spring 2011 Season Achievements
Achievement Accumulate a total of five million table chips across the Spring 2011 season of Texas Heat Finish a Texas Heat show with a Gold Medal in the Spring 2011 season Gold Medal Champion Spring 2011 Hot Pot Master, Spring 2011 Contributed by: Similac
Achievements: Texas Heat, Summer 2012 Season DLC
Achievement Win 25 tournaments Alpha Dog Win 10 hands with a Full House Name Of The Game Play 10,000 hands of Full House Poker Poker Fan Contributed by: Guard Master
Texas Heat , Winter 2012 Season DLC
Achievement Win 10 Hands with Four of a Kind Awesome Foursome Win 5 Hands in a Row On A Run Win with all Poker Hands except a Royal Flush Poker Aficionado Contributed by: weatesand
Achievement Won a tournament Big Dog Completed a ranked multiplayer game of Full House Poker Bucket List #12,472 Won two consecutive showdowns Cardrack Leveled up to 10 Ding! Double Digits! Leveled up to 2 Ding! Grats! Leveled up to 50 Ding! Top Dog! Performed 3 different chip tricks in the same hand Extra Tricky Won a showdown with a hand you made on the river Gone Fishing Busted another player in a ranked multiplayer game Headshot Honed your acting skills by performing 10 aggressive or timid plays Hollywooding Played 50 hands in a row without taking a cash advance I Hate ATM Fees Used every possible pre-action at least once I See the Future All 10 players at a single table performed a chip trick during the same hand It's Like the Wave Bet on every street in a hand and then won the showdown Pull the Trigger Earned a bankroll of at least 500,000 chips Rollin' Hosted a multiplayer game with customized table, chair, and card styles Stylish Host Won the All-Pro Tournament The Final Table Won a Pro Takedown Took Down a Pro Performed a chip trick at the table or while a menu screen is displayed Trickster Beat Larry, Lily, or Daisy in a Pro Takedown You're Not the Boss of Me Contributed by: Similac
Avatar Awards
Unlockable Level up to 50. Bulldog Helmet Level up for the first time. Hoodie Contributed by: Guard Master
Achievements: Texas Heat, Spring 2013 DLC
Achievement Knocked out 200 opponents in multiplayer Busted Earn a bankroll of 10,000,000 chips High Roller Won 10 hands with a Flush Totally Flushed Contributed by: Guard Master
Achievements: Texas Heat, Fall 2012 Season DLC
Achievement Play 2,500 hands of Texas Heat Feel The Heat Win 1,000,000 chips in a single hand In The Money Get a Flush off the river Wet Flush Contributed by: Guard Master
Texas Heat, Summer 2011 Season DLC Achievements
Achievement Finish a Texas Heat show with a Gold Medal in the Summer 2011 season Gold Medal Champion Summer 2011 Win a Hot Pot hand in Texas Heat's Summer 2011 season Hot Pot Master, Summer 2011 Accumulate a total of five million table chips across the Summer 2011 season of Texas Heat Winner's Circle, Summer 2011 Contributed by: Guard Master
Full House Poker Cheats For Windows Mobile
Unlockable Win a tournament. Big Dog (10) Complete a tournament game of Full House Poker. Bucket List #12,471 (10) Win two consecutive hands in the showdown. Cardrack (10) Level up to 10. Ding! Double Digits! (10) Level up to 2. Ding! Grats! (5) Level up to 50. Ding! Top Dog! (20) Win a showdown with a hand you made on the river. Gone Fishing (10) Bust another player in a tournament. Headshot (10) Call, raise, or go all in on a bet of half the pot or greater and then win the showdown. Hero Call (10) Play 50 hands in a row without taking a cash advance. I Hate ATM Fees (5) Won a hand with suited King-Queen hole cards. Mile High Club (5) Take a pot equal to twice the starting chips or greater. Pay the Mortgage (10) Play 100 hands. Player of the Century (10) Bet or raise on every street in a hand and then win the showdown. Pull the Trigger (10) Earn a bankroll of at least 500,000 chips. Rollin' (10) Do not bet or raise for at least one entire street in a hand and then win the showdown. Sandbagger (10) Start a game with customized table and card styles. Stylish Host (5) Win the Pro Tournament. The Final Table (20) Win a Pro Takedown. Took Down a Pro (10) Beat Larry, Lily, or Daisy in a Pro Takedown. You're Not the Boss of Me (10) Contributed by: Guard Master
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