Cheats & Guides

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Cheats For PC

  1. See the frame rate

    In the game itself, hit CTRL-F

    Contributed by: trancejeremy 

  2. Useful Galactic Civilization 2 Cheats

    To use codes, you must launch the game from a shortcut that has the word "cheat" added to the end of the Target line in the shortcut's properties screen.

    For example: "drive letter:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\galciv2.exe" cheat

    Then enter the codes at any time during game play.

    Effect Effect
    Ctrl-P Adds 1 to Selected Planet Class
    Ctrl + M Adds 10,000 bcs
    Ctrl + B Adds core battleship
    Ctrl-J All Social Programs Completed
    Ctrl-U Call United Planets Meeting
    Ctrl + C Clones selected ship
    Ctrl + R Completes current research
    Ctrl + H Heals selected ship
    Ctrl-S Save Game
    Ctrl + T Teleports selected ship to cursor

    Contributed by: deathday1011, beiisgei 

  3. Research Everything

    Start the game by gong to start, run, than enter C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\galciv2.exe" cheat Than enter the code anytime durring the game.

    Effect Effect
    Ctrl+Shift+R Research everything

    Contributed by: richko133 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by cyberj914 152K
In-Depth FAQs Paths to Victory Strategy Guide by mi64 84K

Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar Cheats For PC

  1. Cheats

    Start the game with the "cheat" command line parameter. Then, press/type one of the following codes to enable the corresponding cheat function:

    Effect Effect
    [Ctrl] + M Add 10,000 BC
    [Ctrl] + B Add Battleship
    [Ctrl] + L Assigns Remaining Planets to Cajor Races
    [Ctrl] + [Shift] + M Change Alignment
    [Ctrl] + C Clone Selected Ship
    [Ctrl] + [Shift] + J Complete Other Race's Projects
    [Ctrl] + J Complete Social Projects
    [Ctrl] + 0-9 Hail Major Races
    [Ctrl] + [Shift] + T Hail Yourself
    [Ctrl] + H Heal Selected Ship
    [Ctrl] + P Improves selected planet quality.
    [Ctrl] + [Shift] + X Quarterly Report
    [Shift] + [Ctrl] + R Research All Technology
    [Ctrl] + N Restart on New Map With New Race
    [Ctrl] + [Shift] + D Spawn A Minor Race
    [Ctrl] + [Shift] + B Spawn Different Star Bases
    [Ctrl] + T Teleport Selected Ship to Pointer
    [Ctrl] + V United Planets Meeting
    [Ctrl] + A Upgrade Selected Ship

    Contributed by: TheLastNight, Sylat34 

Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition Cheats For PC

  1. Arnorian cheat

    During a cheat game, type the following to activate a Arnorian battlefleet.

    Effect Effect
    Shift + W Instant Win(If playing Random Map, Gives Domination Victory)
    Shift + L Instantly Lose Map
    Shift + T Spawns Arnorian ships (can be repeated multiple times)

    Contributed by: Star_Sage, supergulo