Cheats & Guides
Galactic Dream: Rage of War Cheats For PC
Galactic Dream: Rage of War Cheats
While in the game, press Enter, type the code, then hit Enter again. The following cheats will work only in version 1.0F or above.
Effect Effect giveships [number] Creates specific units (Numbers: 0-16 for Terran, 32-48 for Argo) massacre Gives lots of units to everyone in the game giveshipsall [number] Gives specific units to everybody (Numbers: 0-16 for Terran, 32-48 for Argo) god like Gives you units, four for each unit class warp ten Instant creation of new units / buildings, except for those already food for all No further supply creation is required let battle be One unit per class to each player in the game failure not an option Player wins current game session / mission kamikaze Players loses current game session / mission spawn player [number] Provides Starbase and starting units to a defeated player give money You get 10.000 credits Contributed by: evault
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