Cheats & Guides

Game Builder Garage Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Teleporting Extending Objects Growth

    This bug from Toy-Con Garage VR in Nintendo Labo is still present and works the same in Game Builder Garage. Call up an Extending Object, next a Teleport Entrance then place it right inside the Extending Object, now a Teleport Exit and rotate it (-120 or 120 degrees are a good spot) either in the X, Y, or Z axis and make sure the teleport physics are set to Reset. When the Extending Object is being teleported multiple times to a rotated exit, the extending object will drastically grow in size (even though there are no inputs being used in the Nodon) and will allow scaling beyond 10 meters (which is the max size for Object Nodon) and Touch Sensor Nodon will not be affected in its glitched size. If the Teleport Exit is rotated in both axes (e.g. X=-120, Z=120) rather than single, the shape of the box will too be distorted and can shape like a parallelogram. If it is grown too much then the extending object gets deleted. The Extending Object will size back to normal if being grabbed using a Hand Nodon. This is best used with an On Start and a Timer Nodon set to output after 0 seconds and for 0.4 seconds long, connect the On Start to the Timer then the Timer to its Teleport Entrance. This trick is used for easily creating a water surface instead of just repeating Box objects.

    Contributed by: Scoooob