Cheats & Guides
Gothic Cheats For PC
Fall glitch
You can jump of any cliff or any ledge without taking any damage!
Whenever you jump off a high cliff or whatever, hold left or right strafe, and you'll land safely no matter how far the fall is, taking no damage.Contributed by: Teknopez
Marvin Codes
Press s and type in marvin, then hit s again and on the top left screen it will display the phrase, "Marvin-Mode". Congradulations you have just entered cheat mode.
This really does work, but you have to type marvin really fast. The _ on the U.S. keyboard is
The codes can all be entered in lower case.Effect Effect insert ItAt_Troll_01 Troll Skin goto waypoint FP_ROAM_BLOODHOUND_PLATEAU_NEARCASTLERUIN6 2 bloodhounds due south of Old Camp goto waypoint oc_round_22_cf_2 2 exiled diggers north of old camp insert ch a character can grant you many increases insert xp_map adds 1000 ore and 20 skill points each view insert Gewandtheitsamulett Amulet of Agility insert Gewandtheitsamulett2 Amulet of Dexterity insert Amulett_der_Erleuchtung Amulet of Enlightenment insert Schutzamulett_Feuer Amulet of Flames insert Lebensamulett Amulet of Life Force insert Amulett_der_Magie Amulet of Magic insert Amulett_der_Macht Amulet of Might insert Schutzamulett_Geschosse Amulet of Oak Skin insert Schutzamulett_Total Amulet of Ore Skin insert Staerkeamulett Amulet of Power insert Schutzamulett_Magie_Feuer Amulet of Purification insert Schutzamulett_Magie Amulet of Spiritual Power insert Schutzamulett_Waffen_Geschosse Amulet of Stone Skin insert Staerkeamulett2 Amulet of Strength insert ORE_ARMOR_M Ancient Ore Armor goto waypoint occ_tower_platform Another Look-out insert ItFoApple Apple insert Schutzamulett_Waffen Armor Amulet insert ItAt_Crawler_02 Armor plate of minecrawler warrior insert ItArScrollArmyOfDarkness Army of Darkness goto waypoint TOWERDUNGEON_TD at the far south-central goto waypoint BANDITCAMP_BAN attacking bandits lure you to the troll arena insert ItArRuneThunderball Ball Lightning insert ItArScrollThunderball Ball Lightning insert ItMw_2H_Staff_01 Battle Staff insert ItMw_1H_Sword_04 Battle Sword insert BAB_ARMOR_BIKINI Bikini Babe goto waypoint location_29_02 black goblins' cavern insert ItMw_1H_Mace_03 Bloodfly Sting insert ItAt_Bloodfly_02 Bloodfly Sting insert ItFoLoaf Bread insert ItArRuneBreathOfDeath Breath of Death insert ItAt_Meatbug_01 Bugmeat goto waypoint castle Castle ruin goto waypoint ItAt_Shadow_01 ceiling timbers in courtyard building old camp goto waypoint nc_entrance_wp Central place of the new camp goto waypoint FP_ORC_DANCE_A_4 certain death goto waypoint FP_ORC_GUARD_B_01 certain death insert ItArRuneChainLightning Chain Lightning insert ItArScrollChainLightning Chain Lightning H Character harms self K Character moves forward and can fall into ground if facing it, useful for getting passed locked doors Z Character spins around insert ItArRuneCharm Charm insert ItArScrollCharm Charm insert ItAt_Claws_01 Claws insert ItMw_1H_Club_01 Club insert ItMw_1H_Mace_Light_01 Club F2 Console insert ItArRuneControl Control insert ItArScrollControl Control goto waypoint psi_labor_in Cor Kalom goto waypoint occ_chapel_upstairs Corristo insert CRW_ARMOR_H Crawler Plate Armor insert ItMw_1H_Sword_01 Crude Sword insert ItMw_1H_Scythe_01 Cutter F7 Cycle through game sections insert ItArRuneDestroyUndead Death to the Undead insert ItArScrollDestroyUndead Death to the Undead insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_05 Digger's Discipline insert SFB_ARMOR_L Digger's Dress insert VLK_ARMOR_M Digger's Trousers goto waypoint nc_path50 Entrance to the new camp goto waypoint psi_start Entrance to the sect camp goto waypoint ow_sleeperentrance entrance to the sleepers` temple goto waypoint dt_maingate Entrance to Xardas` tower goto waypoint CAVEDOOR far SE near bottom of Harpy mountain goto waypoint ORCCITY_ORC far sw underground insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_02 Farmer's Defense insert ItArScrollFear Fear goto waypoint SURGACE_2_ORCTEMPEL final area insert ItArRuneFirebolt Fire Bolt insert ItArScrollFirebolt Fire Bolt insert KDF_ARMOR_L Fire Robe insert ItArRuneFireball Fireball insert ItArScrollFireball Fireball goto waypoint wp_circle_01 first focus stone insert ItArRuneWindfist Fist of Wind insert ItArScrollWindfist Fist of Wind goto waypoint FOCUS_FOC focus location for Kalom goto waypoint PIRATE_PIR forest due south of fog tower goto waypoint fms_entrance Free mine F8 Fully heal mana and health goto waypoint start game starting point insert ItmW_1h_WarHammer_03 God's Hammer goto waypoint occ_barons_dance Gomez insert EBR_ARMOR_H Gomez' Armor goto waypoint OCC_BARONS_GREATHALL_BERATER Gomez's chamber insert ItFo_wineberrys_01 Grapes insert ItFoMutton Grilled meat insert GRD_ARMOR_M Guard's Armor insert ItMw_1H_Sword_03 Guard's Sword insert GUR_ARMOR_M Guru's Robe insert ItMw_1H_Hatchet_01 Hand Axe goto waypoint ORCLOCATION_OL1 harpy location in mountains insert ItArRuneHeal Healing insert ItArScrollHeal Healing insert ItAt_FireGolem_01 Heart of a Fire Golem insert ItAt_StoneGolem_01 Heart of a Stone Golem insert ItAt_IceGolem_01 Heart of an Ice Golem insert ItMw_1H_Mace_War_04 Heartbreaker insert GRD_ARMOR_H Heavy Guard's Armor insert SLD_ARMOR_H Heavy Mercenary's Armor insert EBR_ARMOR_H2 Heavy Ore Baron's Armor insert ORG_ARMOR_H Heavy Rogue's Dress insert TPL_ARMOR_H Heavy Templar's Armor goto waypoint ITFO_PLANTS_HERB_01 herbs insert KDF_ARMOR_H High Robe of Fire insert GUR_ARMOR_H High Robe of the Gurus insert KDW_ARMOR_H High Robe of Water insert ItAt_Shadow_02 Horn of a Shadowbeast insert ItArRuneIceCube Ice Block insert ItArScrollIcecube Ice Block insert ItArRuneThunderbolt Ice Bolt insert ItArScrollThunderbolt Ice Bolt F5 Immobile camera insert ORE_ARMOR_H Improved ore Armor goto waypoint DOOR_WOODEN inside shack at meeting campfire in Old Camp insert LAW_ARMOR Judge's Robe insert ItMw_2H_Staff_02 Judgment Staff insert ItMw_1H_Sword_02 Judgment Sword goto waypoint FP_ROAM_TROLL_OM4 just west of old mine insert ItKeKey1 Key insert ItKeKey2 key insert ItKeKey3 key insert ItKeKey4 key goto waypoint nc_small_cave_center Lee insert ItArRuneLight Light insert ItArScrollLight Light insert VLK_ARMOR_L Light Digger's Trousers insert GRD_ARMOR_L Light Guard's Armor insert ItMw_1H_LightGuardsSword_03 Light Guard's Sword insert SLD_ARMOR_L Light Mercenary's Armor insert NOV_ARMOR_M Light Novice's Armor insert ORG_ARMOR_L Light Rogue's Dress insert TPL_ARMOR_L Light Templar's Armor goto waypoint fogtower_out Lighttower insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Long_01 Longsword goto waypoint castle_tower_top Look-out insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_03 Lurker's Bite insert ItAt_Lurker_01 Lurker's Claws insert ItAt_Lurker_02 Lurker's Skin insert ItMw_1H_Mace_01 Mace goto waypoint mt_01 magicians tower insert ItAt_Crawler_01 Mandibles of a Crawler insert SLD_ARMOR_M Mercenary's Armor F6 Mobile camera goto waypoint location_28_01 Monastery ruin goto waypoint FP_PICKRICE_SWAMP_03 more rice insert ItMw_1H_Mace_War_01 Morning Star F4 Move camera back to player goto waypoint ITFO_PLANTS_MUSHROOM_02 mushrooms east central at Y'Berion' focus map insert ItMw_1H_Nailmace_01 Nail Club goto waypoint PIRDUNGEON_PDN near fog tower goto waypoint ORCGRAVEY_OGR near skull entrance to cave goto waypoint FP_ROAM_OW_FM_KAP2_5 near the free mine insert NOV_ARMOR_H Novice's Armor insert NOV_ARMOR_L Novice's Loincloth insert BAB_ARMOR_NUDE Nude Babe goto waypoint oc1 nw entrance old camp goto waypoint location_19_03 old castle goto waypoint ow_om_entrance01 Old Mine goto waypoint ow_orcbridge Orc bridge goto waypoint ow_path_198_orcgraveyard7 orc graveyard insert ItmW_1h_WarHammer_01 Orc Hammer goto waypoint FP_GUARD_ORC_20 orc land sw of old camp insert ItArScrollTeleport4 Orc teleport spell goto waypoint nc_pit_center Ore pit goto waypoint FP_PICKRICE_SWAMP_04 other rice goto waypoint nc_path2_pit_01 over the ore pit in the new colony insert ItMwPickaxe Pickaxe insert ItKeLockpick Picklock insert ItAt_IceGolem_02 Piece of an Ice Golem F3 Play in "windows" mode insert ItMw_1H_Poker_01 Poker insert ItMw_2H_Staff_03 Priest's Staff insert ItArRunePyrokinesis Pyrokinesis insert ItArScrollPyrokinesis Pyrokinesis insert ItArScrollBerzerk Rage insert ItArRuneFireRain Rain of Fire insert ItArScrollFirerain Rain of Fire insert ItFoMuttonRaw Raw Meat goto waypoint FP_PICKRICE_SWAMP_02 rice goto waypoint FP_PICKRICE_SWAMP_01 rice insert EBR_ARMOR_M Robe of State insert DMB_ARMOR_M Robe of the Dark Arts insert ORG_ARMOR_M Rogue's Dress insert GRD_ARMOR_I Royal Guard Armor insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Old_01 Rusty Sword goto waypoint ENTRANCE_ORCTEMPLE_SURFACE same final area goto waypoint nc_kdw_cave_entrance Saturas goto waypoint oc2 se entrance old camp insert STT_ARMOR_H Shadow's Armor insert STT_ARMOR_M Shadow's Dress insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_01 Short Sword insert ItArScrollShrink Shrink Monster insert ItMw_1H_Sickle_01 Sickle insert ItMi_Amulet_Psi_01 Sign of the Brotherhood insert ItAt_Swampshark_01 Skin of a Swampshark insert ItAt_Wolf_02 Skin of an Orc Dog insert ItAt_Shadow_01 Skin of Shadowbeast insert ItArRuneSleep Sleep insert ItArScrollSleep Sleep insert ItMw_1H_Sledgehammer_01 Smith's Hammer goto waypoint fp_roam_ow_bloodfly_12_01 south edge of swamp south of old camp goto waypoint PSICAMP_PSI south edge of swamp south of sect camp goto waypoint CAMP_CAM south of Cavalorn insert ItMw_1H_Mace_War_02 Steel Mace insert ItMw_1H_Mace_04 Steel Tongue insert ItMw_1H_Mace_02 Sting Mace insert ItMw_1H_Mace_War_03 Stone Crusher goto waypoint STONEH_STO stonehenge insert ItArRuneStormfist Storm Fist insert ItArScrollStormfist Storm Fist insert ItArRuneFirestorm Storm of Fire insert ItArScrollFirestorm Storm of Fire insert ItArScrollSummonDemon Summon Demon insert ItArScrollSummonGolem Summon Golem insert ItArScrollSummonSkeletons Summon Skeletons goto waypoint FP_PICKRICE_SWAMP_05 swamp rice south of sect camp insert ItAt_Teeth_01 Teeth insert ItAt_Swampshark_02 Teeth of a Swampshark insert ItArRuneTelekinesis Telekinesis insert ItArScrollTelekinesis Telekinesis insert ItArRuneTeleport1 Teleport to the Magicians of Fire insert ItArScrollTeleport1 Teleport to the Magicians of Fire insert ItArRuneTeleport2 Teleport to the Magicians of Water insert ItArScrollTeleport2 Teleport to the Magicians of Water insert ItArRuneTeleport3 Teleport to the Necromancer insert ItArScrollTeleport3 Teleport to the Necromancer insert ItArRuneTeleport5 Teleport to the Swamp Camp insert ItArScrollTeleport5 Teleport to the Swamp Camp insert TPL_ARMOR_M Templar's Armor insert ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_04 Thorn of Wounds insert ItAt_Waran_01 Tongue of Fire goto waypoint BEACH_BEA top of fog tower ne from old camp insert ItArScrollTrfBloodfly Transform into Bloodfly insert ItArScrollTrfWaran Transform into Lizard insert ItArScrollTrfLurker Transform into Lurker insert ItArScrollTrfMeatbug Transform into Meatbug insert ItArScrollTrfCrawler Transform into Minecrawler insert ItArScrollTrfMolerat Transform into Molerat insert ItArScrollTrfOrcdog Transform into Orc Dog insert ItArScrollTrfScavenger Transform into Scavenger insert ItArScrollTrfShadowbeast Transform into Shadowbeast insert ItArScrollTrfSnapper Transform into Snapper insert ItArScrollTrfWolf Transform into Wolf goto waypoint TROLLARENA_TA troll arena at far north insert ItAt_Troll_02 Troll Tusk goto waypoint location_12_01 valley with troll insert ItmW_1h_WarHammer_02 War Hammer insert ItMw_1H_Sword_05 War Sword insert KDW_ARMOR_L Water Robe insert ItArRuneIceWave Wave of Ice insert ItArScrollIceWave Wave of Ice insert ItAt_Bloodfly_01 Wings insert ItMw_1H_Axe_Old_01 Withered Axe insert ItAt_Wolf_01 Wolfskin goto waypoint dt_library Xardas goto waypoint psi_temple_rooms Y'Berion goto waypoint OW_ORC_MAINGATE_01 you'll probably die! Contributed by: GeorgeKI, Keith_I2, gabeo619, BioBrain
During gameplay press S to open the menu, then enter marvin to enable cheat mode. Then press F2 during game to open the console and enter any of these cheats:
Effect Effect version Display game version lichtbringer Get artifact for quest cheat god God mode harpie Harpie hurtswampschark Hurt shark load game Load game load position Load position lurker Lurker cheat full Restore health save Save game insert [item name] Spawn item print Take screenshot goto pos Teleport to castle goto waypoint Teleport to waypoint autocomplement Toggle cheats Contributed by: Starky27
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by JCukier | 72K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by JemyM | 309K |
In-Depth Guides | Cheap Play Guide by Mochan | 16K |
In-Depth Guides | Item List by Cdjihs | 37K |
Maps and Charts | Colony Map by N3Burgener | 101K |
Maps and Charts | New Camp Map by N3Burgener | 39K |
Maps and Charts | Old Camp Map by N3Burgener | 49K |
Maps and Charts | Sect Camp Map by N3Burgener | 39K |
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