Cheats & Guides

Grand Theft Auto Cheats For PC

  1. Drive Burnt Out Car

    This glitch allows you to drive a car that has exploded, this also means that it cannot be damaged and is invincible! But it is quite tricky, the best place to do it is in Vice City, first find any parked car that has a self-destruct mechanism on it. Get in the car and as quick as you can stop infront of another car, get out the stolen car when the timer reads about 3 or 2 seconds left, and quickly get in the car that you parked next to, if timed right you should get in the car just as it is blown up by the suicidal car, if done correctly, you should be driving round a smoking black car! It doesn't take any damage because it's already blown up! But be warned, you if you get out the car, you can't get back in.

    Contributed by: Ottae 

  2. Create "Clones" of yourself

    Find a Bike or Superbike and knock it over. Now hold the punch button while getting back on the motorcycle. Your character should pick it up and slide off it (as if you pressed spacebar) instead of getting on to drive it. Now when you knock it back over, another copy of your character will fall off. You're now controlling the car and the pedestrian player! Pressing the hijack button will do nothing now- your walking player will not steal new cars and no person will exit your car player. If you run "yourself" over, you will respawn but continue to control the car off-screen. If you destroy the car, your pedestrian character will immediately die and respawn as well. You can continue doing this many times to control multiple cars at once, but eventually it WILL cause your game to crash. Your game will also immediately crash if you attempt to exit a vehicle after knocking "yourself" off more than one motorcycle.

    Contributed by: REVOLVERDREW 

  3. Codes

    Enter these as your character's name to enable the cheat:

    Effect Effect
    heart of gold 10x Point Multiplier
    hate machine 10x Point Multiplier
    itcouldbeyou 9,999,999 points
    satanlives 99 lives
    nineinarow All Levels
    super well All levels and Cities
    itsgallus All stages
    iamnotgarypenn Disable Massive Cursing
    iamgarypenn Enable Massive Cursing
    buckfast, then press * Get 99 ammo for all guns
    iamthelaw No police
    stevesmates No Police presence
    porkcharsui Once pressing c in game, you can see damage, speed etc of your current car in the game
    suckmyrocket Start with all weapons and power-ups
    6031769 Unlimited Lives
    itstantrum Unlimited Lives

    Contributed by: Vincento, XxXSoviet_Russi, Wretched_Motorc, BlackhawkX, DeltaF0rCe, zeldawrocks, Sabith 

  4. Debug Mode

    As your player's name, type in porkcharsui to enable debug mode. Here are the controls:

    Effect Effect
    Home Default View
    2 (Num Pad) Move screen down
    4 (Num Pad) Move screen left
    6 (Num Pad) Move screen right
    8 (Num Pad) Move screen up
    R Refresh Screen
    F12 Restart Level
    D screenshot
    C Status
    L Zoom in
    [ Zoom in
    K Zoom out
    ] Zoom out

    Contributed by: Vincento 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides Commands and Codes by Xandoidao 2K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Pituco 107K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by GRipley 95K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by RWhite 163K
In-Depth Guides Liberty City Mission Guide by RWhite 30K
In-Depth Guides San Andreas Mission Guide by RWhite 29K
In-Depth Guides Vehicles FAQ by CGorman 36K

Grand Theft Auto Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Go under/through fences

    Whenever you come to an impassable fence in the game, drive a large vehicle or truck up to it and park close as possible- directly touching it. Now slide under the car (R1 on PlayStation/ Spacebar on PC) toward the fence and you will go through and land on the other side! This also works on Grand Theft Auto London. It can be used to quickly get back on track if you accidentally got stuck in a fenced area and would be especially useful if you did so on timed missions.

    Contributed by: REVOLVERDREW 

  2. Misc. Cheats

    Enter the following codes at the Name Entry screen:

    Effect Effect
    EXCREMENT 5x Multiplier
    WEYHEY 9,999,990 points
    SATANLIVES 99 Lives
    T H E S H I T All Cheats
    Caprice All Cities
    TURF or CAPRICE or INGLORIOUS All Cities (Part 1 and 2)
    URGE All cities up to Vice City (Part 1)
    HANGTHEDJ All Cities, All Weapons, 99 Lives, Jail Card and 5x Multiplier
    BSTARD All Cities, All Weapons, 99 Lives, Jail Card, 5x Multiplier and Max Wanted level
    MADEMAN or GROOVY All Weapons
    Groovy All Weapons
    PECKINPAH All Weapons, Armor and a Jail Card
    BLOWME Enable Coordinates
    INGLORIOUS Level Select with Extra Options
    FECK Liberty City (Part 1 and 2)
    EATTHIS Max Wanted Level
    CHUFF No Police
    TVTAN San Andreas (Part 1 and 2)
    SKYBABIES San Andreas (Part 1)

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt, Lagunathemoron, kingmarkORIGIN, Warrior2000, falsehead 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Pituco 107K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by GRipley 95K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by RWhite 163K
In-Depth Guides Liberty City Mission Guide by RWhite 30K
In-Depth Guides San Andreas Mission Guide by RWhite 29K
In-Depth Guides Vehicles FAQ by CGorman 36K
Maps and Charts Liberty City/Gangsta Bang Kill Frenzy Map by GTADriver1 63K
Maps and Charts Liberty City/Gangsta Bang Weapon/Item Map by GTADriver1 66K

Grand Theft Auto Cheats For Game Boy Color

  1. See the design team

    Go to the character selection screen, highlight the name Kelly and change it to Sumner. You should unlock pictures of the design team.

    Contributed by: JOEDONBAKINGFOOL8888 

  2. Another way to get all levels

    Name your character LEVELS to get all levels.

    Contributed by: Ryan Rider 

  3. Infinite Ammo

    Name your character FULL to get infinite ammo.

    Contributed by: Phweemaggot 

  4. All Levels

    To unlock all levels in the game put in the code.

    Effect Effect
    Wendy All Levels

    Contributed by: kingmark 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Liberty City Mission Guide by AstroBlue 35K

Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack #1: London, 1969 Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Misc. Cheats

    Enter the following at the Name Entry screen:

    Effect Effect
    SIDEBURN 5x Multiplier
    BIGBEN 9,999,990 Points
    MCVICAR 99 Lives
    HAROLDHAND All Cheats
    Razzle All Levels
    READERWIFE All Levels
    FREEMANS All levels, all weapons, infinite ammunition, Get Out Of Jail Free card, armor, 5X multiplier
    GETCARTER All levels, all weapons, infinite ammunition, Get out of jail free card, armor, 99 lives, 5X multiplier, maximum wanted level, display co-ordinates
    SORTED All levels, and all weapons and unlimited ammunition
    DONTMESS All Weapons and a Jail Card
    TOOLEDUP Infinite Weapons, Armor and a Get Out of Jail Free card.
    MAYFAIR London levels 1-2
    PENTHOUSE London levels 1-3
    OLDBILL Maximum Wanted Level
    GRASS No Cops
    SWEENEY Show Coordinates

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt, KasketDarkfyre, Gregs, awinterstale18, zombo1987, Warrior2000 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by GRipley 36K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by RWhite 46K

Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack #1: London, 1969 Cheats For PC

  1. Password Cheats

    Rename your character to these passwords

    Effect Effect
    iamgod 10x Multiplier and All Weapons (Press *)
    flashmotor All levels unlocked
    super well All levels unlocked
    travelcard All levels unlocked
    rommel Debug mode
    6661970 Infinitive lives
    pieandmash Infinitive Lives (Press * for all weapons)
    driveby Lets you fire your gun out of the window of your car
    psychadelic Lets you use the horn to change the color of your car
    averyrichman Maximum Points (999999999)
    herc Maximum Ponts, all weapons (Press *) All levels, Drive-by (Press Weapon when in car to fire weapon while driving)
    iamfilth No Cops
    tithead No Cops
    asawindow Press * on the NUMPAD for all weapons
    deathtoall Press * on the NUMPAD for all weapons
    uaintnuffin Some items and All weapons with infinite ammo
    silence Turn police radio off

    Contributed by: jimfish, MrSmiles888, freakunique 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by GRipley 36K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by RWhite 46K
In-Depth FAQs London 1961 Guide by ACarr 26K

Grand Theft Auto: Director's Cut Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Misc. Cheats

    Enter the following in the Player Name field:

    Effect Effect
    SIDEBURN 5x Multiplier (GTAL 69)
    SATANLIVES 99 Lives (GTA)
    MCVICAR 99 Lives (GTAL 69)
    WEYHEY 999,999,990 points (GTA)
    BIGBEN 999,999,990 points (GTAL 69)
    T-H-E-S-H-I-T All Cheats (GTA)
    HAROLDHAND All Levels, Weapons, Ammo, No Cops, Armor, Coordinates 9,999,990 points and 99 lives
    DONTMESS All Weapons and a Jail Card (GTAL 69)
    MADEMAN All Weapons in the Current Level
    GROOVY All Weapons In the Game
    OLDBILL Maximum Wanted Level (GTAL 69)
    GRASS No Cops (GTAL 69)
    SWEENEY Show Coordinates (GTAL 69)

    Contributed by: NES4EVER, SethS 

  2. Player Name Code.

    Enter the following player names to enable the corresponding cheat features.

    Note: You can use multiple names in one game. Enter and accept a code, then go to "Rename" and enter another code. Do this as many times as you want to.

    Effect Effect
    EXCREMENT 5x multiplier.
    WUGGLES or BLOWME Display coordinates.
    SKYBABIES Level select.
    EATTHIS Set the wanted level to four.
    TURF or INGLORIOUS or CAPRICE Unlock all citys.
    URGE Unlocks all cities (1 and 2), except Vice City (1 only).
    TVTAN Unlocks Liberty City (1 and 2) and San Andreas City levels.
    FECK Unlocks Liberty City (1 and 2).

    Contributed by: Hydra_Kirby