Cheats & Guides

Guilty Gear Petit 2 Cheats For WonderSwan Color

  1. Alternate colors

    Press any of the Y buttons when selecting a character to get his alternate outfit.

    Contributed by: Shirow 

  2. Character Unlock

    Follow the instructions given.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the golden version of a character in Survival Mode. Guilty Gear versions of characters.
    Play Survival Mode and beat GGMay when she shows up Play as GGMay
    GGMay will show up after GGMillia in Survival Mode. Beat her and you'll be able to play with her in any mode. Unlock GGMay

    Contributed by: Keith Valentine, Shirow 

  3. Unlock GGKy

    Follow the instructions below.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    GGKy shows up after GGSol in Survival Mode. Beat him to unlock him. Unlock GGKy

    Contributed by: Shirow 

  4. Unlock GGMillia

    Beat GGMillia in Survival Mode to unlock her. She usually shows up at around round 20.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat GGMillia in Survival Mode to unlock her. She usually shows up at around round 20. Unlock GGMillia

    Contributed by: Shirow 

  5. Unlock GGSol

    GGSol will show up after GGMay in Survival Mode. Beat him and you'll be able to play as this awesome character in any mode.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    GGSol will show up after GGMay in Survival Mode. Beat him and you'll be able to play as him. Unlock GGSol

    Contributed by: Shirow 

  6. Unlocking GGZato1!

    To unlock GGZato1 play survival until he shows up, then beat him!

    Unlockable Unlockable
    play survival until he shows up, then beat him Unlock GGZato1

    Contributed by: Keith Valentine 

  7. Unlock Testament

    First beat story mode with every normal character. Unlock 2 GG characters and beat story mode with these. Testament becomes selectable after you have beaten him the second time.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    First beat story mode with every normal character. Unlock 2 GG characters and beat story mode with these. Testament becomes selectable after you have beaten him the second time. Unlock Testament

    Contributed by: Shirow 

  8. Unlocking GGJAM!

    To unlock GGJam play survival until she shows up, then beat her!

    Unlockable Unlockable
    To unlock GGJam play survival until she shows up, then beat her! Unlocking GGJAM!

    Contributed by: Keith Valentine 

  9. Passwords from GGX+ for GGP2

    Follow the instructions below.

    Effect Effect
    BLACKMAS Unlocks all colors for all characters (Press Start+ [A, Y1, Y2, Y3, or Y4]) and adds Tension (ON for always max tension, OFF for normal tension) to Game Options Menu
    ADROPOUT Unlocks Gallery in Game Data in Options
    KDOKBNZY Unlocks GGMillia, GGMay, GGSol, and GGKy

    Contributed by: bungiefan 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by KingZora 13K
In-Depth FAQs Combo FAQ by GSimeonov 5K