Cheats & Guides
Harvest Moon: Skytree Village Cheats For 3DS
Easy money in first days
In the first few days Rowan wants you to grow cabbage and Dean wants you to grow Daisy's they each give you four Rowan when you talk to Sam and Dean when you talk to him well you can store or plant these seeds and once they are out of your inventory they will give you 4 more you can save them up or once you've completed the cabbage request you can start to sell them to Sam but beware that once you've completed both requests they won't give them to you for free anymore 4 margarites sell for 134 gold so if you keep grabbing them for free you can make a hefty profit in the start of the game
Contributed by: Shadowmudd
Unlimited Cabbage Seed in early game
In early game, when an NPC called Sam, the merchant appear for the first time, try talking to him. Instead of talking with him, Rowan the Yellow sprite will pop-up and ask if you lost your seeds, and then he will gives you Cabbage Seeds 4x and dissapeared. Go to the field and plant them. You can repeat this method over and over before 5:00 AM in the next day.
I suggest that you till all the soil first in the field, before do this, so you will safe lot's of times.Contributed by: d_mad
Unlimited Marguerite Seed in early game
In early game, when two NPC called Carol and her son, Dean, the florist appear for the first time, try talking to them. And after a cutscene with them, try talk to Dean and he will gives you Marguerite Seeds 4x. Go to the field and plant them. You can repeat this method over and over before 5:00 AM in the next day. And on the sidenote, the location of Dean stand and whereabouts is changed every time we come to the village, so be sure to take this note and stimulate the time.
Same like Cabbage seed trick, I suggest that you till all the soil first in the field, before do this, so you will safe lot's of times.Contributed by: d_mad
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