Cheats & Guides

Haunted Hotel: Personal Nightmare Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Finish the Secret Room once All Secrets Revealed!
    Finish five HOPs without any hints Better When I Found
    Solve five mini-games without skipping Good Tempo
    Finish a HOP in 60 seconds Hurry Up!
    Find 10 objects in 10 seconds I See All
    Finish three HOPs without any hints I See, I Take
    Solve a mini-game in 60 seconds Just a Second!
    Solve all mini-games without skipping Made it All
    Finish a HOP in more than 10 minutes No Need to Rush
    Solve three mini-games without skipping Not a Bad Start
    Finish 10 HOPs without any hints Nothing Stays Hidden
    Find three objects in three seconds On the Surface
    Finish all HOPs without any hints Peerless Pursuit
    Find five objects in five seconds Poorly Hidden
    Solve 10 mini-games without skipping The Row

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff