Cheats & Guides

Hidden Expedition: Dawn of Prosperity Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Watch the entire credits Art of the Game
    Collect all fact cards Fact Card Collector
    Collect all hidden globes Globe-trotter
    Collect all morphing objects Morphing Master
    Finish a HOP without using a hint in 60 seconds Perfection (1)
    Finish two HOPs without using a hint in 60 seconds Perfection (2)
    Finish three HOPs without using a hint in 60 seconds Perfection (3)
    Complete a HOP without any mistakes Precision
    Solve a mini-game without skipping Puzzler (1)
    Solve two mini-games without skipping Puzzler (2)
    Solve three mini-games without skipping Puzzler (3)
    Solve a mini-game in under two minutes Quick Mind (1)
    Solve a mini-game in under one minute Quick Mind (2)
    Solve a mini-game in under 30 seconds Quick Mind (3)
    Get all gold medals in HOPs in the Extras section Rank Chaser!
    Find 100 hidden objects in HOPs Seeker (1)
    Find 150 hidden objects in HOPs Seeker (2)
    Find 200 hidden objects in HOPs Seeker (3)
    Collect every souvenir Supreme Achiever
    Use fast travel via the map one time Swift Feet
    Find four objects in eight seconds Ultimate Eye (1)
    Find five objects in eight seconds Ultimate Eye (2)
    Find six objects in eight seconds Ultimate Eye (3)

    Contributed by: Mildew_Wolf