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Hot Shots Shorties Cheats For PSP
Coins and how to unlock
Unlockable you play both books repeatedly, you will get it randomly Books Random Win Boxing boxer, sometimes a challenger will show up and if you defeating him will be able to use him as a player character. Furthermore, if the challenger who Boxing 2P sucking up coins that randomly appear in the room Cleanup Recover Unlocks Credits in the options menu Completing the game 100% Random Crazy Pharma When you shoot down the helicopter that appears, pick it up at random! Diorama Battle If you score more than 100,000 in Diorama Battle, you will receive the title of "God of Destruction"! In addition, ·The outfit is a rabbit costume (la Diorama Battle Rabbit When you hit a home run, you have little chance of getting out. Home Run Random Karate If you start by pressing the L button, you can also select a character female the same Farmer crazy Press L Complete Race Mode 100 in less than 1 minute Racing Random Soccer Random Take out and clean Hit the character with the coin that appears and win a pie Throwing a pie obtained by defeating the pumpkin enemies that appear randomly Vegetable Cut Contributed by: Edward22
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