Huxley Official Trailer 1
Don't miss out on this breathtaking trailer for Huxley.
Don't miss out on this breathtaking trailer for Huxley.
This lengthy movie shows how the environments in Huxley are crafted.
Take a more detailed look at Huxley in this interactive demo for this forthcoming game.
Check out this stunning footage of Huxley.
Check out the first footage of Huxley in this trailer.
Seoul-based subsidiary established to provide better support to local Unreal Engine licensees.
We get our hands on this long-awaited online shooter at E3 2009.
Webzen and NHN now taking applications to test long-in-the-making MMOFPS.
Beta signups for two upcoming online games have started. Huxley: The Dystopia beta signups have started at the official Huxley site. Perfect World International, publisher of Perfect World and Ether ...
SAN FRANCISCO--GDC 2009 is in full swing, and plenty of games are on display, like NHN's long-in-development, Unreal-powered, free-to-play, massively multiplayer, online, futuristic, sci-fi, has-guns-and-vehicles action game Huxley: The Dystopia. ...
SAN FRANCISCO--GDC 2009 is in full swing, and plenty of games are on display, like NHN's long-in-development, Unreal-powered, free-to-play, massively multiplayer, online, futuristic, sci-fi, has-guns-and-vehicles action game Huxley: The Dystopia. ...
NHN distributing PC edition of Webzen's long-awaited MMOFPS in North America, Europe later this year; publisher also has first-look deal for 360 version.
We take a guided tour of this Unreal-powered massively multiplayer shooter.
Korea-based game operator/publisher will place ads in upcoming titles, Huxley and APB.
Journalists from 37 North American publications meld minds to vote on best of E3 2006; Gears of War, Nintendo lead pack. Winners announced next week.
This cutting-edge massively multiplayer online first-person shooter is taking aim at the PC and Xbox 360.
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