Cheats & Guides

Hyper 3-D Pinball Cheats For Saturn

  1. Dev Team Notes (JP Version Only)

    If you look through the game's files, you'll come across TILT_ABS.TXT, TILT_BIB.TXT, and TILT_CPY.TXT. All three contain very brief listings or a copyright notice from NMS Software Ltd.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Hyper 3-D Pinball Cheats For PC

  1. Cheats

    After you start a new game hit [ESC], type KERMIT, hit [ENTER], and then [ESC] again to activate the codes.

    Effect Effect
    JOSHUAJEIN Can't tilt the table
    PICKUPBALL Choose position of the ball
    ALOADOFBALLS Get 98 balls
    EXTRABALL Get an extra ball
    KICKBACK Perminate ball save

    Contributed by: Biospark3