Cheats & Guides
Infinity Blade Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Bloodline -1
Restart from Bloodline 1. During the Tutorial, lose to the Dark Knight and select Save and Restart Castle. You will be on Bloodline -1 and will also be able to buy Dark Mech gear.
Contributed by: bgolf
By completing certain objectives in the game, you'll unlock special awards and titles.
Unlockable Reach Bloodline -10 "Delved Too Deeply" Acquire 1,000,000 gold pieces. 1 million dollars! Perform 50 Parries. A Reed in the Wind Get the final ending of the game. All good things... Perform a Combo Attack. All Right, Little Man Dodge 100 times. Artful Dodger Complete 5 Bloodlines. Back In My Day Increase your inventory by at least 50 items. Bag of Holding Block 100 attacks. Brick Wall Block 10 attacks. Cinderblock Win 10 matches in Arena Multiplayer Contender Reach level 5. Ding! Win a battle without dodging or blocking Don't back down Perform 10 Parries. En Garde! Perform 1,000 Parries. Epic! Survive 20 Arena rounds in Survivor mode Eye of the tiger Perform a five-hit combo. Fists of Fury Perform a four-hit combo. Four on the Floor Perform 5 Stab Attacks. Full of Holes Acquire 25,000 gold pieces. Hardly Working Reach level 45 Higher and higher Reach Bloodline -1 How'd you do that Master an inventory item. If Ya Got It, Use It Defeat an enemy without taking any damage. Inconceivable! Kill the God King with Ruin (the weakest sword) Insult to Injury Master 50 inventory items. Intimately Familiar Acquire 100,000 gold pieces. Its Own Reward Open 100 treasure chests. Jackpot! Master any inventory item twice. Keeps on giving Win 100 matches in Arena Multiplayer as a Titan Knight destroyer Fight ten enemies in a single playthrough. Last One Standing Reach level 100 Level un-capped Reach level 20. Like Dustin' Crops Perform 100 Stab Attacks. Like Swiss Cheese Master 10 inventory items. Master of Disaster Defeat all the Deathless. Master your domain Defeat an enemy in under 60 seconds. Minuteman Increase your inventory to at least 100 items. My preciouses Start a new game plus. New game plus Perform 50 Super Attacks. No, THIS Is Sparta Get the alternate ending in the game(select God King during battle with him) Not in Kansas Defeat the God-King. Now Stay Down! Perform 50 Combo Attacks. Now THIS Happens Purchase an inventory item. Only What Ya See Open 5 treasure chests. Payday! Win a battle without swinging your sword. Pen is mightier Complete 5 matches in Arena Multiplayer Playing with friends Complete 1 Bloodline. Prodigal Son Dodge 10 times. Roger Dodger Complete 2 Bloodlines. Skips a Generation Survive 5 Arena rounds in Survivor mode Survivor Perform 200 Combo Attacks. The Bigger They Are Perform 1,000 Combo Attacks. The Harder They Fall Reach level 10. There Is No Try Complete 20 Bloodlines. This Is On A Phone! Win 100 matches in Arena Multiplayer as a Knight Titan destroyer Do each type of Combo in the same battle. Variety is the Spice Perform a Super Attack. Warriors Only Find all world treasures in a play-through. Waste Not Want Not Increase your inventory by at least 10 items. Well-Equipped Cast a magic spell. Wizard! Acquire 1,000 gold pieces. Working Hard Perform 200 Parries. You Got the Touch Cast 100 magic spells. You Shall Not Pass! Contributed by: psu256, gamer2882, discoinferno84, psxsquall, wolf564, dakario85
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