Cheats & Guides

Initial D: Arcade Stage Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Special matches

    After you win all the 16 racers you will have to fight Takumi Fujiwara on the last course, if you win him, you will have a free match to race against Bunta (Takumi's Father) in Akina.

    Contributed by: Takumi Fujiwara 

  2. Race in the Dark

    To race in the complete dark, simply hold the start button when you are in a night race for about 5 seconds and your car's light will be turned off! Really cool effects!

    Contributed by: DarkWoofer 

  3. Getting the normal course for customization

    In ver.2, when choosing the options for customization, you can pick up the ''normal'' one instead of A, B, C or D.

    Just steer to the left at most and wait for a few seconds until the ''normal'' one shows up.

    Contributed by: soujiro 

  4. Getting Bunta's Subaru Impreza WRX (Type R)

    At the car selection screen (when purchasing a new card), highlight ''Subaru''. Shift Down, Shift Down, Shift Up, Shift Up, Shift Down, Shift Up, Shift Down, Shift Up, hold down the brakes, and press View change. You should hear the sound of an engine to confirm the code. Select ''Subaru'' and go all the way to the right, to find that Bunta's Impreza has been unlocked.

    Contributed by: P Dilla 

  5. Unlock Bunta's Subaru Impreza WRX Type R (Version 3 only)

    Shift upwards 6 times, then shift down twice then hold brake and press view change. (Enter at automaker selection screen)

    Contributed by: phillipinoboi 

  6. Unlocking Bunta and Takumi in Ver. 2

    Note: this is for VERSION 2 only.
    You need to be able to beat the first 24 opponents in Ver. 2, and then Takumi if you want to race against Bunta.

    Once you race Bunta for the first time, the credits will roll after the race, whether you win or lose. The opponents will then reset, with a star next to each course. You will then be allowed to race everybody again on Dry, including Bunta.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    You need to beat Takumi on Expert II. You will then be given a free race against Bunta on Akina, and, after you win or lose, the credits will roll. Bunta
    To race against Takumi, beat the first 24 opponents first. He should become available to race against on Irohazaka. Takumi

    Contributed by: VictorAu168 

  7. Unlock Keisuke, Takumi and Bunta in Ver. 3

    Unlock Bunta on Akina and Keisuke + Takumi on the last map.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Defeat Takumi after unlocking him on Tuchi (Note: This is a free match) Bunta on Akina
    Defeat all 28 racers on all map to unlock Keisuke Keisuke on Tuchi
    Defeat Keisuke after unlocking him on Tuchi Takumi on Tuchi

    Contributed by: LaserSpy 

  8. How to Unlock Irohazaka Uphill in Ver. 2

    Originally, you can only race on Irohazaka Downhill. You can race on Irohazaka Uphill, however, by following these simple steps.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    To unlock Irohazaka Uphill, beat Takumi on Irohazaka after unlocking him. After you race Bunta (after Takumi), Irohazaka Uphill will be unlocked. Irohazaka Uphill

    Contributed by: VictorAu168 

  9. Unlock The GC8V(Bunta's Car) in Ver 3.

    Effect Effect
    At the car selection screen press shift up 6X, shift down 2X, brake, view change The GC8V(Bunta's Car) in Ver 3

    Contributed by: lAmEr 

  10. Trun off Boost When Mulitplayer

    Effect Effect
    When You Are Racing against a human player, both hold the brake before the race starts Turns boost off

    Contributed by: linkinpark27 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by ViperMask and GrAyEeWoLf 89K
General FAQs FAQ by ChaiThai 149K
General FAQs FAQ by MajinGoten 102K
In-Depth FAQs Rankings Guide by BobAndGeorge 13K
In-Depth FAQs Reference Guide by obake no akina 36K