Cheats & Guides

Jurassic Park Builder Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Google Play Achievements

    This title has a total of 122 Google Play Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    You have hatched the Acrocanthosaurus. Acrocanthosaurus
    You now have the Aepycamelus. Aepycamelus
    You have hatched the Albertosaurus. Albertosaurus
    You have hatched the Allosaurus. Allosaurus
    You have hatched the Amargasaurus. Amargasaurus
    You now have the Amebelodon. Amebelodon
    You have hatched the Ammonite. Ammonite
    You now have the Amphicyon. Amphicyon
    You now have the Andrewsarchus. Andrewsarchus
    You have hatched the Ankylosaurus. Ankylosaurus
    You now have the Anomalocaris. Anomalocaris
    You have hatched the Archelon. Archelon
    You now have the Arsinoitherium. Arsinoitherium
    You now have the Baculites. Baculites
    You have hatched the Bananogmius. Bananogmius
    You have hatched the Baryonyx. Baryonyx
    You have hatched the Basilosaurus. Basilosaurus
    You have hatched the Brachiosaurus. Brachiosaurus
    You have hatched the Brontosaurus. Brontosaurus
    You have hatched the Camarasaurus. Camarasaurus
    You have hatched the Carnotaurus. Carnotaurus
    You have hatched the Ceratosaurus. Ceratosaurus
    You now have the Chalicotherium. Chalicotherium
    You have hatched the Colossal Squid. Colossal Squid
    You have hatched the Compsognathus. Compsognathus
    You now have the Coryphodon. Coryphodon
    You have hatched the Corythosaurus. Corythosaurus
    You now have the Daeodon. Daeodon
    You have hatched the Dakosaurus. Dakosaurus
    You now have the Deinosuchus. Deinosuchus
    You now have the Diprotodon. Diprotodon
    You now have the Dodo. Dodo
    You now have the Doedicurus. Doedicurus
    You now have the Dolichorhynchops. Dolichorhynchops
    Reach All-Star League in Tournament Mode. Don't stop me now
    You have hatched the Dryosaurus. Dryosaurus
    You have hatched the Dunkleosteus. Dunkleosteus
    You have hatched the Edmontosaurus. Edmontosaurus
    You have hatched the Elasmosaurus. Elasmosaurus
    You now have the Elasmotherium. Elasmotherium
    You now have the Enchodus. Enchodus
    You now have the Entelodon. Entelodon
    You now have the Eremotherium. Eremotherium
    You have hatched the Velociraptor. Fast and Furious
    You have hatched the Gallimimus. Gallimimus
    You now have the Gastornis. Gastornis
    You have hatched the Geosaurus. Geosaurus
    You now have the Giganotosaurus. Giganotosaurus
    You now have the Gigantopithecus. Gigantopithecus
    You now have the Gillicus. Gillicus
    You have hatched the Dilophosaurus. Good start
    You have hatched the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Hail to the King
    You have hatched the Hainosaurus. Hainosaurus
    You have hatched the Helicoprion. Helicoprion
    You have hatched the Henodus. Henodus
    You now have the Hyaenodon. Hyaenodon
    You now have the Hybodus. Hybodus
    You have hatched the Iguanodon. Iguanodon
    You now have the Indricotherium. Indricotherium
    You have hatched the Pteranodon. Is it a bird?
    You have hatched the Pterodactylus. Is it a plane?
    You now have the Kaprosuchus. Kaprosuchus
    You now have the Kelenken. Kelenken
    You now have the Koolasuchus. Koolasuchus
    You have hatched the Kronosaurus. Kronosaurus
    You have hatched the Leedsichthys. Leedsichthys
    You have hatched the Leptocleidus. Leptocleidus
    You have hatched the Leviathan. Leviathan
    You now have the Macrauchenia. Macrauchenia
    You now have the Marsupial Lion. Marsupial Lion
    You now have the Mastodon. Mastodon
    You have hatched the Mauisaurus. Mauisaurus
    You now have the Megalania Megalania
    You now have the Megaloceros. Megaloceros
    You have hatched the Megalodon. Megalodon
    You now have the Megistotherium. Megistotherium
    You now have the Meiolania. Meiolania
    You now have the Metriorhynchus. Metriorhynchus
    You now have the Moeritherium. Moeritherium
    You have hatched the Mosasaurus. Mosasaurus
    You now have the Nasutoceratops. Nasutoceratops
    You now have the Odobenocetops. Odobenocetops
    You have hatched the Ophtalmosaurus. Ophtalmosaurus
    You now have the Orthoceras. Orthoceras
    You have hatched the Ouranosaurus. Ouranosaurus
    You have hatched the Pachycephalosaurus. Pachycephalosaurus
    You have hatched the Pachyrhinosaurus. Pachyrhinosaurus
    You have hatched the Parasaurolophus. Parasaurolophus
    You now have the Peltephilus. Peltephilus
    You have hatched the Platecarpus. Platecarpus
    You now have the Platybelodon. Platybelodon
    You have hatched the Pliosaurus. Pliosaurus
    You now have the Procoptodon. Procoptodon
    You have hatched the Protosphyraena. Protosphyraena
    You have hatched the Psephoderma. Psephoderma
    You now have the Rajasaurus. Rajasaurus
    You now have the Sarkastodon. Sarkastodon
    You have hatched the Carcharodontosaurus. Say it again?
    You have hatched the Sea Scorpion. Sea Scorpion
    You have hatched the Shonisaurus. Shonisaurus
    You now have the Shunosaurus. Shunosaurus
    You now have the Smilodon. Smilodon
    You have hatched the Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus
    You have hatched the Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus
    You have hatched the Styxosaurus. Styxosaurus
    You now have the Suchomimus. Suchomimus
    You now have the Synthetoceras. Synthetoceras
    You now have the Tapejara. Tapejara
    You now have the Terror Bird. Terror Bird
    You now have the Thylacosmilus. Thylacosmilus
    You now have the Titanoboa. Titanoboa
    You have hatched the Torosaurus. Torosaurus
    You have hatched the Trinacromerum. Trinacromerum
    You have hatched the Troodon. Troodon
    You have hatched the Tuojiangosaurus. Tuojiangosaurus
    You have hatched the Tylosaurus. Tylosaurus
    You now have the Unintatherium. Unintatherium
    Reach and win the level 10 Battle. Veteran battler
    This lovely Triceratops will show you the way. Welcome to Jurassic Park
    You now have the Woolly Mammoth. Woolly Mammoth
    You have hatched the Xiphactinus. Xiphactinus
    You have hatched the Yutyrannus. Yutyrannus

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer