Cheats & Guides

Kamen Rider Kuuga Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Misc. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Obtain all three blue relic cards in the Digital Card mini-game. Play as Dragon
    Complete Challenge Mode Play as Me Garima Ru
    Obtain the Me Garume Re card in the Digital Card mini-game. Play as Me Garume Re
    Obtain all three green relic cards in the Digital Card mini-game. Play as Pegasus
    Obtain all three purple relic cards in the Digital Card mini-game. Play as Titan
    Defeat 50 or more opponents in Survival Mode. Play as Zu Mesaga Da
    Obtain all three yellow relic cards in the Digital Card mini-game. Survival Mode

    Contributed by: ChefGhost 

  2. Unlocked Ultimate Form

    First completed the game, than go the digital card mini game and have all the cards. After that go to the album and you were realize that still have 5 cards is missing. This 5 cards can't got it at the mini game. You needed go to the 2P mode battle and keep winning by 50 rounds. Each 10 rounds you were got 1 Rising Form card. After you get all those 5 cards, than go to the album, you were realize you were get the new extra page(10 page), inside this page all the cards was Ultimate Form, that means you are already have the last form of kuuga.

    2P mode keep winning 30 rounds. Rising Dragon Form card
    2P mode keep winning 50 rounds. Rising Gouram motorcycle card
    2P mode keep winning 40 rounds. Rising Mighty Form card
    2P mode keep winning 20 rounds. Rising Pegasus Form card
    2P mode keep winning 10 rounds. Rising Titan Form card

    Contributed by: Pandola 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Secrets FAQ Secrets FAQ by Heero Yuy 6K