Cheats & Guides
King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame Cheats For PC
In game cheats for King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame (pc)
Once playing the game press CTRL + SHIFT + 1 to open the cheat console and enter the codes below for the desired result. Pressing F1 once the cheat console has been opened will give you a list of possible cheats. "gp" has to be put before the player's name.
Effect Effect GiveFood Adds amount of food to player GiveLady eg GiveLady 5 Adds amount of Lady specified to player 1-10 Artifact Adds or removes an artefact to/from a hero GiveMoney eg GiveMoney 1000000 Adds the amount of money GiveVP Adds victory points to the player GiveVPTreshold Adds vp threshold to the player AddUnitXP4Army Adds XP to the units of the given army. WinBattle Battle / given player wins the battle (assumes 0, the player, if not given) DisableArcheryDamage Disables all archery damage GetSpeed Displays the speed of the given unit in battle (player 0 is the human player) GetStrength Displays three strength value of the given unit EnableArcheryDamage Enables archery damage FinishActiveQuest Finishes active quest (you get no rewards, and this can leave you with an unfinishable game!) ContractPassthroughStatement Forces contract of a passthrough statement between the player and the given ruler ContractPassthroughStatement Forces contract of a passthrough statement between the player and the given ruler GiveFaith eg GiveFaith -20 Gives faith to the player (range of faith / -20 to 20) GiveVirtue eg GiveVirtue 20 Gives virtue to the player (range of virtue / -20 to +20) AddSkill eg AddSkill gpKay curse of shadows 4 Grants a skill to the hero between level 1-4 net Multiplayer only / drops connection or forcing reconnection SendCamera Multiplayer only / send the actual camera position to the peer Chat Multiplayer only / sends a chat message to the peer GivePoints eg GivePoints gpDagonet dagonet mana 4000 Must be in battle / gives hp or mana to the given unit KillAll Must be in battle / kills all units of the player AutoBattleGodMode eg AutoBattleGodMode God Sets god mode in autobattles SetSpeed Sets speed of the given unit type, where unittype is a number, indexing a list of all unit types (??) GiveArmyUnit eg. GiveArmyUnit gpKay summerborn 24 9 Spawns a new unit into the army of the given hero SpawnQuest Strategy map / spawns a quest to the given hexafield (quest names are language dependent) DeclareWarToHuman The given ruler declares war against the player Contributed by: brittjoe777
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