Cheats & Guides

Kingdom of Paradise Cheats For PSP

  1. Loading your endgame save

    After you beat the final boss and get past the final cut-scene and credits, you are given the option to make an endgame save. If you load this savegame, you start a new game, but you get to have all the sword scrolls, equipment and inventory items that you had from your previous game.

    Contributed by: dlord 

  2. Free throw

    If you equip a throwable item (meat, bombs,etc), use it, pause before the item is used, and then unequip your items, it uses it for free
    Alternatively you can just unequip the thrown item and it'll use whatever the next item in your equip menu is

    Contributed by: D4RKC0D3R 

  3. Pure San'yuan Bugei

    To Unlock the Pure San'yuan bugei you must beat the game and save your game after the credits. Once you continue that file you will start over with all of the items you had in your previous game and have the Pure San'yuan kenpu in the Bugei Scrolls section

    Contributed by: Choas_Rules 

  4. Secret Items and Kenpu

    At the title screen, go to download and when you get connected, enter these codes to get certain items.

    Note: Entering these codes are the only ways to get these items

    Effect Effect
    zoeuiss A Genbu 6 dan Bugei
    ydkvcex A Seima Accessory
    ptiuquc Byakko Kenpu 31*
    qucmtkb Kirin Kenpu 31*
    rkjulvj Miracle Sword - Attack +14
    aietmaw Seima Accesory
    jticgek Seima Bracelet
    lfiynvg Seima Ear Ornament
    otkciet Seima Hair Pin
    xktmvut Seima Ring
    kakeiti Seiryu Kenpu 31*
    myuicei Suzaku Kenpu 31*

    Contributed by: Kai424, Choas_Rules, cheetor1980 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by madden_master06 42K
In-Depth Guides City Item/Services FAQ by astrangeone 33K