Cheats & Guides

King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human Cheats For PC

  1. Version number

    Press Alt+V to see the version number.

    Contributed by: nemtan 

  2. Infinite score

    If you attempt to untie Rosella without dealing with the dragon, he'll scorch you both and end your game; however it takes him a few seconds and for some reason you can still enter commands in that time. If you keep repeating ''untie Rosella'', you keep getting points for doing so, up to and past the maximum. Unfortunately as soon as you stop, the dragon will kill you and end your game. :)

    Contributed by: Sashanan 

  3. Get past the Abominable Snowman without spells

    If, while casting spells in other parts of the game, you run out of Rose Essence to fly by the Snowman easily, all is not lost.

    Before climbing up the waterfall at the end of the cliff path, type the phrase LOOK MAP but don't hit [ENTER]. Follow the path and if a message appears stating the Abominable Snowman's presence, press [ENTER]. Push [F8] to stop looking at the map, and the Snowman will likely disappear. If not, hit [ENTER] then quickly press [F3](redo command) and [F8] until he does.

    Contributed by: ASchultz 

  4. Debug Mode Item Obtaining Codes

    Enter Debug Mode and input the "get object" command. Enter one of the following numbers to get its corresponding item.

    Effect Effect
    14 Amber Stone
    40 Bowl
    38 Brass Key
    49 Bread
    34 Cactus
    23 Cat Cookie
    2 Cat Hair
    1 Chicken Feather
    26 Cup & Ocean Water
    3 Dog Hair
    8 Dough in Ears
    9 Eagle Feather
    42 Empty Cup
    29 Empty Jar
    35 Empty Lard Jar
    19 Empty Pouch
    47 Empty Purse
    5 Fish Bone Powder
    22 Fish Oil
    10 Fly Wings
    50 Fruit
    36 Invisibility Ointment
    33 Knife
    32 Lard
    54 Magic Map
    39 Magic Rose Essence
    16 Magic Stone
    37 Magic Wand
    21 Mandrake Root
    43 Mirror
    15 Mistletoe
    51 Mutton
    17 Nightshade Juice
    25 Poisened Porridge
    24 Porridge
    48 Purse & Gold Coins
    12 Rose Essence
    11 Saffron
    13 Salt
    52 Shovel
    20 Sleep Powder
    4 Snakeskin
    41 Spoon
    27 Spoonful of Mud
    30 Storm Brew
    6 Thimble
    7 Thimble & Dew
    18 Three Acorns
    31 Toad Spittle
    28 Toadstool Powder
    53 Treasure Chest

    Contributed by: Pleinair 

  5. Debug Mode

    During play, press Alt and D and the version number will be displayed, your X/Y coordinates on the current screen will be shown, and several debug commands will be unlocked. The commands will only be unlocked for the current screen you are on.

    Effect Effect
    set var Assign new value to chosen variable
    position Change your current X/Y coordinates on current screen
    bye bye wizard Eliminates the wizard
    sleep wizard Forces the wizard to go to sleep
    gimme gimme Obtain several game items (but not all)
    get object Prompts you to select an object to obtain
    reset flag Resets chosen flag
    set flag Sets chosen flag
    show flag Shows chosen flag
    show var Shows chosen variable
    wizard status Shows various info on your slavedriver
    tp Teleport

    Contributed by: Pleinair 

  6. Debug Mode Room Numbers

    Enter Debug Mode and input the "tp" command. Enter one of the following numbers to teleport its corresponding location.

    71 Daventry - Castle entrance
    73 Daventry - Castle hallway
    62 Daventry - Cave staircase 1
    63 Daventry - Cave staircase 2
    64 Daventry - Cave staircase 3
    61 Daventry - Cave staircase entrance base of cliff
    67 Daventry - Cave staircase entrance top of cliff
    65 Daventry - Clouds top of cliff
    66 Daventry - Dragon top of cliff
    72 Daventry - East of castle entrance
    69 Daventry - Gnome's house
    74 Daventry - Throne room
    68 Daventry - Well
    22 Llewdor - Acorn tree
    17 Llewdor - Boulders 1
    12 Llewdor - Boulders 2
    16 Llewdor - Desert 1
    21 Llewdor - Desert 2
    26 Llewdor - Desert 3
    11 Llewdor - Desert 4
    32 Llewdor - Endless desert
    31 Llewdor - Endless ocean
    27 Llewdor - Hollow stump
    35 Llewdor - Inside hole of acrorn tree
    36 Llewdor - Inside oracle's cave
    39 Llewdor - Inside store
    40 Llewdor - Inside tavern
    38 Llewdor - Inside thieve's hideout
    41 Llewdor - Inside three bear's house 1
    42 Llewdor - Inside three bear's house 2
    18 Llewdor - Main path 1
    23 Llewdor - Main path 2
    29 Llewdor - Mistletoe
    30 Llewdor - Ocean cliffs 1
    15 Llewdor - Ocean cliffs 2
    34 Llewdor - Outside Manannan house
    14 Llewdor - Outside oracle cave
    37 Llewdor - Outside thieve's hideout
    28 Llewdor - Outside three bear's house
    33 Llewdor - Path south Manannan house
    25 Llewdor - Pier 1
    75 Llewdor - Pier 2
    76 Llewdor - Pier 3
    19 Llewdor - South of oracle cave
    20 Llewdor - Stream to ocean
    24 Llewdor - Town
    13 Llewdor - Waterfall
    8 Manannan house - Dining room
    6 Manannan house - Kitchen
    10 Manannan house - Laboratory
    7 Manannan house - Main entry
    2 Manannan house - Manannan bedroom
    9 Manannan house - Staircase to laboratory
    5 Manannan house - Study
    1 Manannan house - Tower
    3 Manannan house - Upstairs hallway
    4 Manannan house - Upstairs hallway/Alexander room
    44 Misc - logic XX not found
    47 Misc - logic XX not found
    88 Misc - logic XX not found
    90 Misc - logic XX not found
    91 Misc - logic XX not found
    89 Misc - Looking at magic map
    43 Misc - Looking at spell book
    92 Misc - Manannan status
    45 Misc - Opening screen teleport to main entry
    46 Misc - Outside Manannan house teleport to main entry
    94 Misc - Pier 2 with pirate ship
    93 Misc - Respawn in main entryway
    77 Misc - Ship sailing
    70 Misc - Ship sinking from storm
    87 Misc - Storm
    48 Mountain Path - Desert island 1
    49 Mountain Path - Desert island 2
    60 Mountain Path - Inside abominable snowman cave
    57 Mountain Path - Mountain caves
    52 Mountain Path - Mountain path 1
    53 Mountain Path - Mountain path 2
    58 Mountain Path - Mountain path 3
    59 Mountain Path - Mountain path 4
    50 Mountain Path - Path at base of mountain 1
    51 Mountain Path - Path at base of mountain 2
    54 Mountain Path - Snowy mountain path 1
    55 Mountain Path - Snowy mountain path 2 (outside abominable snowman cave)
    56 Mountain Path - Snowy mountain path 3
    82 Pirate ship - Aft deck
    84 Pirate ship - Below lower deck
    83 Pirate ship - Captain's cabin/rope ladder
    85 Pirate ship - Cargo hold 1
    86 Pirate ship - Cargo hold 2
    79 Pirate ship - Galley
    81 Pirate ship - Lower deck
    78 Pirate ship - On ladder near top of mast
    80 Pirate ship - Upper deck

    Contributed by: patlarryzybisco 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ASchultz 29K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by THayes 49K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by odino 23K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by InterranKitten 119K
Full Game Guides Solution by TKroon 5K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by Tricky 46K
Maps and Charts Endgame Map by ASchultz 6K
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by LafferLarry 91K
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by ASchultz 16K

King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human Cheats For Amiga

  1. Debug Mode

    Hold [Alt] and press D. Release both keys and press [Enter] twice to enable debug mode. Type get object and press [Enter]. Enter a number at the "Object Number" prompt to receive an item. To teleport, type tp after enabling debug mode. Enter a number at the prompt to travel to the corresponding location.

    Contributed by: Bodobodot 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by odino 23K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by Tricky 46K
Maps and Charts Endgame Map by ASchultz 6K
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by LafferLarry 91K
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by ASchultz 16K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by odino 23K
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by LafferLarry 91K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by odino 23K
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by LafferLarry 91K

King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human Cheats For Tandy Color Computer

  1. Debug Commands

    Type in ALT+D or FAST TALK to enable Debug Mode, then these commands to use its features. Any active features are turned off when you enter a new room.

    POSITION Change Gwydion's X and Y positions.
    DO CHORE Completes Gwydion's current chore.
    Press F8 (Version 1.01) Display memory use info.
    Press ALT+M (Versions 2.00 and up) Display memory use info.
    Press F6 (Version 1.01) Display priority settings for current room.
    Press ALT+P (Versions 2.00 and up) Display priority settings for current room.
    SHOW VAR Displays a variable's value.
    SHOW POSITION Displays Gywdion's X and Y positions.
    SP Displays Gywdion's X and Y positions.
    SHOW FLAG Displays info on a flag.
    SF Displays info on a flag.
    WIZARD STATUS Displays stats for Manannan.
    AREA Displays the current room ID.
    ALT+D Enable Debug Mode.
    FAST TALK Enable Debug Mode.
    GIMME GIMME Puts all items (except for those gotten via spellcrafting) in your inventory.
    SET UP SPELL Puts all items (except for those gotten via spellcrafting) in your inventory.
    GIMME SPELL Puts every spellcrafting component into the your inventory.
    SLEEP WIZARD Puts Manannan to sleep.
    GET OBJECT Puts the appropriate object by ID in the your inventory.
    SET UP MOUNTAIN Puts you into "End-Game" mode at Daventry, with all needed items.
    SET UP BOAT Puts you into the pirate ship part of the game, with all needed items.
    RESET FLAG Resets flag.
    SET VAR Sets a chosen variable to a given value.
    SET FLAG Sets a flag.
    SET PRIORITY Sets Gwydion's priority variable.
    RELEASE PRIORITY Sets Gywdion's priority variable to 0.
    OBJECT Shows current status of the appropriate object.
    FIND Shows the current status (X, Y, Priority, Stepsize) on the player object.
    TP Teleport to necessary room.
    HERE WIZARD Teleports Manannan to the current room.
    Press Scroll Lock Toggles AGI engine's trace debugger. Press Enter to advance 1 line.
    BYE BYE WIZARD Turns Manannan into a cat.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Maps and Charts Llewdor Map by LafferLarry 91K

King's Quest III Redux Cheats For PC

  1. Access debug menu

    Create a new file Awards.025 in the game directory. Open it in a Hex editor and type the following:

    1D 00 00 00 30 7A 55 31 34 33 36 4B 43 59 73 71 74 70 6A 41 72 6F 77 68 42 65 78 44 4D 4C 37 47 00.

    Press F10 during the game to access the debug menu.

    Contributed by: segbh