Cheats & Guides
Lamborghini American Challenge Cheats For Game Boy
Unlock All Stages and Have $999,999
Go to the password screen, hover over the rightmost character, and set it to "F". Now, hold B+Select and press Up - you'll notice that the letter is now "G" instead of "0" (zero) as normal. Release all buttons. You can press Up further to increment as far in the alphabet as "Z", but for this cheat set it to "X" and then press A or B. The password will be accepted (and a high-pitched glitchy whine sound effect plays); all stages are unlocked and you have $999,999 money.
Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Passwords for Jenny
Effect Effect 298810F3A84CC30060 New York and Miami beaten 2988A7F3A84CC100F6 New York beaten 298829F3A84CC7007D New York, Miami and Memphis beaten 298AD7F3A84CC70432 New York, Miami, Memphis and Chicago beaten 2988FDF3A853C784DE New York, Miami, Memphis, Chicago and Boston beaten, obtained Speed Up 1 Contributed by: steamliner88
Lamborghini American Challenge Cheats For Super Nintendo
Shooting Mode
Plug a Super Scope into your Super Nintendo and turn on the game. This will bring you to a new game mode in which you control your car with the Super Scope and can shoot down your opposition while racing.
Contributed by: Not Dave
Effect Effect At the main menu press Down, B, X All Tracks At the main menu press Left, X, A Drive Without Paying Contributed by: Gamer7048
Effect Effect WDJCFBRPRLJBWFDL Get all the car parts, the Cabrio car, and $4.8 million JFKBBBBBBBBBBJFK Start With 6 Million Contributed by: Gamer7048, FByies
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