Cheats & Guides

LBX: Little Battlers eXperience Cheats For 3DS

  1. New Game +

    To unlock NG+,you first have to beat the game (obviously). Then,when save the game when the game asks you to.A message will then appear say "Try this password :" the password to obtain NG+ will appear in the message.If you forget it,don't worry,because you will also get a message from Phantom J reminding you what the password is,but it's a better idea to write it down somewhere.

    WARNING: When starting NG+ all of you LBX parts unequipped will converted into Battle points.

    Contributed by: Akesan 

  2. Extra Sets and Weapons (EU Region)

    As with the above, enter these codes at MeTaMo (the Save Points) and these items will be added to Navarro's shop inventory. Does not work in the NTSC version.

    CRU5H1N9 Bulldozer [Set]
    84DDW07F Fenrir [Set]
    W17DC4RD Harlequin [Set]
    5UNCR0W5 Jiraiya [Set] + Crow Sword (Yatagarasu) [Wep]
    477F4D3R Odin [Set]
    3V17880X Pandora [Set]
    1C3QU33N White Empress [Set] + Annihilator [Wep]
    JU5T1C33 Xenon [Set]
    1MP3R147 Yellow Emperor [Set]
    377833X3 Yellow G-Lex [Set]

    Contributed by: AyanamiRei, reg_ninja, DukeZero 

  3. Princess M

    Enter these codes at MeTaMo (Save location) and these items will now be purchasable at Navarro's.

    H3eL8L0k HG Achilles Lance & Shield [Wep]
    4Im5H007 HG AMB Rifle [Wep]
    4x3grIND HG Battle-Ax [Wep]
    Fir3ClaW HG Burn Knuckles [Wep]
    Cu7ab0v3 HG Destroy-blade [Wep]
    D3M0NiZ3 HG Heaven's Edge & Nemesis Shield [Wep]
    kICk8u77 HG Hope Stilettos [Wep]
    PiNp0in7 HG Huntsman Rifle [Wep]
    4rmu53lf HG In-bit Arms [Wep]
    LazrdaGr HG Kodachi [Wep]
    dUaLp0k3 HG Retaliator [Wep]
    d0miNat3 HG Rifle of Doom [Wep]
    GunGuard HG Scattergun & Riot Shield [Wep]
    HaMm3r3d HG Titania [Wep]
    8igs7iCK HG Xenon Halberd [Wep]
    HIghn3$$ NG Sapphire Queen [Set]
    tr0jaN$P NGKaz Trooper SP [Set]
    IGHdsKko Princess M [Set]
    H331P41n TG Achilles [Set]
    80w57aff TG AX-00 [Set]
    d3M0Li$h TG Destroyer [Set]
    ChaiN$aW TG Destroyer Z [Set]
    INCharg3 TG Emperor [Set]
    w0LFGUnr TG Fenrir [Set]
    r0805aUr TG G-Lex [Set]
    j0k30nm3 TG Harlequin [Set]
    marKsd0g TG Hunter [Set]
    NInJa807 TG Jiraiya [Set] & Yatagarasu Sword [Wep]
    kuNaI807 TG Kunoichi [Set]
    8aDDr3am TG Nightmare [Set]
    alFa7H3r TG Odin [Set]
    op3nD80x TG Pandora [Set]
    hoLyh3Ir TG White Empress [Set] & Annihilator [Wep]
    DrkniGH7 TG Xenon [Set]

    Contributed by: cedflame, bluuangel004, iZallen, DragonLord150, Pyrogoeth, Vlad15, M-san