Cheats & Guides

Legend of the Red Dragon Cheats For BBS Door

  1. Easter Egg Poem

    When the game begins, at the Main Menu, type ''S'' instead of one of the options to get a hidden poem.

    Contributed by: hand of g0d 

  2. Cheats

    At the start of the game, if you are ''In High Spirits'' you can enter in some cheat codes.

    1. Walk into the forest.
    2. DO NOT enter any other commands.
    3. Type ''Jennie''
    4. If done correctly you will be asked to describe her.
    5. Enter the code you want:

    Effect Effect
    COOL 1 Charm Point
    DUNG Become a frog
    BABE Extra forest fight
    SEXY Extra user fight
    FOXY Get a gem
    UGLY Get kicked from the game and lose 2 hp
    LADY Gold (your level x 1000 gp)
    FAIR/STAR Nothing
    HOTT Your current HP increases by 15%

    Contributed by: StingX2, hand of g0d 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Vaejas 76K
In-Depth FAQs Hints and Tips by Anonymous 11K
In-Depth FAQs Hints and Tips by DStavens 12K
In-Depth FAQs Secrets Guide by T4HDeath 15K