Quick Look: Lichdom: Battlemage
Watch extended gameplay footage from Lichdom: Battlemage featuring the Giant Bomb crew.
Watch extended gameplay footage from Lichdom: Battlemage featuring the Giant Bomb crew.
This week on The Lobby we have an interview for Lichdom: Battlemage, talk digital pigskin in Madden NFL 15, and get crazy in inFamous First Light! All this plus the ...
Watch as we take down one of the early game mini bosses in Lichdom: Battlemage.
Kevin plays Lichdom Battlemage with Michael McMain, the CEO of Xaviant to talk about how the game is challenging, but fair.
Lichdom: Battlemage is now out of Early Access and available in full on Steam.
This week we get InFamous: First Light, Metro Redux, Madden NFL 15, Lichdom: Battlemage and the Season 2 Finale of Walking Dead: No Going Back.
Lichdom: Battlemage is a first person RPG that makes the mage a complete badass. Xaviant games shows off the crafting, boss battles, and more in this demonstration from PAX East.
Kevin plays a powerful magic wielding battlemage, showing off his shield, projectile and AOE spells. Learn how to craft your own unique spells in this clip from The Lobby.
Lichdom: Battlemage is dressed for success with its fluid spellcasting, impressive visuals, and personalized magic.
Kevin takes on demons and cultists on a winter's day.
Kevin drops a powerful spell on a clutter of skeletons.
Danny chats with Michael McMain about life as an overpowered wizard and being a "titanium cannon" instead of the typical glass cannon wizard in most other games.
Michael McMain, CEO and founder of Xaviant, walks us through the latest additions to Lichdom: Battlemage and explains how they've made mages badass.
A look at the many spells you will use in Lichdom: Battlemage for PC.
From the most exciting games to the most interesting moments, GameSpot's editors share their favorite parts of the 2014 E3 conference.
Lichdom: Battlemage is dressed for success with its fluid spellcasting, impressive visuals, and personalized magic.
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