Cheats & Guides

LMA Manager 2002 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Cheat Passwords

    Type any of these words in at the name entry screen to get the cheats.

    Effect Effect
    NO BRAINER All of the tactics are done for you automtically before every game; you don't need to lift a finger.
    WHO WANTS SOME All of your players are psychotic.
    FANTASY All transfers are free of charge.
    QUICK DRY Instant stadium building.
    UMBRELLA It's always raining.
    SUN BURN It's always sunny.
    MUST BE BLIND No bookings.
    AWESOME Perfect player stats.
    HEALING HANDS Players recover from injuries instantly.
    HYPERACTIVE Your players are really fast.
    RUN OF FORM Your team never loses.

    Contributed by: EDDY555 

LMA Manager 2002 Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Various Cheats

    Effect Effect
    MONEY TREE 500 Million
    MIRACLE Accelerate Player Healing
    DIE HARD Agressive players
    TOP NOTCH All players minimum 90% skill
    RAINDROPS Always raining
    POT OF GOLD Follow The Rainbow
    HYPNOTISED Get any player easier
    MIDGET Honey I Shrunk The Team
    FINISHING I Made This Mode
    HIGH BALL Low Gravity Ball
    IN THE DARK No bookings
    HOODOO Open the Credits
    caffeine Quick Players
    ROYGBIV Rainbow Trails
    LAZY BONES Sit Back And Relax
    BOB THE BUILDER Speed Up Stadium Construction
    DREAM ON Win Every Match
    SNOWMAN Winter Sport Mode
    CALIFORNIA You Are My Sunshine

    Contributed by: danny, Kuja The Destructor, lighty691, Mezmorize99, Fei Fong Wong, Yosie, andre_, Sam Hall 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by tranmerefan 45K