Cheats & Guides
Lost Odyssey Cheats For Xbox 360
New game plus
Complete the game once and save after the credit, then choose continue from the save file.
Contributed by: digitalgamer
Tips on killing Diamond Kelolon
Diamond Kelolon has the highest evasion rate of all enemies in the game, and is immune to all forms of magic.
The most reliable way found of killing it so far is:
- Use Ground Bound as quickly as you can.
- Attack the Kelolon with normal hits, either by using normal attacks or Combo/3 Combo. This will make it counterattack you, leading the Kelolon to take 99% HP damage from the Ground Bound, almost guaranteed. It can't die by elemental counter damage, though.
- Have Tolten use Break Hit every turn. For some reason, Tolten seems to have a fairly higher hit rate than any other character when using Break Hit. He can even OHKO Diamond Kelolons by himself, without the help of Ground Bound.
- Sed has the best accuracy of all characters. Have him do normal attacks, he's the one more likely to land a hit.Contributed by: Z_Tetriminos
Rewards for trading seeds to the Pipot.
During your adventures through Lost Odyssey, you may have come across items called "Seeds." You can trade these with Pipots, which are found in pots throughout the game world. Here are the rewards for the number of seeds you give them.
Unlockable Unlockable 20 seeds Adamantis Sword, Adaman Ring 40 seeds Earth Charm 80 seeds Gigan Brooch 99 seeds Pipot Charm 60 seeds Power Bangle Contributed by: Tricked_Out_Horo
Achievement Achievement View all the episodes from A Thousand Years of Dreams. Big Dreamer Met the secret requirement of the Backyard last challenger and won. Champion You defeated Blue Dragon at the Snowfields of the Northernmost Land. Defeated Blue Dragon You defeated Cave Worm at the Forgotten Cave.. Defeated Cave Worm You defeated the Ancient Spirit Magician Fu at the Temple of Enlightenment. Defeated Ghost of Eastern Ruins Deactivated all Royal Seals and defeated Golden Knight. Defeated Golden Knight You defeated Holy Beast at Numara Atoll. Defeated Holy Beast You defeated King Kelolon at Kelolon Village Defeated King Kelolon You defeated Persona at the Old Sorceress' Mansion. Defeated Persona Met the secret requirement of the Backyard Heavy Class battle set and won. Heavy Class Master Meet the secret requirement of the Backyard Light Class battle set and win. Light Class Master Met the secret requirement of the Backyard Middle Class battle set and won. Middle Class Master Achieve Perfect a total of 500 times in battle. No One's This Perfect Complete Disc 2. Out to Sea Achieve Perfect three consecutive times in battle. Perfect Three Assembled a ring using Ring Assembly. Ring Assembler Make an immortal learn a skill from a mortal using Skill Link. Skill Linker Cooke mastered all available skills. Skill Master Cooke Jansen mastered all available skills. Skill Master Jansen Master all of Kaim's skills. Skill Master Kaim Mack mastered all available skills. Skill Master Mack Ming mastered all skills. Skill Master Ming Sarah mastered all skills. Skill Master Sarah Sed mastered all available skills. Skill Master Sed Seth mastered all skills. Skill Master Seth Tolten mastered all available skills. Skill Master Tolten All spells have been obtained. Spell Collector Met the secret requirement of the Backyard Super Heavy Class battle set and won. Super Heavy Class Master Complete Disc 3. Surfacing Complete Disc 1. Survived Inflict a total of more than 1,000,000 damage points. Thanks a Million Unlock the first episode from A Thousand Years of Dreams. The Dreamer Wakes Complete Disc 4. The End Obtain all Treasure Box items in the field. The items you missed may be available at auction houses. Treasure Trove Defeat 1000 enemies in battle. True Warrior Visit all the fields in the world. Well Travelled Contributed by: Willton
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Lost Odyssey: Seeker of the Deep Cheats For Xbox 360
DLC Additional Achievements
To obtain these achievements, you must have purchased the Dungeon Pack: Seeker of the Deep! DLC from the Marketplace.
Unlockable Unlockable Defeated Killalon in Professor K's Dungeon Defeated Killalon (50) Go to Conference Area 10B in Professor K's Dungeon Reached Conference Area 10B (10) Go to Conference Area 15B in Professor K's Dungeon Reached Conference Area 15B (10) Go to Conference Area 20B in Professor K's Dungeon Reached Conference Area 20B (10) Go to Conference Area 25B in Professor K's Dungeon Reached Conference Area 25B (10) Go to Conference Area 5B in Professor K's Dungeon Reached Conference Area 5B (10) Contributed by: OneWittyBritty
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