Cheats & Guides

Mage Gauntlet Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Google Play Achievements

    This title has a total of 86 Google Play Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Defeat 7 enemies with a single charge attack. Then boast about this event to your friends, 7 in One Stroke
    Earn all stars in the Hapsgaff chapters. This includes both Story Mode and Master Mode. You will Alchemist
    Have any targeted damage spell critical. Enjoy the fireworks display! Unless it's Acid Cloud, which Apocacrits
    Earn 15 stars by beating levels, ideally without falling down and with all enemies defeated. Earn Apprentice
    Someone used to live here in the tower with Whitebeard. Whoever it was is long gone, now. Apprentice's Quarters
    Get all possible stars in every chapter, in both Story Mode and Master Mode. This does not include Archmage
    Earn all stars in the Tetramont chapters, both in Story Mode and Master Mode. Make all those Artificer
    Earn all stars in the Arosh chapters, both in Story Mode and Master Mode. Can you flawlessly defeat Augurer
    Bash 100 zombies with the Wooden Staff, in a completely pointless and tedious display. Or use the Beat Em With a Stick
    Destroy a floating eye before it becomes aware of you. A completely overkill spell attack should do Blind Spot
    No indoor roughhousing! Get through the second Tetramont Estate level without destroying any Careful Brawler
    Get through the first Garden level without harming a single plant. Temporarily stifle your impulse Caretaker
    Destroy 50 giant vegetables. Eating gigantic, magically grown vegetables seems like a pretty bad Carnivore
    Crush an enemy by luring it into a Rook's path. Named after the chess move where you throw the Castling
    Did the boards paint this? That guy kind of looks like Arosh. Cave Painting
    Shoot 4 targeted attack spells in 4 seconds. Ideally do this to a massive, dangerous boss monster, Chaos Storm
    Deal with Hurgoth's minions! Fling spells everywhere! Earn 10 Combat Achievements for this Combat Milestone 1
    Blow up the opposition in interesting ways, on your journey towards earning 20 different Combat Combat Milestone 2
    Get all 30 Combat Achievements. For this one you'll have to do all the weird achievements that are Combat Milestone 3
    Make your own combo! Special attack charge into an enemy within a second after slashing it. Combo
    Urrrg I want a new spell, but the spell urn is so far away. Better just break it with another Convenience
    Defeat a Drudge Lightning Shaman with a lightning blast, at the same time it is also shooting a Crossed the Streams
    Defeat a single, low level enemy with an expensive targeted attack spell. Have your servants feed Decadence
    Take down a Red Demon with sword attacks, only, no damaging spells. You don't need such tricks for Demon Hunter
    Cultists pray to their dark evil masters here, for guidance and lashings. Demon Shrine
    Read 3 journal entries or books in Story Mode. We expect you to do this by accident, as you attempt Diary Shopper
    Show respect for the dead in the third Crypt level by not destroying any coffins. Go ahead and Don't Disturb the Dead
    I hate signs! They're so bossy! Destroy 20 of them. Don't Tell Me What to Do
    Cast 2 frost shard spells within 2 seconds of each other, in opposite directions. There's little Dual Wielding
    Environment Achievements generally involve smashing inanimate objects. Get 7 of them for this first Environment Milestone 1
    Get 14 Environment Achievements to prove you share my sentiments in regards to hating inanimate Environment Milestone 2
    I want you... to smash... EVERYTHING. Get all 21 Environment Achievements! Environment Milestone 3
    Hit an already spontaneously combustible orc tent with a fireball spell. Just to show that you mean Eviction Notice
    Discover a single Exploration Achievement. Keep your eye out for secrets! Explorer
    These specimens look expired and lifeless. What was being created here? Eye Tanks
    Get 7 General Achievements, which include milestones and other completionist achievements. They General Milestone 1
    Get 14 General Achievements. The previous General Milestone counts in this, so that's one less General Milestone 2
    Get 21 General Achievements, then get this 22nd General Achievement for free! What a great deal! General Milestone 3
    A curious contraption. It must be what Lady Tetramont uses to animate her golems. Golem Forge
    Defeat 1000 enemies. Seems like a nice, round, arbitrary number. Harbringer of Doom
    On the next episode of Hat hoarders: We reveal that you have a serious hat hoarding problem. Hat Hoarder
    This titanic magical machine appears to pump a strange red fluid throughout the laboratories in the Heart of the Faceless
    Tell the orcs that it's a private forest, no camping. Destroy 15 of their tents. Homewrecker
    Orc tents combust on the slightest touch. Frankly they seem like a horrible form of shelter. Housebreaker
    Knock a Fragile Wailer down with a special attack charge. Better keep attacking when it gets back Humpty Dumpty
    Beat Story Mode. Find the missing wizards. Save the day. Then try Master Mode for a real challenge! Hurgoth Smurgoth
    Smash 10 beds to show that you don't rest until the job is done. I Ain't Sleepy
    Rest in PIECES. Destroy 50 bone piles. It Looked at Me Funny
    Whitebeard must have quite an appetite! Too bad the drudges keep nibbling on all the vegetables. Jumbo Veggies
    Knock down an enemy with your special attack when it attempts to bull charge you. Make sure they're Lock Horns
    Collect the same spell 3 times in a row. I don't want to tell you how to do your job or anything Luck Streak
    Triumph over Master Mode. This might be pretty difficult. Never give up! Mage Master
    Get through a level with at least 40 monsters, while not smashing a single urn. Just run right past Magic Allergy
    When three enemy spells are in flight, cast a spell of your own to nullify all of them at once. A Magic Eater
    So buff! Get a buff spell to double duration, either by stacking a buff spell twice, or simply Maximum Buff
    Destroy 10 green slimes with acid bursts. You don't have to get all 10 with the same spell, but Maximum Strength Solvent
    Defeat 5 midbosses, the bigger and burlier opponents you face, with a single lightning spell. Maximum Zap
    Hey look! I'm a master gardener! (Waving sword around, destroying flowers on 50 separate Me Hate Daisies
    The cultist leader, Harbringer, seems to have put a stop to the enigmatic banished mage's note Mystery Mage
    Destroy 50 inactive Golems or Faceless tanks, preventing the hassle of fighting them later. Nipping It in the Bud
    You were probably going to cut down 100 bushes anyway, due to your hatred of plants. No Rupees Here
    Complete a level with at least 20 monsters, without harming any of them. Run, don't fight! Pacifist
    Lure 3 enemies into being defeated by their allies spells. Take your time, no need to kill all 3 Passive Aggressive
    Hit a stunned enemy just as it's jumping to its feet. This doesn't do any bonus damage, but it Punt
    Fire a targeted attack spell within two seconds of collecting it. You're really quite impatient. Quick Draw
    Get 5 melee critical hits in a row! You might need a Luck spell or some special gear! Rain of Steel
    Those books are probably priceless, but maybe slashing them will make your sword smarter. Destroy Reading is for Nerds
    Destroy two or more spell urns with a single spell. It's just a good business decision, really. Return on Investment
    Defeat 8 boars with a single fireball. Then run across the entire map to tell Arosh, who will give Roasted Boar
    Lady Tetramont appears to be dumping her failed creations in the tunnels here. Ruined Golems
    Discover all 13 Exploration Achievements. 12 of these are in Story Mode, and the last one is found Seeker
    Read all journal entries and books in Story Mode! Don't worry about Master Mode, for now. Shadow Sleuth
    Mushrooms are extremely dangerous when fully grown. Better destroy 100 of them. Shroom Doom
    This gigantic dark iron anvil radiates a foul energy. Sister Anvil
    Hapsgaff's experiments with the local slimes look quite strange, indeed. Slime Laboratory
    Have all three sprite allies at the same time. Summon a Sprite, summon an Inferno, and have the Sprite Family Reunion
    Fight with things in your favor. Have 3 different buff spells on you at the same time. Stack the Odds
    Defeat the Fel Boar and its minions using only your sword, no targeted spells. Just let those Stuck Pig
    Destroy 30 coffins, undoubtedly halting the vampire menace. Take That, Dracula
    The 20th barrel you destroy has a 0.000001% chance to contain an incredible prize. There's Gotta Be Something In Them
    Fail to hit an orc assassin that's dashing past you, twice. This Time For Sure
    Prove that you're the top dog, and all the others are just yappin' dogs. Collect every boss hat. Top Dog
    A massive, faded portrait of a female mage. Wonder where she is now? Vataneba's Portrait
    The warchief is a big orc. Big orcs need a big tent! Warchief Tent
    Defeat an enemy who has at least 30 health in a single sword swing. You might need a bigger sword WHAAAM!
    All these torches are a fire hazard. Better smash apart 30 of them. You Dare Bring Light Into My Lair

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Mage Gauntlet Cheats For Android

  1. Google Play Achievements

    This title has a total of 86 Google Play Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Defeat 7 enemies with a single charge attack. Then boast about this event to your friends, 7 in One Stroke
    Earn all stars in the Hapsgaff chapters. This includes both Story Mode and Master Mode. You will Alchemist
    Have any targeted damage spell critical. Enjoy the fireworks display! Unless it's Acid Cloud, which Apocacrits
    Earn 15 stars by beating levels, ideally without falling down and with all enemies defeated. Earn Apprentice
    Someone used to live here in the tower with Whitebeard. Whoever it was is long gone, now. Apprentice's Quarters
    Get all possible stars in every chapter, in both Story Mode and Master Mode. This does not include Archmage
    Earn all stars in the Tetramont chapters, both in Story Mode and Master Mode. Make all those Artificer
    Earn all stars in the Arosh chapters, both in Story Mode and Master Mode. Can you flawlessly defeat Augurer
    Bash 100 zombies with the Wooden Staff, in a completely pointless and tedious display. Or use the Beat Em With a Stick
    Destroy a floating eye before it becomes aware of you. A completely overkill spell attack should do Blind Spot
    No indoor roughhousing! Get through the second Tetramont Estate level without destroying any Careful Brawler
    Get through the first Garden level without harming a single plant. Temporarily stifle your impulse Caretaker
    Destroy 50 giant vegetables. Eating gigantic, magically grown vegetables seems like a pretty bad Carnivore
    Crush an enemy by luring it into a Rook's path. Named after the chess move where you throw the Castling
    Did the boards paint this? That guy kind of looks like Arosh. Cave Painting
    Shoot 4 targeted attack spells in 4 seconds. Ideally do this to a massive, dangerous boss monster, Chaos Storm
    Deal with Hurgoth's minions! Fling spells everywhere! Earn 10 Combat Achievements for this Combat Milestone 1
    Blow up the opposition in interesting ways, on your journey towards earning 20 different Combat Combat Milestone 2
    Get all 30 Combat Achievements. For this one you'll have to do all the weird achievements that are Combat Milestone 3
    Make your own combo! Special attack charge into an enemy within a second after slashing it. Combo
    Urrrg I want a new spell, but the spell urn is so far away. Better just break it with another Convenience
    Defeat a Drudge Lightning Shaman with a lightning blast, at the same time it is also shooting a Crossed the Streams
    Defeat a single, low level enemy with an expensive targeted attack spell. Have your servants feed Decadence
    Take down a Red Demon with sword attacks, only, no damaging spells. You don't need such tricks for Demon Hunter
    Cultists pray to their dark evil masters here, for guidance and lashings. Demon Shrine
    Read 3 journal entries or books in Story Mode. We expect you to do this by accident, as you attempt Diary Shopper
    Show respect for the dead in the third Crypt level by not destroying any coffins. Go ahead and Don't Disturb the Dead
    I hate signs! They're so bossy! Destroy 20 of them. Don't Tell Me What to Do
    Cast 2 frost shard spells within 2 seconds of each other, in opposite directions. There's little Dual Wielding
    Environment Achievements generally involve smashing inanimate objects. Get 7 of them for this first Environment Milestone 1
    Get 14 Environment Achievements to prove you share my sentiments in regards to hating inanimate Environment Milestone 2
    I want you... to smash... EVERYTHING. Get all 21 Environment Achievements! Environment Milestone 3
    Hit an already spontaneously combustible orc tent with a fireball spell. Just to show that you mean Eviction Notice
    Discover a single Exploration Achievement. Keep your eye out for secrets! Explorer
    These specimens look expired and lifeless. What was being created here? Eye Tanks
    Get 7 General Achievements, which include milestones and other completionist achievements. They General Milestone 1
    Get 14 General Achievements. The previous General Milestone counts in this, so that's one less General Milestone 2
    Get 21 General Achievements, then get this 22nd General Achievement for free! What a great deal! General Milestone 3
    A curious contraption. It must be what Lady Tetramont uses to animate her golems. Golem Forge
    Defeat 1000 enemies. Seems like a nice, round, arbitrary number. Harbringer of Doom
    On the next episode of Hat hoarders: We reveal that you have a serious hat hoarding problem. Hat Hoarder
    This titanic magical machine appears to pump a strange red fluid throughout the laboratories in the Heart of the Faceless
    Tell the orcs that it's a private forest, no camping. Destroy 15 of their tents. Homewrecker
    Orc tents combust on the slightest touch. Frankly they seem like a horrible form of shelter. Housebreaker
    Knock a Fragile Wailer down with a special attack charge. Better keep attacking when it gets back Humpty Dumpty
    Beat Story Mode. Find the missing wizards. Save the day. Then try Master Mode for a real challenge! Hurgoth Smurgoth
    Smash 10 beds to show that you don't rest until the job is done. I Ain't Sleepy
    Rest in PIECES. Destroy 50 bone piles. It Looked at Me Funny
    Whitebeard must have quite an appetite! Too bad the drudges keep nibbling on all the vegetables. Jumbo Veggies
    Knock down an enemy with your special attack when it attempts to bull charge you. Make sure they're Lock Horns
    Collect the same spell 3 times in a row. I don't want to tell you how to do your job or anything Luck Streak
    Triumph over Master Mode. This might be pretty difficult. Never give up! Mage Master
    Get through a level with at least 40 monsters, while not smashing a single urn. Just run right past Magic Allergy
    When three enemy spells are in flight, cast a spell of your own to nullify all of them at once. A Magic Eater
    So buff! Get a buff spell to double duration, either by stacking a buff spell twice, or simply Maximum Buff
    Destroy 10 green slimes with acid bursts. You don't have to get all 10 with the same spell, but Maximum Strength Solvent
    Defeat 5 midbosses, the bigger and burlier opponents you face, with a single lightning spell. Maximum Zap
    Hey look! I'm a master gardener! (Waving sword around, destroying flowers on 50 separate Me Hate Daisies
    The cultist leader, Harbringer, seems to have put a stop to the enigmatic banished mage's note Mystery Mage
    Destroy 50 inactive Golems or Faceless tanks, preventing the hassle of fighting them later. Nipping It in the Bud
    You were probably going to cut down 100 bushes anyway, due to your hatred of plants. No Rupees Here
    Complete a level with at least 20 monsters, without harming any of them. Run, don't fight! Pacifist
    Lure 3 enemies into being defeated by their allies spells. Take your time, no need to kill all 3 Passive Aggressive
    Hit a stunned enemy just as it's jumping to its feet. This doesn't do any bonus damage, but it Punt
    Fire a targeted attack spell within two seconds of collecting it. You're really quite impatient. Quick Draw
    Get 5 melee critical hits in a row! You might need a Luck spell or some special gear! Rain of Steel
    Those books are probably priceless, but maybe slashing them will make your sword smarter. Destroy Reading is for Nerds
    Destroy two or more spell urns with a single spell. It's just a good business decision, really. Return on Investment
    Defeat 8 boars with a single fireball. Then run across the entire map to tell Arosh, who will give Roasted Boar
    Lady Tetramont appears to be dumping her failed creations in the tunnels here. Ruined Golems
    Discover all 13 Exploration Achievements. 12 of these are in Story Mode, and the last one is found Seeker
    Read all journal entries and books in Story Mode! Don't worry about Master Mode, for now. Shadow Sleuth
    Mushrooms are extremely dangerous when fully grown. Better destroy 100 of them. Shroom Doom
    This gigantic dark iron anvil radiates a foul energy. Sister Anvil
    Hapsgaff's experiments with the local slimes look quite strange, indeed. Slime Laboratory
    Have all three sprite allies at the same time. Summon a Sprite, summon an Inferno, and have the Sprite Family Reunion
    Fight with things in your favor. Have 3 different buff spells on you at the same time. Stack the Odds
    Defeat the Fel Boar and its minions using only your sword, no targeted spells. Just let those Stuck Pig
    Destroy 30 coffins, undoubtedly halting the vampire menace. Take That, Dracula
    The 20th barrel you destroy has a 0.000001% chance to contain an incredible prize. There's Gotta Be Something In Them
    Fail to hit an orc assassin that's dashing past you, twice. This Time For Sure
    Prove that you're the top dog, and all the others are just yappin' dogs. Collect every boss hat. Top Dog
    A massive, faded portrait of a female mage. Wonder where she is now? Vataneba's Portrait
    The warchief is a big orc. Big orcs need a big tent! Warchief Tent
    Defeat an enemy who has at least 30 health in a single sword swing. You might need a bigger sword WHAAAM!
    All these torches are a fire hazard. Better smash apart 30 of them. You Dare Bring Light Into My Lair

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer