Cheats & Guides
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome Cheats For PlayStation 2
Special game over ending - Overlord Prinny
Overlord Prinny rules the universe - Lose to Battleship Yoshitsuna (Baal) in his event battle.
Contributed by: Donlanai
Hidden playable characters
Secret characters or special battles may be unlocked through Zeta's wish system. Your lead character must have reached a specific level and accumulated enough mana to make the wish appear as a choice. After a wish has been made, you must defeat enemies in the special bonus dungeon that you have unlocked.
Unlockable Unlockable Defeat both Salome and Alec in stage 8-6. Alex Lv 1000, 100000 mana. Wish "Challenge the next protagonist." Defeat Asagi. Asagi Lv 200, 9000 mana. Wish "Fight against Babylon." Available in chapters 2-8. Defeat Babylon. Babylon Lv 300, 20000 mana. Wish "Fight strongest person in game." Defeat Baal. Battleship Yoshitsuna Lv 100, 5000 mana. Wish "Fight with hero." Defeat Castile. Castile Lv 80, 4000 mana. Wish "Fight ally of justice." Defeat Flonne, Etna, Laharl. Etna Lv 70, 3000 mana. Wish "See the ending." Defeat Flonne, Etna, Laharl. Flonne Lv 120, 5500 mana. Wish "Defeat Dark King." Available in chapter 6, >2 new game+. Defeat Dark King. King Drake Lv 150, 6000 mana. Wish Fight Overlord of Past. Winning subsequent fights with Laharl as wishmaker/leader may trigger bad endings. Laharl Kill >50 allies before chapter 9. Defeat Pram. Pram Lv 10, 1000 mana. Wish "Make a Prinny." Kill a prinny in regular battle. Prinny Lv 200, 30000 mana. Wish "Want strongest robot." Defeat robosuit. Robosuit Lv 180, 8000 mana. Wish "Fight with Salome." Available in chapter 5. Defeat Salome. Salome Lv 160, 7000 mana. Wish "Fight against Cider." Available in chapters 3-8. Defeat Cider. Seedle Lv 250, 10000 mana. Wish "Fight against Valvolga." Available in chapters 1-8. Defeat Valvolga. Valvolga Lv 300, 15000 mana. Wish "Fight with the strongest demon in space." Defeat Lv 2000 Zeta. Zeta Contributed by: Rose4256
Unlockable Endings
How to get the different endings:
Unlockable Unlockable Clear 8-6 & have Salome die, then beat Alex Alexander - Bad Ending Clear 8-6 & have Salome die, then lose to Alex Alexander - Bad Ending 2 Clear 8-6 with Salome surviving & Clear last stage with 49 or less ally kills Good Ending Clear 8-6 with Salome surviving & Clear last stage with 50 or more ally kills. Beat Pram. Pram - Bad Ending Clear 8-6 with Salome surviving & Clear last stage with 50 or more ally kills. Lose to Pram. Pram - Bad Ending 2 Wish to fight Salome in chapter 5, then beat her. Salome - Bad ending Wish "I want to beat the strongest", Lose to Zetta. Note: With Laharl in lead, there are 2 different cutscenes for winning & losing(Total of 3 scenes) Zetta - Bad Ending Contributed by: lugia46, thesweetkissinb
New Classes Unlockable
Raise your characters to these levels:
Unlockable Unlockable Witch, Cleric, and Merchant above level 20 Archer M. Sword Master & Cook Lv. 50, Mechanic Lv. 20 Berserker Thief, M. Magician, Medic above Level 20 Cook Available at the beginning of chapter 3 Female Infantry Lvl 10 F. Warrior & Lvl 10 F. Infantry Female Swordsman Available at the beginning of chapter 3 Male Infantry Lvl 10 M. Warrior & Lvl 10 M. Infantry Male Swordsman Available at the start of Chapter 4. Mechanic Available at the beginning of chapter 3 Medic F. Sword Master & Archer Lv. 50, Professor Lv. 20 Officer Available at the start of Chapter 4. Professor Contributed by: kaumi108
New Monster Classes To Unlock
Unlockable Unlockable Mana Sphere, Forsaken One, and Dark Stalker at level 30. Death Vampire and Death at level 50. Devil 1 Gobbler and Guardian at level 50. Devil 2 Carrot Dude, Pump Kin, Apple Kid and Corn Guy at Level 10. Gobbler Gardener and Iron Golem at level 20. Guardian Mimic and Idol at level 20. Heaven's Bliss Heaven's Bliss at level 50 Thunder God Hell Kitty and Bombster at level 20. Vampire Contributed by: Sixth Ghost, Joseph_Lavode
Special Game Over Ending
This special game over doesn't start a new game cycle. Instead of getting the "Game Over" message after losing, you will see a special sequence with Zetta and Etna.
Unlockable Unlockable Lose to Etna in her event dungeon. Etna's takeover. Contributed by: BlackLotus
Unlocking Monster classes (US & PAL)
Unlockable Unlockable Carrot series & Pumpkin series & Apple series & Corn series, all lvl 10 Gourmet Olga Vampire & Spectre, both lvl 50 Lesser Demon Mimic (Box monster) & Idol - both at lvl 20 Lucky Doll Gourmet Olga & Scrap Metal, both lvl 50 Muscle Demon Wood doll & Tin doll - both at lvl 20 Scrap Metal (Metal Titan) Big Eye (eye series) & Shadow series & Tar man (Protean Mud series), all at lvl 30 Specter (Ghost) Lucky doll - lvl 50 Thunder Demon Cat series & Bombster - both at lvl 20 Vampire Contributed by: lugia46
Special game over ending
Special Game Over Ending
This special game over doesn't start a new game cycle. Instead of getting the "Game Over" message after losing, you will see a special sequence with Zetta, Laharl, Etna and FlonneUnlockable Unlockable Lose to Laharl in his event Dungeon Laharl's attack Contributed by: thesweetkissinb
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Elaine V. | 377K |
In-Depth FAQs | Class Skill Guide by Offkorn | 98K |
In-Depth FAQs | Ending Guide by Ramash | 11K |
In-Depth FAQs | Game Script by Pleinair | 341K |
In-Depth FAQs | Item Skill FAQ by BlackLotus | 29K |
In-Depth FAQs | Special Boss/Postgame FAQ by WickedOne64 | 37K |
In-Depth FAQs | Translation Guide by MCantrell | 13K |
Maps and Charts | Weapons Compatibility Chart by noypi_gjd | 50K |
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